Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2195: Manke's last move

Chapter 2195 Manke's last move

Chapter 2194 Manke's Last Move

Contrary to the noisy scene outside, Ding Hao in the training room was still quiet, sitting cross-legged in front of the boulder.

He has been sitting here for fifteen years!

"It has been six years since the last condensation failure!"

In the past six years, Ding Hao's internal world has shrunk from the peak million kilometers, and then shrunk to about 10,000 kilometers.

And in the center of the world in his body, the haze of colorful haze appeared even more dazzling.

"It's time to condense for the second time!"

Ding Hao closed his eyes, and concentrated all his mental power on the world inside his body, and looked at the embryonic form of his fascination with all his attention!

Compared with the first condensation, Ding Hao's heart is not so eager to succeed, instead, he has restored the calm and normal heart of the past!

"I have chosen this exercise, and I will continue to practice hard. It doesn't matter if I fail, I will continue to practice, continue to make breakthroughs, and continue to condense!"

Thinking of this, Lei Yin rolled in Ding Hao's mind.

"Break through!"

Success often comes quietly in an accident!

Ding Hao was ready to fail, but he did not expect that the second condensate would succeed!


Ding Hao's internal world was once again crazily opened by the powerful blasting force. This time the volume of the internal world was instantly expanded to more than one million kilometers! And the most important thing is that when the coagulation is successful, such a huge body world will slowly be fixed and will not shrink again!

Ding Hao lowered his head again and watched the rudimentary form of the law.

Now it is not a mist of seven colors, but a mass of matter that looks like a liquid and also looks like a solid!

"This is my face?"

Ding Hao closed his eyes and felt it with his thoughts, and his heart moved greatly with this induction.

"My Faxiang changes with my will, and it can become anything!"

I saw that group of seven-colored matter in the center of the void, turning into Ding Hao's face and then turning into Ding Hao's whole body. Ding Hao's thoughts moved again, and this mass of matter completely dissipated in the air!

"This is the state of law, it can be changed into any form, even into an empty form!"

Ding Hao’s eyes shot surprises, "The fascinating form becomes an empty form. This is simply the highest level of cultivation! The loud sound is very loud, the elephant is invisible! My fascinating form can be cultivated to an invisible state, that is already the highest state. That's it! For this "Golden Body Technique and Phase Pattern" exercise, my state is the best state!"

Ding Hao has made a breakthrough in his cultivation, and he has a great heart, and he is full of confidence in his practice!

"The first stage of cultivation, achieve the goal!"


Ding Hao practiced for 15 years before leaving the customs, which made his friends look forward to it very much.

"Ding Hao, fifteen years! I have practiced in retreat twice. The most powerful three-life war wolf can deal with flying cloud beasts. It is easy to be one enemy and four! I don't know if you can now. What is an enemy?"

Under the gaze of everyone's expectations, Ding Hao's performance after leaving the customs was not so exaggerated.

Ding Hao's first battle, with one enemy and two, was very reluctant!

"No! You have been in retreat for fifteen years, but you only have this effect when you come out?" My friends couldn't believe it.

However, Ding Hao relaxed, "Come slowly!"

Others are anxious for Ding Hao, but Ding Hao himself is not worried at all!

"After the first battle, my confidence is even stronger!"

It turned out that Ding Hao cultivated the Fa-phase, and the Fa-phase focused on meditation, not fighting. So on the surface, the combat effectiveness has not improved by leaps and bounds!

But there is another huge benefit in the cultivation method!

That is, during the battle, the Dhamma will automatically meditate! Automatic practice!

What does it mean?

This means that when Ding Hao is fighting, he will also cultivate at the same time, which means that his golden body will also cultivate strong by itself!

Ding Hao only needs to fight constantly, and his combat effectiveness will continue to rise!

On the fifth day after Ding Hao exited the barrier, he could be one-to-three; on the fifteenth day, he could be one-to-four; two months later he became the strongest of the team, with one-to-five More than the record created by the Three Lives Wolf!

Two months later, Ding Hao's friends were all convinced!

"That's amazing! Ding Hao, you are really amazing!" Lei Xiao praised sincerely, "When you first walked out of the training room, I was still questioning your strength! I said that you can only earn one in 15 years. Enemy two! And now you can achieve one-to-five in only two months! I can see it now, your technique must be very peculiar."

"Yes." Shiluo said, "This should be a technique that gets stronger and stronger as you fight!"

Hearing this, the Three Lives War Wolf shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Sure enough, the world's exercises are different and very bizarre! Our exercises can only advance by leaps and bounds after retreat! But Ding Hao's exercises are capable of fighting. It’s amazing! The more you fight like you, I don’t know what your ultimate limit is!"

"Right, right, right!" Dan Tianfo nodded and said, "Ding Hao, I am really looking forward to being able to do one against several in the future!"

Ding Hao smiled and looked at Ah Heng who was standing not far away eating bifruit snacks, and said, "This world is too bizarre, and the strong are like clouds! Actually I am really nothing! Don't say that I am now one against five. Even if it is one to ten, it is still very weak for some strong people!"

Lei Xiao and the others laughed and said, "Then you have too high a demand for yourself! It is already very good with one enemy to ten, and the flying cloud beast is also very strong. Few of us cultivators can. Do it!"

Ding Hao smiled and said, "I have seen one enemy with one hundred!"

"How is it possible!" Everyone thought it was a joke, and didn't take it seriously.

With the increase of Ding Hao's strength, the number of cloud beasts they hunted can now increase to 30 to 35!

As long as there are less than 35 flying cloud beast teams, they can do their best to kill them all!

With this speed, more and more biscuits are obtained, and everyone's hands gradually become richer.


"What? Can Ding Hao's strength be one enemy five?"

Most of the current cultivators come to the sky to kill flying cloud beasts, and Manke is no exception!

He has always been concerned about Ding Hao's news, and sent people to watch Ding Hao's ranking regularly in the league world to speculate on Ding Hao's strength!

In the previous fifteen years, Ding Hao's ranking remained motionless, which made him very satisfied.

However, recently, Ding Hao's ranking has been continuously advancing, and the number of cloud beasts that have been beheaded has also increased.

"Dear friends, help me pay attention, where are Ding Hao's activities recently?"

A sullen smile appeared on Manke’s face, “Ding Hao, I wanted to harass you to break through, but you avoided it! Now you are getting stronger and stronger. If you enter the middle stage of the True God Realm, there will be no me. What's the matter!"

After much inquiries, I finally knew Ding Hao's position.

Ding Hao and the others use a huge Star Nest, which is so huge and has been transformed by an astonishing amount of Lan Di Pu, so it is very eye-catching. Where Ding Hao goes, there will be practitioners paying attention.

"Ding Hao, here I am!"

In the "Yunhai Biguo" area, cultivators are prohibited from fighting with each other.

Therefore, even if different teams have some contradictions with each other, it is impossible to develop into a battle, and the defense between each other is not so strong!

"You are not allowed to fight, are you? Then I will give you a good blow!"

Manke found near the area where Ding Hao and the others were active, and began to attract an astonishing number of flying cloud beasts!

Although thousands of cultivators came to the sky to kill flying cloud beasts, there were also some flying cloud beasts that the cultivators did not dare to easily provoke them.

That is a huge group of flying cloud beasts!

This kind of super large group of flying cloud beasts usually has more than one thousand flocks, and the flying cloud beasts among them are larger and more ferocious than the ordinary flying cloud beasts! Therefore, when seeing such a huge flying cloud beast team, the cultivators dodge one after another for fear of avoiding it!

Manke was looking for this area, and he was lucky, and he really found a group for him!

"It's really a super huge flying cloud beast group! Fight it!"

Manke gritted his teeth and rushed over. This behavior of attracting beasts is quite dangerous. It is very likely that it did not attract a large number of flying cloud beasts, but was surrounded by the opponent with nowhere to escape. The result is likely to leave the beast den or even die!

"It doesn't matter, this is my only chance!"


Ding Hao and his friends are facing a group of flying cloud beasts, fighting with all their strength.

He now deals with the five flying cloud beasts, and he has already seemed quite relaxed, "It's so cool! During the battle, my Dharma image automatically meditates and automatically cultivates the golden body! My golden body has become stronger, and the combat effectiveness has also developed by leaps and bounds. I don’t know what will happen if the golden body reaches its peak in the future?"

"Ding Hao, you are too good!" Lei Xiao and the others were convinced of Ding Hao. He himself had not solved the opponent with one enemy and three. Ding Hao's battle was about to end with one enemy and five. It seems that Ding Hao will soon be able to reach The strength of one enemy six.

"This is nothing. You have never seen a truly powerful person." Ding Hao laughed, and solved the five flying cloud beasts, picking up the five fallen berries.

But at this moment, the flying cloud beasts that the Three Lives War Wolf and the others were dealing with suddenly screamed violently at the same time, and the resistance became more intense!

"What's the situation? Why are these flying cloud beasts suddenly excited?"

In the midst of everyone's doubts, Ding Hao received a message from Fat Insect, "Master, it's not good, there are nearly 3000 flying cloud beasts trapping you in the center!"

"What?" Ding Hao was dumbfounded, and hurriedly shouted, "Three Lives War Wolf, Lei Xiao, don't fight! Hurry up to the Star Nest and prepare to escape!"

Although their current strength has improved a lot, if they are trapped in the center by thousands of flying cloud beasts, that would be a dead end!

"Come!" Ding Hao and the others quickly resolved the battle in their hands and escaped into the Star Nest.


Using the eyes of the ancient beasts, I quickly saw densely packed flying cloud beasts, an astonishing number!

"There are more than three thousand, someone is continuously attracting flying cloud beasts here!"

"My God, is this crazy, what should I do?" Lei Xiao and their faces were pale.

(End of this chapter)

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