Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2202: Occupy the forest

Chapter 2202 Occupying the Forest

Chapter 2201

"Sure enough, he is a disciple of the Ninth Mountain Lord, amazing! It's amazing!"

It was discovered that Ding Hao caused the most damage, and all the members of Prince Xiao's team re-examined the young fairy in front of him!

Xiao Xiao's eyes were deep, staring at Ding Hao's back, his eyes were gloomy.

This was his huge mistake, and it was a joke to him. He was not the one who hurt the most, and what made him even more embarrassed was that he did not find a strong like Ding Hao, and made the four members of his team make a fool of himself.

"Ding Hao, you are too much!" Xiao Xiao's eyes were full of anger. He thought that the culprit was Ding Hao, the kid deliberately not coming out, which made his team embarrassed!

At this moment, the ground was shaking not far away, and the roar of the beast came again.

"There is also a giant cloud beast!" Everyone's expressions moved, and then they remembered that there was a giant cloud beast nearby.

"Captain..." Aotian walked up and asked in a low voice, "They have passed, should we take action?"

Obviously, after what happened just now, several members of their team have hesitated and doubted about their own strength.

"Of course we have to take action!" A gluttonous face appeared on Xiao's face. "If we were to give up the site to them, how shameless it would be?"

"But..." the spirit python came out and said, "Ding Hao, the attacking power is too strong, and he has a pair of extraordinary weapons in his hands. If we shoot again, the result is likely to be the same as before!"

"Really?" Xiao Xiao laughed, and when he lifted his wrist, a huge green fruit appeared in his hand.

"What? Captain, you want to..." Several people present looked at Xiao Xiao in surprise.

"That's right." Xiao nodded and said, "In order to win back this face, in order to win back this territory, we must do our best! I take a biguo to increase my strength crazily, and then we go to fight They grabbed it! I don't believe it, under the blessing of Biguo's power, would I not be as bad as Ding Hao?"

Listening to what Xiao Xiao said, Aotian and Ling Python also took out a huge bifruit at the same time, ready to take it.

Prince Yang stepped out and reminded, "Everyone, you can use Biguo to increase your attack power. Are others fools? They can also take Biguo to improve themselves! In the end, when you waste Biguo, you will lose face again. !"

"Impossible!" Xiao Xiao coldly snorted, "Biguo is also different. We all have giant biguo, and the effect is stronger! And they only got a giant biguo and gave it back to that girl, absolutely no one Take it!"

With that said, Owl opened his mouth wide, and completely squeezed this huge Piguo into his mouth!

Just like him, Aotian and Lingnan all stuffed Piguo into his mouth.

Yang smiled bitterly, "Why is this! Even if you get this berry, it costs three berry fruits, which is a big loss!"

"We are also happy if we lose too much. We must fight back for the face we lost!" Xiao snorted and waved his hand. "Shoot! Take this giant cloud beast back to me! This mountain forest belongs to us, and we must never let it go. They stand still!"

Suddenly the ten members of the owl squad rushed forward.

"Ding Hao, they are here again!" The Three Lives War Wolf and the others had already begun to besieged this giant cloud beast, but they did not expect Xiao and the others to rush over again.

Seventeen powerful men began to attack this giant cloud beast again, and everyone took full action this time, all kinds of attacks, all madly smashed on this cloud beast's body.

Boom boom boom!

Lights and shadows of various colors bombarded wildly in the mountains and forests. Although this cloud beast had a huge figure, it could only waile continuously under such a powerful attack. There were huge holes in the body, gray and white. Clouds gush out like a fountain.

"Ding Hao, things are wrong this time!" Lei Xiao said to Ding Hao, "Xiao's attack power this time is much stronger than last time! This is not the combat power he should have, he should have taken a biguo! And it should be! Still the biggest kind of biscuits!"

Shi Luo also said, "Aotian and Ling Python are too strong, and they are likely to take Biguo!"

"They're crazy!" Dan Tianfo said, "Killing this giant cloud beast only drops a biguo! Isn't it stupid that they each take a biguo?"

Ding Hao sneered, "They are not stupid, they are going to use huge financial resources to suppress us! We would rather use three biscuits in exchange for one biscuits, and also drive us out of this area!"

"Damn, they are so vicious with their intentions, why don't they let us here?" Sansheng Zhanlang scolded angrily, "These people are too arrogant and overbearing!"

Seeing Ding Hao and the others discussing, although the Xiao Squad members did not speak, they were all bowing their heads and attacking, but the pride and coldness in the eyes were clear.

Xiao Xiao said in his heart, "I will fight with you! You just came here, there are not enough biscuits at all! I will use three to fight one, and I have to drive you all out of here!"

Under their full attack, the giant cloud beast finally had a physical strength, and its huge body banged and sat on the ground.

"Haha! It's going to be over! There will be no accidents this time. The one that caused the most damage must belong to our team!" The python laughed loudly, "Ding Hao, you won't have a good result if you and us grab it!"

"Really?" Ding Hao sneered.

In the current situation, it was indeed the Owl Squad that had the upper hand, and this giant cloud beast was almost finished, it was too late for Ding Hao and the others to make a comeback.

But at this moment, Ding Hao let out a whistle, then turned around and said, "Captain, it's time for you to take action!"

"What? She!" The members of the owl squad looked at the star nest in amazement.

Although Ding Hao and the others called Ah Heng the captain, they didn't take it seriously, because this little girl looked so thin and lacking in combat power at all!

"She doesn't have much strength, it's ridiculous, Ding Hao, you lose in a hurry!" Ling Python sneered loudly.

However, what was oncoming was a quick purple figure!

"Eat me a stick!"

A Heng's figure shot out like an electric light, and came to the sky above the forest. A 10,000-meter long stick emerged from his hand, crashing down from the sky!

"My God!" Xiao Xiao's expression changed greatly, and he called out quickly, "Go back!"

Everyone fled in all directions, only to hear a bang, the ground shook the mountain, and the stick came down, forcibly punching the mountain forest out of a canyon!

In the gorge, everything was squashed, and no grass grew. The giant nebula beast just now had been beaten to pieces and disappeared into the air.

"Oh my God! What kind of offensive power is this?" The ten members of the Xiao Squad were all dumbfounded.

"With this kind of attack power, the cloud beast can't eat his stick!" Aotian has always been very arrogant, but when he saw A Heng's stick, all his arrogance was wiped out.

The python is even more pale, he just said nothing, just to see the little girl is weak and deceiving. But now I know that the most terrifying squad on the opposite side is not Ding Hao, but this little girl, who actually offended such a strong man!

There is no doubt that Ah Heng caused more damage than everyone else in the final blow.

She put away the starry sky pillar, giggled, and landed on the ground. Her little hand picked up the huge bifruit and threw it to Ding Hao, "Give it back!"

Ding Hao picked it up and handed it to Lei Xiao, "I will give it to you first!"

Lei Xiao shook his hand and smiled, "Take this one, and give me the next one! Anyway, from now on, all this mountain forest belongs to us!"

"Not bad!" Everyone in Ding Hao's team laughed, "This mountain forest belongs to us, all the giant cloud beasts belong to us, and the Piguo that is played belongs to us!"

Several people here are celebrating, and the faces of the Xiao Squad are quite ugly.

"Captain..." Aotian secretly said in his heart, this time it was really a loss, the three people took three biguo, but in the end they didn't grab it!

On the other hand, the python's face was uncertain, and he said in his heart, "No, this little girl doesn't know who is sacred?" The strength is so strong, I offend her, it seems a bit troublesome!

Thinking of this, Ling Python quickly took out his Ten Thousand Worlds bracelet, reported the situation to his teacher, and asked about the origin of the little girl.

And Xiao Xiao hadn't awakened from the shock in front of him, Ah Heng's combat effectiveness far exceeded his cognition.

"What kind of combat power is this? It's too scary, how could she be in Ding Hao's team? Why have you never seen her before?"

Just in the midst of Xiao Xiao’s doubts, his face suddenly changed, "Not good!"

At the same time, Aotian's expression changed, "No, I feel that I am about to break through and enter the middle stage of the True God Realm!"

Prince Xiao felt the same way. Their cultivation had already reached the peak of the initial stage of the True God Realm, only one step away from the middle stage! Even speaking, there is only one piece of window paper!

Now they are taking a lot of Biguo to enhance their combat effectiveness, and at the same time they also enhance their abilities in all aspects, and the breakthrough that caused their cultivation base is just in sight!

"I don't want to break through yet!" Prince Owl gritted his teeth.

Both he and Aotian wanted to stay in the "Yunhai Biguo" area for another two hundred years to get enough Biguo, and then enter the "Eternal Relics" area. But now, because of this accident, they are forcing them to break through in a short time!

"Damn it, **** it!" Xiao Xiao looked at Ding Hao and the others resentfully, turned his head and left, looking for a place to retreat and break through!

Aotian also flew away. What they need now is to find a quiet place to retreat, and they can no longer compete with Ding Hao and others.

"Let's go too!" Ling Python sent a message to his teacher, and turned around and left helplessly.

The others in the Xiao team were even more unable to contend with Ding Hao and others, so they only turned and left.

But the peculiar-looking Prince Yang had been paying attention to the starry sky pillar in A Heng's hand. When he saw everyone leaving, he turned his head and gave Ding Hao a fist slightly and said, "Prince Ding Hao, I have a chance to see you again!"

This person made Ding Hao feel free, and Ding Hao also clasped his fists slightly.

When they walked clean, cheers broke out, "Haha! This mountain forest belongs to us, we are going to send it!"

I recommend the "City Peach Luck Younger" written by the hot pot brother, it is worth seeing.

(End of this chapter)

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