Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2204: Super defense

Chapter 2204 Super Defense

Chapter 2203 Super Defensive Power

"What a crazy power!" Ding Hao's eyes suddenly brightened as he felt amazing power pouring into his body.

The power contained in the biscuits is already very majestic. In addition, the crystal of biscuits in front of Ding Hao is all his harvest for hundreds of years. The amount of biscuits contained in it is astonishing. Therefore, when Ding Hao uses the Star Attraction Technique again , The energy inhaled is terrifying.

"Good rise!"

Too much energy suddenly poured into his body, Ding Hao felt every cell in his body swell up.

"The energy collides in my body, and I want to enter the world inside my body!"

Ding Hao's body world is very huge, but he can't let these energy in.

"These energies are in vain when they enter my body world. I must use them to help me refine my golden body!"

Ding Hao closed his eyes and began to practice the exercises wholeheartedly.

As time went on, I saw the huge biscuits crystal in front of him getting lighter and lighter in color, slowly starting to turn white.

At the same time, all the power Ding Hao absorbed was dispersed into his physical body under the operation of his practice.

"Using Biguo's energy, refining all the golden body masks that were originally visible into my body!"


I don't know how long it will take before Ding Hao's Biguo crystal has completely turned white and lost its energy. With a thud, it shattered into many pieces like lime.

Ding Hao's cultivation is not over yet. He retracted his palm. At this moment, his mental power, his physical form, and his physical body are all operating at the same time, trinity! His spiritual power is cultivating the exercises, his physiognomy is meditating, and his body is fusing with the golden mask!

"I can't fail, all my gains in hundreds of years have been used up, I must succeed!"



A shocking stick shadow smashed down, and a giant cloud beast became a dead soul under the stick. The huge body was directly smashed, and the gray-white cloud flocculation was madly scattered.

In the young girl's whistling sound, the giant stick disappeared, and a figure in purple clothes turned handsomely in the air and landed lightly. She grabbed it with a small hand and took the huge biscuits in front of her!

Her long gray hair flicked again, revealing her delicate face.

"Yo!" Ah Heng gave a handsome whistle, which she learned from Sansheng War Wolf.

After Ding Hao left her place of residence for the first time, she learned a lot and learned a lot after coming out!

Although she knows that this place is still in the body of the old man, she also heard the Three Lives War Wolf and they said that there is a wider world outside. Although she is very longing for it, she is already very satisfied with the life in front of her!

In my previous residence, there was only that empty city, and she was the only one. Although there were many houses in the city, there were no doors! Those armored warriors are all turned out of light and shadow! And the luxurious palace where she lives is even more like a cave of beasts!

After Ding Hao came out and saw the layout in the Star Nest, he realized that the room where humans lived was so spacious and bright; the three-life war wolf and the others were quite disdainful, because they said that there are more luxurious outside worlds. House decoration, decorations such as Ding Hao Xing's Nest are just ordinary!

She knew that the outside world was very prosperous, but it was enough to be able to live the current life.

What she is happiest now is that she has a group of friends who can talk and chat. Everyone gets along very well. She is like a real human being!

"This feeling is very good!"

However, Ah Heng's heart was also worried. She knew from the time Lei Xiao left that everyone in this team had better leave here and go to the "Eternal Relics" area.

She knows that the so-called "remains of eternity" are the "ruins of strong men" and "ruins of ancient times" swallowed by her father in the history!

Each of the ruins in these endless worlds is a civilization that has disappeared in the endless world. Some are worlds controlled by the strong. The strong dies or leaves, and the world shrinks for them. There will be treasures and inheritance left by the strong. The ancient ruins are even more vast civilizations. After they die, they become ruins. There are even more treasures!

"Sooner or later they are going to the Eternal Relics!" Ah Heng felt a little sad when he thought of this, because when that day comes, at the time of parting, the old man will not let her continue to enter the Eternal Relics!

"I just hope this day, come later!"

Not far away, the Three Lives War Wolf and the others were besieging a giant cloud beast.

Their team was originally seven, but Lei Xiao and Shiluo were gone, Ding Hao went into seclusion again, and there were four people left!

It would be a bit difficult for four people to kill a giant cloud beast, but the three-life war wolf and the others have also entered here for more than four hundred years of cultivation, their strength has been greatly improved, and they can barely handle it!

"I don't know when Ding Hao's retreat will end? When he leaves the gate, I will close it for a while!" Sansheng War Wolf said.

Dan Tianfo smiled, "What? Are you worried?"

Three Lives War Wolf said, "I am not worried, but I think my combat effectiveness can be improved! If I come out of retreat this time, then the four of us will deal with a giant cloud beast, and I can take the lead!"

Each squad must have a main attacker, this person not only has to make an all-out effort, but also to attract the attack of Yun Beast!

Dan Tianfo said, "It is most suitable for Ding Hao to take on the main attack when he comes out, but I don't know how strong he is when he comes out of retreat this time!"

Three Lives War Wolf said, "I always feel that he will have a shocking improvement. You see that he has basically not practiced in retreat for more than four hundred years! After this retreat, his strength must be improved by leaps and bounds!"

"Yes, you are very optimistic about me!" With a cheerful laugh.

The hexagonal small door of the Star Nest opened, and a fairy in white came out, his black hair was scattered behind his head, and his eyes were like stars.

"Ding Hao, are you out?"

The three-life war wolves all looked happy when they saw Ding Hao, but the giant cloud beast in front of him had not been beheaded at this moment, it was roaring at this moment, the beast still fighting!

"I also want to see how much my strength has improved?" Ding Hao successfully walked out of his practice, and he also wanted to test the results of his retreat.

"Then come on, join the squad, and you will be the main attacker!" Sansheng War Wolf immediately gave up his position, allowing Ding Hao to attract the attention of this giant cloud beast.

Although the giant cloud beast has suffered many wounds on its body, the cloud flocculation has passed, but at the end of the crossbow, it also has enough strength. The giant cloud beast uses all its strength to issue a final attack!

Ding Hao stood in the position of the main attacker, his eyes like black stars.

"Stop all of you, let me try!" After speaking, Ding Hao's figure in white clothes rose into the sky like an arrow from the string.

"What?" The Three Lives War Wolf and Dan Tianfo both looked surprised, "Let's stop, don't you already have the strength to fight against the giant cloud beast? My God!"

The giant cloud beasts born in the mountains and forests are huge in size and infinite power. Even many strong men at the peak of the True God Realm could not fight one-on-one; except for the freak of Ah Heng, the three-life war wolf has never seen it. Other cultivators can fight the giant cloud beast alone!

"It's amazing. If Ding Hao can also fight the giant cloud beast alone, then our team will have two freaks!"

While they were talking, they saw Ding Hao approaching the giant cloud beast.

However, what surprised the Three Lives War Wolf and the others was that Ding Hao just flew in front of the giant cloud beast, but did not release his weapon, Mirror Slash.

"what's the situation?"

Three Lives War Wolf and the others were dumbfounded. They saw Ding Hao flying into the air, without defense at all, so they let the giant cloud beast's giant palm take it!

"I'll rub, Ding Hao, what are you doing?" The Three Lives War Wolf was going crazy.

They thought that Ding Hao was going to test the strength of the golden mask outside his body, but now it seems that Ding Hao did not open any golden mask outside of his body. "Is he going to die?"

Just as everyone was dumbfounded, the huge palm of the giant cloud beast had already patted Ding Hao's body!


In the loud noise, Ding Hao's body was directly shot flying.

"Ding Hao!" The Three Lives War Wolf quickly flew up, two of them blocked the giant cloud beast, and two of them flew to catch Ding Hao.

"Don't help!"

What people did not expect was that Ding Hao, who was photographed flying, spun around in mid-air. The figure in white clothes was like a spiral, drawing an arc and flew back! When the giant cloud beast's palm was photographed again, Ding Hao still did not dodge!

Boom, Ding Hao was shot again, but flew back again!

"My God!" Looking at the scene in the sky, the three-life war wolves were all convinced. "Under the full attack of the giant cloud beast, Ding Hao was unscathed. This kind of strength... is amazing! Ding Hao, You are already invincible in the Yunhai Biguo area!"

In the Yunhai Biguo area, the strongest enemy is the giant cloud beast. Ding Hao can be unscathed, and he is already invincible!

Three Lives War Wolf sighed, "I already knew that your strength during the exit this time would definitely increase. I didn't expect you to cultivate your physical body to this level! It was beyond my expectations! Great!"

Dan Tianfo asked again, "Ding Hao, have you reached the initial peak of the True God Realm?"


These two words of Ding Hao made Sansheng War Wolf sigh again, "You have not reached the initial peak of the True God Realm, your strength is already so terrifying! When you reach the peak, or even enter the mid-term powerhouse, your strength will rise to What kind?"

Ding Hao smiled, "I retreat mainly to improve my defensive power. Okay, let's take action together to kill this cloud beast!"

Ding Hao is also quite satisfied with the results of this retreat. Although he has used up all his gains in hundreds of years, he has made such a strong golden body, it is really worth the money!

"Defensive power has been improved beyond imagination. The next step is to work hard to improve combat power. After the peak of combat power, I will be the strongest in the early stage!" Ding Hao's eyes were all expectation!

(End of this chapter)

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