Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2214: Starry Sky Festival Hall (four more)

Chapter 2214 Starry Sky Years Sacrifice Palace (four more)

Chapter 2213 Starry Sky Years Sacrifice Palace

Although Yang said so, all the twenty-odd people were motionless.

Obviously, everyone has heard that Yang and the others will enter a better temple to find treasures and accept inheritance.

These cultivators are all shrewd people in the life race. Everyone wants the top treasures and inheritance, and no one wants to lag behind others. Therefore, seeing Prince Yang motionless, these people did not buy it.

Yang knows these people's thoughts very well. With a sneer on his face, he reminded every word, "My fellow Taoists, the number of stars in the sky that the three of us contributed far exceeds that of you, and I'm a descendant of the Starry Sky Clan. Our treatment is of course different from yours. You can't get in where we can go! Now the opportunity is in front of you. Don't wait to lose the opportunity, you won't get any treasures by then!"

When Yang said this, his eyes were sharp, he swept over everyone in front of him, and said, "I'm all here, please!"

After speaking, Yang came to the corner of this space, Ding Hao and Ice Axe also walked over.

The three of them formed a triangle and looked before him vigilantly.

Although everyone is sitting in a "car", the defensiveness is indispensable. If some of these people take the lead, Ding Hao and the others must immediately kill the killer and warn others!

After listening to Yang said those words, some people were shaken; but there were also some people whose expressions became more determined.

Soon, the fast-moving area under Ding Hao and their feet left an ancient sacrificial hall and rushed to another ancient sacrificial hall!

That feeling is like a high-speed train passing through one station after another, and when you encounter your own suitable platform, you can fly down, enter the temple, and get treasures and inheritance!

However, after you choose, you cannot choose again! Between each sacrificial hall, there is an unbreakable barrier!

What kind of treasure you can get and what kind of inheritance you can receive depends on your own choice!

Finally, when he came to a seemingly quaint sacrificial hall, a male cultivator looked at the strange sign on the sacrificial hall and gritted his teeth and said, "This is the inheritance of the ancient green demon clan! It is also the ancestor of the demon clan I belong to. The world! Whether it is a treasure or a heritage, it should match me very well!"

Someone next to him whispered, "Don't forget, there are better ones behind. If you go down, you won't be able to go up!"

The moving area passed in front of the sacrificial hall for about ten minutes.

As he was about to pass in front of this sacrificial hall, the male cultivator finally became firm, "Better, not necessarily belong to me, nor may it be suitable for me! For me, the most suitable is the best. There is only one chance, I must seize it!"

Having said that, he clasped his fists to everyone in front of him, "Everyone gets rich, I will choose this temple!"

After finishing speaking, at the last moment, his figure moved rapidly, and in just a flash, he was already standing in the independent temple area.

Seeing Ding Hao and the others getting farther and farther, this male cultivator had no nostalgia, turned his head and ran towards the temple of his choice.

One of 26 people left, leaving 25.

But it was also because of this cultivator that many other cultivators were also shaken.

"Prince Yang has some truth in what he said! Although there may be better temples, it is the preferential treatment of the Starry Sky Years Clan to future generations, and indeed we only contributed a starry sky pillar! I think we have met well. Inheritance, you can accept it! Don't make it to the end, the bamboo basket is empty!"

Next, I encountered a few good worship halls, all of which were inherited from the famous ancient demons.

One by one, someone flew down from this "car", entered the temple, looked for treasures, and accepted the inheritance!

As the number of people is getting smaller and smaller, there are also people whose eyes are still so firm.

For example, the half-man and half-beast old man who struck up a conversation with an ice axe had a gloomy look, standing there all the time, looking at Ding Hao and the three of them gloomily, without even going to see which temples he had passed by! It seems that he is determined and wants to follow them to the end!

"Stupid thing!" Yang cursed in a low voice.

Ice Axe said, "If he doesn't go on, what should he do with us?"

Yang Leng snorted, "Then let him follow to the end, he can't get in anyway! Let him enter the Hall of Starry Years this time, but come back empty-handed!"

"That's the best." Ice Axe let out a cold snort and stopped talking.

At this moment, the moving area came to a tall and glorious sacrificial hall.

The Starry Years Clan seems to be very happy. After they conquer every world in the endless world, they will incorporate the world's most precious treasures, weapons and heritage into their temples! For some worlds with greater strength and scale, they feel very fulfilled after conquering, and they have more treasures and inheritance looted, so they also need to build a larger temple!

"What a big sacrificial hall, it is much bigger than all the sacrificial halls in front!"

"Yes! I know that mark. It represents the ancient world of rubbings. It was very famous in that era and created a very powerful ancient civilization!"

"Forget it, there are a lot of treasures and inheritance here! People still have to be self-aware, and I don't want to be too good, just here!"

While talking, a cultivator with horns on his head quickly flew down the moving area and stood on the sacrificial hall.

He went down, and the other two cultivators present glanced at each other, and they all followed along.

Soon, the moving area passed in front of this tall temple.

When the moving area just left, I saw the two cultivators who came down later. They shot at the same time, released their weapons, and attacked the cultivator with horns on his head! Obviously, these two people want to kill this person, and the two of them can occupy this sacrificial hall!

However, the cultivator with long horns on his head is not an easy one. He was prepared long ago, his figure flashed, and he took out a pair of long knives in his hand, and the light of the sword swung a knife several hundred meters long. The power was extraordinary!

"Two boys, they want to kill me before they see the treasure, and I want to kill you!"

The faces of the cultivators who were still in the "car" became even more nervous when they saw the indiscriminate fighting in the rear.

Among the cultivators, in order to compete for treasures and inheritance, they will do everything they can. In front of the treasures, all the masks of hypocrisy will be torn off! If one more person stays, one more person will **** the treasure.

Seeing the cruel situation, the two female practitioners Ziluo and Heiluo looked a little pale. Although they are good at mental control, their combat effectiveness is not very strong! If you choose those tall and famous temples, you are likely to have a battle with others!

The two female cultivators were also shrewd. They chose two small sacrificial halls and entered them separately. No one competed with them. They each occupied one sacrificial hall, looking for treasures and inheritance, and they should get good results!

After passing several tall sacrificial halls, there were fewer and fewer people standing on the moving area, except for Ding Hao and three others.

It was the half-man and half-beast old man, and a pair of nightblade demon clans.

The ice axe gave Ding Hao and Yang Chuan Yin, "Be careful, the Lou Beast Demon Race and the Night Blade Demon Race are very good at fighting! The three of them have not gone on until now, they are likely to follow us to the end!"

"Then let them follow to the end! These idiots!" Yang Leng snorted.

Ice Axe said, "I'm just worried about what bad ideas they will make and shoot us!"

Ding Hao said, "The half-man and half-beast old man seems to be determined to follow us. As for the Taoist couples of the Night Blade Clan, they are not necessarily. They have been watching the worship halls passing by!"

"That's good!" Yang nodded.

A few days later, the moving area finally came to a very glorious sacrificial hall. This sacrificial hall far surpassed all the sacrificial halls they had seen before, and was definitely a legacy of a very ancient and powerful ancient world.

The Taoist couple of the Night Blade Demon Race finally looked a little moved.

Yang also took the opportunity to say, "Rabit, Srimar, I have some research on the ancient races! What I am passing by is the once very powerful world of Tianhe! In order to conquer the world of Tianhe, the Star Years Clan spent a lot of money and material resources, and it is also right. It was this that finally caused the total collapse of the behemoth of the Starry Sky Years Race! So I think the treasures and inheritance left by the Tianhe World are worthy of your visit!"

"This..." The pair of male and female practitioners from the Night Blade Demon Race hesitated even more.

The male cultivator named Rabit hesitated for a while and then said, "Yang, I heard them say that you are going to get the highest inheritance of the Starry Sky Years Clan! Is this true or false?"

"Regardless of whether this matter is true or false, at least you can't get in!" Yang said again, "Rabit, our relationship is pretty good, I just remind you! You follow us to the end, when we can get in, you can't get in. This time I ran away for nothing, there is no turning back here!"

Probably because he was moved by Yang said, he hesitated and said, "The Starry Years Clan finally collapsed in order to conquer this Tianhe world! It seems that the treasures and inheritance left by this Tianhe world are also worth keeping!"

After finishing speaking, he held a fist at Yang and Ding Hao, then took his Taoist companion and walked down the moving area, and the two stood in front of the glorious temple.

At this moment, there were only four people left in the moving area, Ding Hao, Yang, Ice Axe and the half-human half-beast old man.

The old man sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, as if he were meditating. But in fact, he was determined to follow Ding Hao and the others, trying to walk to the end. He didn't even look at the large and small temples passing by.

"How about? Or, the three of us will take action and get rid of this old thing!" Ice Axe asked.

Yang doesn't matter, "You don't have to shoot, we can get in when we get to a place, but he can't get in at all."

"That's fine."

The three of them waited on the moving area for a few days, and finally this moving area came to a halt, as if the train had reached the terminal station, and in front of them was a golden shrine with four doors!

"It's here!" Yang and Ding Hao's eyes suddenly lit up!

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(End of this chapter)

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