Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2217: Good news for Sudina

Chapter 2217 The Good News of Sudinan

Chapter 2216 good news from Sudinan

Time passes day by day, month after month, year after year.

Ding Hao's white figure was in this empty hall, constantly changing the altar, sitting cross-legged, feeling the original Dao pattern on the light curtain.

Whenever he feels it, he can enter the light curtain and obtain that kind of white object to perfect his original law.

The official member system can also be used here. Ding Hao occasionally enters it in his free time to exchange messages with his friends and care for each other.

"Ding Hao, I got a suitable ancient weapon again this time."

"Haha! The ruins I entered again turned out to be the world of the legendary Meiluo Demon. It is really a good place!"

"Hey, I can't compare with you, what I get is only some ancient pill, but for me, it is the most precious gift!"

Ten years, twenty years, thirty years, fifty years...

Three Lives War Wolf Lei Xiao Shi Luo and they explored different sites one after another, and the harvest was amazing, and they obtained countless various inheritances, treasures, and treasures of heaven and material!

These precious possessions were all collected by them and used for their own cultivation.

Improve your cultivation!

For those items that cannot be used by themselves, exchanges are also very popular in the "Eternal Relics" area.

The inheritances and treasures that everyone has obtained from different relics can be combined into exchanges at any time, exchange and trade with each other, exchange for objects, exchange what is needed, the ultimate goal is to obtain inheritance and weapons that can be used to improve their cultivation and strength!

Not only did the friends gain, but Shi Luo and Sansheng War Wolf got together, teamed up together, and explored treasures together. They were all old brothers, and they felt more at ease.

The only special one is Ding Hao.

Every time friends send him a message and ask him what he got? Has the cultivation level improved? Has strength increased?

He was silent.

"I don't know what this is? I don't even know if the cultivation base and strength have been improved? It should be not!"

Ding Hao felt unable to answer every time he received a question from Sansheng War Wolf.

He did not know what the white objects he obtained after spending year after year?

As for the cultivation base and strength, there is no slight increase, he used it to comprehend those original images!

However, although Ding Hao's cultivation base has not increased a little bit, he has cultivated very happily over the past few decades!

"Whether it is these original images or the white objects I got, I feel very appetite for my appetite, and I am very happy to practice!"

When Ding Hao came from the Mortal Realm, he paid great attention to Dao Marks and loved studying Dao Marks!

Whether it is the Dao pattern on the huge statue on the outermost side of the Mortal Realm, or the initial Dao pattern on the bottom of the Forbidden Sea of ​​the Immeasurable Star, or the patterns on the body of the primitive meditation beast, Ding Hao is very interested!

Now let him study the original images on the light curtain all day, and he enjoys practicing!

"These abstract original images are like pieces of black-and-white puzzles. Whenever I perceive any of them, the black-and-white parts will brighten up and become colorful! This is like a beautiful puzzle, waiting Let me make it a piece by piece of sentiment, light up piece by piece, and piece by piece become extremely bright!"

This kind of research on original images and original Dao patterns has not improved Ding Hao's cultivation much, or even almost none.

But Ding Hao believes that these original images will definitely not be useless!

Otherwise, the Seventh Mountain Lord cannot be so obsessed with the patterns on the carapace of the primitive meditation beast! Otherwise, the ancient and distant powerful life race, the Starry Sky Years Race, would not use this method to evaluate their disciples!

"This kind of abstract original image must be of great use!"

After comprehending these original images, Ding Hao understood the meaning contained therein, that is the entire process of the origin, birth, growth, strength and decline of the Starry Sky Years Race! Those original images are intermittent, telling of this powerful race above all worlds in the endless world!

Compared to perceiving these original images, those white objects are much more useful!

Ding Hao's original law was created in his body from the very beginning, and there are many loopholes, among which the biggest shortcoming is that its original law is not perfect!

"A cultivator who has his own rules and refines a successful world on the basis of his own rules can be called the founder of the interface! Only when he has his own rules, he has created his own world, just like human ancestors and immortals. The same, is the real strong, the one who opens up the world!"

Ding Hao thought of this and his eyes flickered. Although he didn't seem to have obtained any treasures and his cultivation level had not been improved, he believed in himself and was not doing a useless thing!

"Improve one's own laws and fill in all the gaps. Isn't this a kind of practice?"

These words might not be clear to the Three Lives War Wolf, and Ding Hao didn't say much at all, busy doing his own cultivation.

In the past few decades, he has realized more and more original images, and the original laws in his body have become more and more substantial. The fragments of the laws that fill the blanks are very profound, and Ding Hao himself has not Get it!


While talking, Ding Hao felt another original image, and saw that the image on the light curtain became shattered and disappeared without a trace.

Ding Hao closed his eyes and muttered to himself, "I saw from the way, these original images all record the struggle history of the starry sky years, this cultivator empire that grew from weak to huge, and finally surpassed the endless world. The history, the content is really vast, and a random piece of it is so shocking!"

Although Ding Hao continued to perceive, he also had doubts in his heart, "The Starry Sky Years Clan, portraying their history in the original images, and let others understand these images. What does it mean?"

He didn't think about things he didn't understand, so he stood up and walked into the light curtain and into the center of the altar, where there was still a white rune-like thing in the green beam of light.

"One more piece!"

Ding Hao was pleasantly surprised, his huge original law is now constantly being filled up!

"What should be added should be the perfect content of the law, which is also good for me to open up the world in the future!"

The more perfect the original law, the more it looks like a solid foundation. Ding Hao opened up his own world on this basis, so of course the more complete the original law the better.

Cultivating in the beast den, hundreds of years have passed!

The 6619 cultivators who entered the first area at the beginning, now except for a small part of them left the beast den on their own, the vast majority of the other five thousand people have successfully practiced and broke into the second area "Eternal Relics"!

The remaining 1,000 cultivators are basically eliminated.

With the breakthrough of so many cultivators, the second area has gradually become busy, with more and more cultivators, and many cultivators stay in front of each site! They formed a small team and entered the treasure hunt. After finding the treasure, some would fight each other and compete for the treasure. Anyway, killing people in the ruins is not illegal, and the opponent cannot escape, so kill!

But Ding Hao's friends believed in each other and were more at ease. All the people at the time had come together to explore treasures together.

Their team sometimes enters the ruins to explore treasures by themselves, and sometimes enters other teams to explore treasures together. Because they have a lot of people and good relationships, no one dares to do anything with them. This allows them to obtain treasures and practice faster. Guarantee!

The 1000th year of cultivation in the Beast Cave!

One third of the entire cultivation time in the animal cave has passed!

Now everyone is talking about who has already cultivated to the late stage of the True God Realm and has entered the third area "on seniority"!

On this day, Ding Hao’s friends received another shocking news, “The first mountain master’s personal disciple, Prince Sudinan, has reached the peak of the true **** realm after 1,000 years of cultivation! There is no need for cultivation anymore, directly from The Beast's Den is perfect! Become the third place in the seniority ranking this time!"

The so-called "ranking by seniority" is to rank the strongest geniuses of all alliances, and determine the ranking according to their time and strength when they leave the beast den, and finally have amazing rewards!

"I didn't expect Prince Sudinan to cultivate to the pinnacle of the true **** realm so quickly!" They were all shocked and envious of the three-life war wolf.

You know, the highest cultivation realm that can be achieved in the endless world is the peak of the true **** realm! Although the peak of the True God Realm can be divided into strengths and weaknesses, there is no doubt that the Peak of the True God Realm is already the ultimate goal of all cultivators!

Before Prince Sudinan, although two cultivators had successfully cultivated to the pinnacle of the True God Realm, after all, Prince Sudinan was a familiar person. Everyone present was very shocked by the news.

"Prince Sudinan is already so strong, he still has to practice hard, rank seniority, and compete for ranking! We must not let up, and we must go all out!" Said these words by Three Lives Warrior Wolf not only encourage others but also encourage ourselves.

Lei Xiao nodded and said, "I must practice hard to reach the mid-term peak in the next 800 years!"

The more you practice later, the cultivator who cultivates ordinary exercises appears to have insufficient stamina. Although he is the first strong player in the squad to enter the mid-term, the speed of his and Shiluo's cultivation improvement is obviously weakened!

Shi Luo also nodded and said, "My requirements are not high for three thousand years in the beast cave. I just want to be able to enter the third area and take a look when I leave the three thousand year beast cave!" Wolf and Dan Tian Buddha said, "You guys who practice primitive-level techniques, must work harder! You can't be like us, you will continue to enter the third area, and you must also strive to be before the end of the animal cave practice. , And also left his name in the seniority ranking!"

"Definitely, I must work hard!" Three Lives War Wolf suddenly clenched his fists, and said, "I don't know if Ding Hao has received the news? Su Dinan is still his friend! All these years I don't know what he is doing? He has to work hard too!"

At this moment, Ding Hao hadn't read the news, he was immersed in joy.

(End of this chapter)

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