Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2241: Three-level high platform

Chapter 2241 Three-level High Platform

Chapter 2240 three high platform

fighting! Fighting!

The entire ninth-level altar is full of battles everywhere!

The battle under the high platform, the battle above the high platform, the battle above each layer of dragon bones...

Everyone is fighting!

If you want to climb higher, if you want to go further, if you want to get into the top 50 in terms of seniority, you must fight harder!

As the fortieth, Prince Li Tuo successfully climbed to the top of the keel and walked out of the beast cave to practice. There were ten places behind her, so the battle became more intense!

Although there will be certain rewards after fifty, what other rewards can surpass the founding of the religious practice?

Black boots stepped on the hard rock, and Ding Hao, dressed in black armor, looked deep at the scene in front of him.

In the distance, he only saw the towering keel, and he could only see it when he came here. There are three-level high platforms under the keel!

"Sure enough, the selection is level by level, and the competition is fierce!"

Ding Hao raised his brows, "If you want to climb the keel, you must first climb to the third-level high platform. Each high-level platform has a seat! Here, it is completely forbidden! It is impossible to fly to the third-level high platform. You must rely on your own strength to fight!"

He took a look at it carefully. The three-story high platform at the highest point had the smallest area, with only twelve positions above it.

The area of ​​the high platform on the second floor is much larger, with 24 positions; the area of ​​the high platform on the third floor has 48 positions, all positions are now full of cultivators; and under the high platform there are hundreds of cultivators fighting each other.

"Prince Hao Zhan?" A tall cultivator with a bare chest stood beside Ding Hao, looking up and down Ding Hao.

Ding Hao looked back and raised his brows. The person he knew came from, "Bai Man?"

Bai Man is a cultivator from the Man Demon clan, and Manke is the same race, Manke calls him Uncle, and both of them have nothing to do with Ding Hao! After more than two thousand years of cultivation, Bai Man came here unexpectedly and met Ding Hao on the battlefield of seniority.

"Do you know me?" Bai Man's expression was startled, and he didn't expect that the recently famous Prince Hao Zhan would even know him.

Ding Hao smiled slightly, "Prince Baiman, he is very famous in the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, how could I not know you?"

Bai Man suddenly laughed, "It's interesting! People say that you have a lot of treasures, and your strength is very strong, so I wanted to come up and say hello when I first saw you."

"Really?" Ding Hao sneered.

He still knows Bai Man very clearly. This person is not profitable and cannot afford to be early. Everywhere he wants to take advantage, he wants to make a profit! At the beginning, he took Manke to participate in the operation of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Worlds, just to get an extra mission point!

At this moment, Bai Man took the initiative to come over to say hello, either he wanted to take advantage of Ding Hao, or he was trying to listen to Ding Hao's reality!

For this kind of person, Ding Hao was not very polite, and he said, "Prince Baiman, you have also listened to the rumors, and want to kill me and win treasures!"

Bai Man suddenly smiled awkwardly, "Haha! Where? See what you said, now everyone is trying to hit the high platform, so that they won't kill each other here!"

"So that's it." Ding Hao nodded. Since Bai Man dispelled the idea of ​​killing people and stealing treasures, Ding Hao didn't need to be hostile to him for the time being.

Ding Hao asked, "Everyone is rushing to the high platform with all their strength, what good is it to rush up? Is it just to climb the keel?"

Bai Man laughed and said, "Prince Hao Zhan, you don't know anything about it! It's good to rush to the third-level high platform! Look at each high-level platform, there are a fixed number of training positions! You wait! In a moment, you will see that the light curtain array around the cultivation position is opened, and then the cultivator in the cultivation position will get the opportunity of Senior Eternal Beast to help in cultivation!"

"What? Senior Eternal Beast help to practice?" Ding Hao also looked surprised.

Senior Eternal Beast has lived in this world for many years, and the power he possesses can be called the limit in the endless world. If it is used to help cultivation, it will really be twice the result with half the effort, and the cultivation base will be improved quickly! Senior Eternal Beast has cultivated for so many years, and his knowledge and understanding of Dao Rune are also extraordinary!

"No wonder these people are desperately robbing the training position!" Ding Hao nodded.

Bai Man said again, "This is only the treatment of the first-level high platform. When you reach the second-level high platform and the third-level high platform, you will not only get a longer training opportunity! but also have the opportunity to get the blood of the strongest person in the sky! This is true. It’s hard to get in the whole endless world!"

"Blood of the strongest!" Ding Hao's pupils suddenly closed, and he was also moved.

The so-called strongest is the strongest in the endless world!

Those who can be called the strongest in the endless world, that is, the eternal beast predecessors and the ancestors of the Jiuyou saint, even Ding Hao’s teacher, the ninth mountain lord, can only be regarded as the "quasi-strongest." By"!

The so-called blood of the strongest here should be the blood of the eternal beast predecessors. This is really valuable, and you can't buy it for much money!

Just imagine who else can cause harm to the strongest, and who can get the blood of the strongest?

Only the strongest are willing to give blood to their descendants, help their descendants cultivate, and improve their cultivation level and qualifications!

A greedy color was shot from Baiman’s eyes, “That’s the blood of the strongest person. As long as there is a sufficient amount, it will soon be able to help our cultivation level rise to the peak of the true **** realm! And it can also improve our aptitude and let Us ordinary beings also enjoy the blessings of some endless world!"

Facing Ding Hao's battle armor and so-called treasures, Bai Man didn't show greed in his eyes, but he did not conceal his impulse for the blood of the strongest!

In fact, the same is true for Ding Hao. Although he has obtained a large number of treasures from the Starry Sky Years Clan, the blood of the strongest cannot be replaced by any treasure!

Bai Man said again, "The higher the climb, the more the blood of the strongest, the more refined, so follow the keel, climb this way, climb to the peak, your strength and aptitude will also reach the peak!"

" wonder those people are fighting desperately, trying to climb up!"

"Well, then! Prince Hao Zhan, don't grab the same training position with me later, and give face!" A smile appeared on Bai Man's fat face.

"Try your best."

Ding Hao understood now that Bai Man didn't all come here because he wanted to kill and win treasure. Instead, he heard about Hao Zhan's reputation, and wanted to say hello to the rising star of Duobao in advance, so that the other party would not rob him of the same training position.

Ding Hao wouldn't deliberately grab a training position with him, after all, there are as many as 48 training positions on the third floor high platform, so there is no need to compete with Bai Man. If you get to a higher place, there will be fewer training positions, and Ding Hao will not be polite when you meet Bai Man!

"Okay! Then I'm ready to take action!" Ding Hao also followed Bai Man.

When they came under the third high platform, just in time for cultivation, the cultivators occupying the 48 cultivation positions sat cross-legged in the light curtain, accepting the help of the eternal beast senior, and began to practice.

When the light curtain appeared, the hundreds of practitioners under the high platform could not attack.

However, the battle is still going on. Everyone wants to stand close to the training position, fighting with each other constantly, vying for positions, and Baiman, who went out first, has released weapons to fight with people.

"It seems that you can't do it without any means!" Ding Hao's expression was cold and he grabbed his powerful weapon, Wan Baolun, and walked over.

Ding Hao had already spotted the 48 training positions near the center, and that training position was also very close to the passage of the second-story high platform!

"If you get that training position, you can hit the second floor high platform at any time, that's it!"

Ding Hao thought of this, he was not polite, and yelled, "Big!"

His Wanbao Wheel suddenly became huge, and he gave another order, "Crush!"

The huge Wanbao Wheel crazily smashed over, and went straight to that location. Wherever it passed, several practitioners of the late True God Realm were fighting!

Seeing Wanbaolun rolling over, all these cultivators stopped fighting, and tried their best to stop Wanbaolun.

Ding Hao followed Wanbaolun with a gloomy face. Facing the obstacles of those people, he just released some of the weapons in the Wanbaolun, swarming out, and launched an attack!

The weapons in the hands of the cultivators who were blocking were not precious. Under the attack of Ding Hao's top weapons, some people were beaten to lose their armors and their armors were smashed. These people flee in fright!

"My God, this man's weapons are so powerful! There are as many as thousands of weapons on this treasure wheel, and every weapon is so precious!"

Seeing the fighting here, many people took a breath, and even those who were fighting stopped and looked around here.

"This person is the prince Hao Zhan who has been in the limelight recently?" Someone finally recognized Hao Zhan, and there was a lot of discussion around.

"It's really strong, and there are many treasures! He is such a high profile, there should be a big backstage behind him!"

"Forget it, anyway, for 48 training positions, we still don't want to compete with such a person!"

In fighting here, everyone is fighting for the cultivation position, and it is not necessary to fight for life and death. It is enough to occupy the position. Otherwise, if you are forced to crush the cultivation token, then there is no chance!

Ding Hao's reputation grew, and the cultivators who blocked his way were also frightened to shy away.

After a while, Ding Hao stood under a high platform.

The high platform on the first floor is not high, only half a person high. There are three steps in front of Ding Hao, and you can climb the high platform by stepping on the three steps.

Because of Ding Hao's reputation and the use of Wanbaolun weapons, hundreds of cultivators gave up fighting with him. Everyone fought nearby, but gave up this position to Ding Hao.

"One by one is quite eye-catching!" Ding Hao smiled at the corner of his mouth and put away the Wanbao Wheel.

He strode up the steps, stood outside the cultivation position, holding his arms, waiting for the cultivation time to arrive!

(End of this chapter)

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