Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2245: Snatch the empty seat (three shifts)

Chapter 2245, Scramble for Vacancies (three changes)

Chapter 2244

Dan Tianfo was also a good friend of Ding Hao, and now he was fighting desperately for a training position on the first floor, Ding Hao couldn't bear it.

"When I go to the next level, I will leave this training position to Den Tian Buddha!"

Although Ding Hao thought this way, this matter was very troublesome.

Now that the 24 training positions on the second floor are fully seated, and the Prince Bronzehead is still owed a training position, how can there be a new training position for the Buddha?

As time goes by day by day, Ding Hao and the others have occupied the second-tier training position for sixty years!

"Hey, you promised my training position! When will you give it to me? If you don't give it to me, I will reorganize the troops!" After sixty years of training on a high platform, the Bronze Head Prince finally began to lose his breath. Up.

"Don't worry, wait."

The female cultivator who was in contact with Tongtou immediately reported the news to Ding Hao and others, "What should I do? Prince Tongtou can't wait now, he may reorganize the team at any time and kill him to **** the training position!"

Someone angered, "Afraid of him? Let him grab it! After 60 years, our cultivation and strength have been greatly improved! He couldn't beat us 60 years ago, and now he can't beat us even more! "

However, some people also said, "Among the 24 of us, there are some who are over-charging. It's better to drive off those who are over-charging and put on copper heads!"

For this statement, Ding Hao immediately denied, "I do not agree with your statement! At the beginning, 24 of us said it was good to form an alliance, we all worked hard! It is not good to drive anyone away! And now what we need is Unity, if we are divided internally, we will surely lose!"

Ding Hao's words still have weight, he said that those people stopped talking.

Bai Man said, "Prince Qianjian, you are the only one of us to reach the peak of the true gods! If I remember correctly, you have reached the peak of the true gods for forty years! Do you have the strength to attack the third floor? ?"

Everyone looked at Gan Jian of the Jinyan Demon Race, waiting for him to answer.

Prince Qian Jian had said that he would attack the three-story high platform, but after waiting for decades, he did not see him attack once.

Looking at everyone's gazes, Qian Jian's copper-colored face was full of embarrassment. He looked up at the twelve strong men on the three-story platform, as if every one of them was not easy to provoke. He vented a sigh of relief and said, "I don't have the strength yet, and I have to practice for a while!"

When everyone heard him say, they all booed, and they all expressed their disappointment.

Bai Man had no choice but to say again, "Then everyone should be prepared to deal with the attacks of Tongtou at any time!"

In fact, Ding Hao has a little thought in his mind at this moment. He has cultivated on the second-floor high platform for sixty years and feels that his strength has been improved similarly. If he rushes to the third-floor platform, he will get more blood from the strongest. The cultivation that comes down will be of great benefit.

However, Ding Hao had selfishness in his heart. He wanted to leave the training position under his **** to Dan Tianfo! If he left now, it would be left to Tongtou for nothing. This is not what Ding Hao hopes to see!

When the first and second floors were surging in secret, a new situation appeared on the third floor!

I saw a female cultivator sitting in the middle of the third floor, suddenly stood up, straightened her chest, and strode towards the direction of the keel!

"Look! Prince Qiuyue hit the keel!"

All the practitioners on the high platform raised their heads and looked at the figure of Prince Qiuyue!

Three Lives War Wolf looked at Prince Qiuyue's straight back, and their hearts were full of envy. They must know that only by attacking the keel can they be considered as a real battle for seniority! Prince Qiuyue has practiced on the three-story high platform for nearly two thousand years. Only then did she attack the keel, and she was fully prepared. I don’t know where she can rush to the keel?

There are nine levels of platforms above the keel. Prince Qiuyue must attack the keel one after another, and soon she will fight the strong who occupy the first platform!

When fighting broke out there, the situation on the three-story high platform also began to fluctuate.

"There is one more space above!" Gan Jian is probably the happiest one!

Gan Jian had long wanted to attack the third floor, but he had never had the courage. Now that a place was left for nothing, he stood up immediately and wanted to climb the third floor.

However, as soon as he stood up, someone spoke up on the three-story platform.

"The following Hao Zhan, you will fill the gap!"

"What?" Ding Hao, who was sitting underneath, was taken aback, only to notice that it was his friend Prince Li who was talking!

Ding Haoxin said, is it because Prince Li recognized him, or why would he name himself? Give such a good thing to yourself for nothing!

As soon as Prince Li spoke, the demon cultivator with a body that looked like a huge skeleton immediately interrupted, "Li! What qualifications do you have to arrange this training position? You can just give away the training position without discussing it with us. For people, I don’t agree!"

This demonic cultivator is very appealing. As soon as he speaks, the cultivators next to him immediately echoed, "Yes, pick someone from below, we must agree!"

"With your consent? Funny!" Li sneered, "Qiuyue's training position is obtained by her strength! What does she want to pass to you for the cultivation position she has laid down?"

"What? It was Prince Qiuyue's idea to give this training position to Hao Zhan?" Everyone was speechless.

However, the demon cultivator was still reluctant, waved his hand and said, "If Prince Qiuyue did say she, I have no objection! However, when she left, she didn't say a word at all! I don't believe Prince Qiuyue put her The training position is reserved for Hao Zhan!"

The Three Lives War Wolf suddenly became furious, "Hay, you suspected what Prince Li said? Prince Li and Prince Qiuyue, we are all good friends! How could you misunderstand Prince Qiuyue?"

The Demon Cultivator Prince Jie was also furious, "What are you the three-life war wolf? If you didn't have to hand the training position to you when Gu Fengheng left, how can a junior like you have the right to sit here?"

The horror is already the pinnacle of the True God Realm. His cultivation is slightly higher than that of the Three-Life War Wolf, and his qualifications are older than those of the Three-Life War Wolf.

Prince Li frowned and said, "Hat, what do you mean? Everyone is talking about Qiuyue's cultivation position. Don't talk about others!"

He stared and said angrily, "Anyway, I don't agree with Hao Zhan occupying this training position. Anyone below can do it, but he can't!"

The Three Lives War Wolf said angrily, "Hey, do you have any hatred with Hao Zhan?"

"I haven't seen him before, so how can there be any grudges? It's just to see him upset!" said Hai Leng Hun.

In fact, Xie Xin really resented Ding Hao.

At the beginning, he and Tao Wu had an agreement that Tao Wu killed Hao Zhan and gave the two good knives he got to Ji! Unexpectedly, afterwards, Tao Wu was killed by Ding Hao, and he didn't get any benefits! Therefore, horrified but has always been quite upset with Hao Zhan in his heart, how can he let Hao Zhan occupy this training position?

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed at Qianjian below, "You, you come to the third level of cultivation!"

Prince Li was furious, and stood up abruptly, "When Qiuyue leaves, tell me that you want to leave this training position to Hao Zhan! I don't believe Li Li, I can't do this today!"

"If you want to do this, defeat me first!" With a terrified heart, he tried to prevent Hao from coming up and stood up.

The two strong men confronted each other, as if they were about to do something at any time, and everyone around them also stood up and began to persuade.

On the second high platform, Ding Hao and Qian Jian both stood up. They both wanted to board the third high platform.

Ding Hao was hesitant at first, but since Li called his name, he also wanted to rush up, there was no reason to give up the opportunity to others! As for Qian Jian's heart, he was even more eager. He had long wanted to board the third-tier platform, but now there is another Ding Hao who has become his stumbling block!

However, Gan Jian couldn't hate Ding Hao, because he and Ding Hao could not decide the current problem!

The question is still on the third floor. Whether Ding Hao or Qian Jian will sit in this training position, it needs to be decided by Li and Hao!

However, both of them were very persistent, and the situation became tense for a while.

The horrified face was grim, and he smiled sullenly, "Liu, are you going to fight me? Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Li did not show weakness, clenched his fists and said, "Will I be afraid of you again? Everyone is the pinnacle of the true gods, regardless of each other, and I really don't know who wins and who loses!"

"Haha!" He burst into laughter suddenly, grabbed the void with his big hand, and suddenly a huge rune light and shadow appeared in the space beside them.

"I wipe!" Suddenly, many people exclaimed, "Prince Hare has created his own original law! It's amazing! He is not only the pinnacle of the true gods, but also has his own unique rules! In terms of strength , Li, is not his opponent!"

Seeing Hae show his hand, Li's face was shocked.

A cultivator creates his own original law, and it is very likely that he also creates his own unique knowledge, so that the combat effectiveness will be greatly improved! If you put it this way, the horror is now on the three-story high platform, the strongest person, Li is ashamed!

"This..." Feeling that he was inferior to others, he couldn't help but want to retreat.

After all, this matter had nothing to do with his own vital interests. He didn't know this guy named Hao Zhan, and there was no need to fight hard for Hao Zhan to kill him.

"Haha! This training position is mine!" Qian Jian saw that Ji had the advantage, and his expression was suddenly ecstatic.

However, he did not expect that at this moment, Ding Hao saw the rune, his face suddenly sank, and he stepped away from his black boots and stepped firmly on the three-story platform.

After Ding Hao stood still, he asked in a deep voice, "Prince Hack? Do you know Prince Tao Wu?"

He didn't have the idea of ​​having to fight for this training position, but suddenly he discovered that the rune used by the terrifying prince was the rune that Tao Wu used to calculate his own!

His heart was upset, "Prince Hacker, you granted your unique knowledge to Tao Wu to count me. I didn't want to care about this! But now you are going to block my way on purpose, I want to ask, Prince Hacker , What hatred do Hao Zhan have with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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