Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2256: The opponent is you!

Chapter 2256 The opponent is you!

Chapter 2255 The opponent is you!

The first to enter the assessment is the Three Lives Wolf.

Ding Hao waited outside the door. He waited for a whole day before he received the news of the Three Lives Wolf.

"Hush!" The Three Lives War Wolf sighed with relief, "Ding Hao, I have walked out of the animal den and become the 48th winner in the seniority ranking! I have the qualification to go to the founding gods to practice, thank you! Thank you!"

Three Lives War Wolf is sincerely grateful. Without Ding Hao, he would never have reached the peak of the True God Realm so quickly; without Ding Hao, he would not have reached the peak so quickly; without Ding Hao’s help, he would definitely not be able to rush forward. Fifty!

"It's okay, you don't have to be polite, just treat me as repaying my favor." Ding Hao smiled, he has always been very generous to his friends.

Fortunately, his friends never let him down!

Sansheng War Wolf described his assessment on the ninth floor of Dragon Valley to Ding Hao again, "They are right! This assessment is a clone formed by the predecessor of Eternal Beast, which looks like a giant dragon, but it is incomparable. Flexible! When you fight with him, be careful of his speed, and try not to force his attack..."

The Three Lives War Wolf told Ding Hao all his thoughts and experiences in the battle.

"That's it, thank you!" Ding Hao didn't have a bottom line for the assessment of the last level, so he read the content sent to him by the Three Lives War Wolf several times in detail.

Three Lives War Wolf finally said, "But I feel that you will be able to successfully break through! Your strength and means are far beyond me, I can succeed, let alone you?"


Ding Hao also thinks about it, his own strength and methods are not inferior to anyone, what is there to fear?

Immediately, he put away his Ten Thousand Worlds bracelet, stepped aside his black boots, and walked into the light gate in front of him.

After entering, it is a huge battlefield platform.

At the feet of Ding Hao, there was a line leading to the center of the platform. Ding Hao proceeded along the line and quickly stood in the center of the iron-black battlefield platform.

"Ding Hao, a prince-level genius of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, came to accept the assessment."

Ding Hao clasped his fists, his heroic spirit rose sharply!


Light and shadow flickered, and a purple figure with long white hair stood sideways in front of Ding Hao.

"No..." Ding Hao's heart was startled, and he secretly said, didn't he say that the opponent in this level was the condensed clone of Senior Eternal Beast? How did you become a girl with purple clothes and white hair?

But Ding Hao took a closer look, and his expression suddenly became pleasantly surprised, "It's Aheng!"

The purple-clothed girl standing in front of Ding Hao is indeed Ah Heng whom Ding Hao knew. Her weak little hands lifted up her long gray vertical hair, revealing her delicate face, "Brother Ding Hao, I have succeeded in my practice, thank you!"

"Successful cultivation?"

Ding Hao was taken aback for a moment, but then he remembered something, and his face was shocked again, "Doesn't that mean that you are your deity at the moment?"

"Yeah." Ah Heng nodded slightly on Qingxiu's face.

"Your uncle!" Ding Hao looked at the girl in front of him almost dumbfounded.

The little girl who had been with Ding Hao for five hundred years was just the condensation of Aheng’s will, not her whole body. Her real body was the huge world; but after nearly two thousand years of cultivation, she was helped by the eternal beast. Below, the vast and boundless world of gray clouds has all accommodated and contracted into Ah Heng's body!

In other words, Ah Heng is now a complete little eternal beast!

Ding Hao looked at Ah Heng in front of him again before he had to nod his head and said, "Sure enough, I feel much stronger than before! Congratulations, and congratulations to your father, you have succeeded! The top galaxy-level life form of human form! Amazing! You are the most beloved jewel in the endless world, Aheng, I congratulate you!"

"Thank you! Without you, I wouldn't be able to get along with you for five hundred years." Ah Heng is also very grateful.

The two exchanged a few words, Ding Hao suddenly thought of something.

"A Heng, I am here to accept the final assessment of seniority ranking, or I will accept the assessment first, let's wait a while and then relive the old times!" Ding Hao is sure to work first.

Ah Heng also agreed. He nodded his head, raised his hand and took out an extremely heavy stick, and said, "You are right, then let's start the assessment!"

"No..." Ding Hao suddenly realized that something was wrong, and he asked quickly, "Isn't the assessment of this level referring to the clone formed by the condensed senior Eternal Beast?"

A Heng Qingxiu's face finally showed a smile, "Father said, give you special treatment, let me test you!"

"No! Would you like this?!" Ding Hao almost vomited a mouthful of blood, Ah Heng was so terrible back then, now she has merged with the deity, that strength is already bursting! Ding Hao has always been quite confident in himself, but in front of this beautiful girl with purple clothes and white hair, he has no confidence at all!

"Your father...I can't enjoy this treatment. Can we not give any special treatment and treat me equally, okay? You treat me so preferentially, I am afraid that others will have opinions!" Ding Hao objected.

The smile on Ah Heng's face became even brighter, "Big Brother Ding Hao, how can you do this! You know, this is an opportunity I got after asking my father for a long time, and it's a reward for your kindness to me for 500 years of cultivation!"

Ding Hao wanted to say, "Repay whoever you love to repay, and I can't bear it if you repay me like this. You are killing me!"

Obviously, Ah Heng didn't think so. The heavy stick in her hand had already swooped up.


The heavy long stick dragged on the ground, making a terrible jingle.

At the beginning, Ding Hao used the starry sky pillar for Ah Heng, but now it seems that the starry sky pillar can only be regarded as a children's toy. The heavy stick in A Heng's hand does not know what it is, it is extremely heavy, the long stick The surrounding space will be compressed and distorted.

At the same time, when Ah Heng approached, her body's fighting spirit soared wildly.

"Brother Ding Hao, this is what you taught me. To defeat the opponent, you must first crush the opponent with momentum, come on!"

Ding Hao almost vomited a mouthful of old blood again, cursing in his heart, it was really the church apprentice who killed the master, can I regret it now?

Before the two of them fought, Ding Hao had certain illusions.

He also counted on Ah Heng to take into account the friendship between the two before, deliberately let him in the battle, let him let him pass easily.

But at the beginning of the battle, Ding Hao discovered that A Heng had no such thoughts at all. He almost shot with all his strength, making Ding Hao step back, only to dodge.

"Aheng, do you want to do this? You let me be okay for a while, you are like this, I am very sad!"

Ah Heng came with a stick again and hit him fiercely, "Brother Ding Hao, didn't you teach me? Since you are fighting, you must be whole-hearted, not half-hearted, and you can't expect your opponent to forgive yourself! Brother Ding Hao, you have to come on! Cheer up!"

This girl is too straightforward! Ding Hao can't wait to slap himself, what can't you teach? Must teach this!

The battle continues.

A Heng and Ding Hao have been together for five hundred years, and they have long understood the worldliness of human relationships, but she is not so straightforward.

When Ding Hao was about to be defeated, her attacks would weaken a lot, giving Ding Hao a chance to breathe.

Slowly Ding Hao began to adapt to this kind of battle.

In the previous battles, Ding Hao's opponents were not as good as him. Even if the strength of Huqi slightly surpassed him, but with the addition of treasures, he is still stronger than Huqi!

But compared with Ah Heng's battle, it was completely the opposite.

Ah Heng's strength is basically to crush Ding Hao. From the beginning of the battle, Ding Hao was in the headwind of the battlefield. It was fundamentally perilous, and he would be defeated by his opponent if he was not careful!


Ah Heng was another heavy stick, which shook the ground. The defensive space created by the profound armor outside Ding Hao's body was shattered by this force, and the space was densely covered with cracks like spider webs.

"Brother Ding Hao, you have to cheer up! In the future, your opponent Shalun will exist just like me. Under the cultivation of Saint Ancestor Jiuyou, Shalun will be even stronger than me! You can't even beat me, and How do you fight Sharon?"

A Heng's words completely shocked Ding Hao.

Why did Senior Eternal Beast set Ding Hao's difficult-to-break assessment? It was because of Ding Hao's ten thousand year appointment! Senior Eternal Beast can be said to be well-intentioned, so he deliberately asked Ah Heng to evaluate Ding Hao in this level!

In the eyes of Senior Eternal Beast, Ding Hao's cultivation for thousands of years has gone smoothly, too smoothly!

There must be a real strong man, who awakens Ding Hao from the smooth sailing.

At the same time, Ding Hao felt the strength of his opponent Shalun!

The reason why Shalun can make Jiuyou Saint Lord a treasure is because Shalun is also the super darling of the endless world, and his aptitude and strength are no less than Aheng!

"Come on! Conquer me! Big Brother Ding Hao, you have that strength!"

Boom boom boom!

On the battlefield, the two figures collided violently again.

"She was right!"

"If I can't even beat her, how can I beat Sharon?"

"When I knew that my opponent was her, there was fear in my heart, thinking that I couldn't beat her, so I lost my momentum!"

"A Heng is not invincible! Her strength is very strong, and the world in her body far exceeds me. Fighting with her brute force, I will never be an opponent!"

"However, her weakness is also very clear, and there are many! It can be said that besides the world in her body far surpasses me, all other aspects, whether it is combat experience, combat will, combat skills, use of spells, combat skills... ...She is not as good as me!"

"Can I be easily defeated by her after seeing these?"

When Ding Hao calmed down, through analysis, he finally understood that his opponent was not invincible, just as he could find weaknesses and defeat him when he faced the starry giant python!

"Aheng, then I will let you taste the taste of failure!!"

(End of this chapter)

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