Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2267: Zuxian Island

Chapter 2267 Ancestral Island

Chapter 2266 Ancestral Island

Ding Hao had asked many friends he knew about the matter of the Dark Willow Demon.

Please these friends of yours to find such a female demon teacher in the Ten Thousand Worlds Alliance!

Just because there are too few clues, Ding Hao doesn't know who the devil's surname is and which race it is from. Therefore, Ding Hao only issued a high reward to find a cultivator who accepted the female fairy as a disciple.

In other words, as long as this extraterritorial demons accepts a female fairy, they can report to Ding Hao and get a reward.

But even so, Ding Hao has not received any news yet.

Although the Dark Willow Demon Venerable is not there, the matter of the Dark Race has to be resolved.

At the beginning, the Dark Race was included in the Galaxy Ring because Ding Hao did not want to expose the news of the Crystal Swallowing Beast; now Ding Hao doesn't mind this, so he chose an area to release the Dark Race people and the gravel dark star area. , The location is near the Geshi star field.

These dark race people have lived in Ding Hao’s Galaxy Ring for so many years, and their level of cultivation is still good. The cultivation medicine and heavenly materials and treasures that Ding Hao got are given priority to them, and now they can integrate into the fairy world and live a normal life. .

Third, that is the true demon king in the devil tomb of the mortal world.

Ding Hao had already promised the True Demon King to send the True Demon King and all his bones back to their world.

However, the world in which the true devil lives is very remote, and it is said that it is very dangerous at the very edge of the endless world.

Ding Hao didn't plan to send the True Demon King over recently, but Ding Hao still came to the ordinary world again.

The current mortal world has returned to its former prosperity.

The cultivators worked hard to become immortals, and everyone worked hard to become immortals.

Ding Hao’s former acquaintances are no longer here, so Ding Hao didn’t make a big fanfare, but came to the mortal world quietly and entered the demon tomb.

"Ding Hao, I don't think you have cultivated to the pinnacle of the true gods! You have become a true powerhouse, please accept my respect!"

Still in the dark space of the Demon Tomb, huge blood-red eyes slowly revealed the figure, revealing the prototype of the real demon king's huge body. It saluted Ding Hao. Ding Hao's current cultivation is worthy of his respect.

"The strong are respected, you true demon race really follow and execute!" Ding Hao nodded, when he was not strong back then, true demon king would never speak so politely to Ding Hao.

"The strong must be respected!" The True Demon King explained and said, "You have enough strength. Are you here to help me return to my hometown this time? If it goes by the way, I hope you can help me!"

Obviously, the true devil not only spoke more politely, but also worried that Ding Hao would break his promise.

Ding Hao said, "True Devil, I promised you that things will not change! But I am here today, not in a hurry to help you fulfill your wish. As you said, if it goes by the way, of course I can help you! But now Not by the way, your world is too far away from here! I want to wait until I am strong enough to leave the endless world, and then send you back by the way!"

The true devil nodded and said, "That's what I mean, but you have now cultivated to the peak of the endless world! Don't you want to go to the holy world to see? If you go to the holy world, you can send me back by the way! "

"Now go to the world of the holy?" Ding Hao laughed and shook his head, "Although I have reached the peak of my cultivation base, my strength has not reached the peak! I think so, when my strength reaches the strongest in the endless world, then Will go to the holy world, and then send you back on the way!"

"What? You want to attack the strongest in the endless world?" The true devil was dumbfounded.

It is not easy to cultivate to the peak in the endless world, and then to cultivate to the strongest, that is simply rare!

"As far as I know, only those special life forms and practitioners who have super cultivation abilities and have super chances can attack the strongest in the endless world!" The true demon thought for a while and said, "Ding Hao, you really want to attack the endless world. The strongest? It will be very difficult, and in terms of time, it will be too long to imagine..."

The true devil's worry is not superfluous, maybe Ding Hao really has the chance to get there.

However, this requires endless training time, just like the ninth mountain master cultivated to the strongest, and spent countless long years in the process. The true devil doesn't know how long he will wait?

Ding Hao knew his worries and smiled, "So I decided to come to the Mortal Realm first and put you in my Galaxy Ring! If it takes too long for me to attack the strongest, I will take the time to send you back."

The true demon nodded and said, "If this is the case, then the best! I am in the mortal realm, and I am bored, you take me away!"

Boom boom boom!

On this day, the nine islands among the five realms, nine islands and four continents have undergone tremendous changes.

Within the scope of the nine islands, those spatial cracks that opened regularly all burst open on this day.

The huge bones of the true demons buried in the cracks in these spaces slowly emerged from the depths of the cracks in the space. The huge and ancient bones and some demon blood flowing inside the bones all flew up. The sky, flying towards the magic island.

There are two huge sects on Sealing Demon Island.

The cultivators in the Baiyun Dao Sect and the Black Wind Demon Sect all walked out of their cultivation place, looking at the sky in shock, the huge dead bones.

That kind of scene will never forget them.

When the bones of these true demons came to the demon tomb, they saw the huge black stone stele of the demon tomb collapsed, the demon tomb was cracked, and the huge ancient corpses were included in it!

The ancestral training of the two great sects of the Baiyun Dao Sect and the Black Wind Demon Sect was to stay on the Sealed Demon Island and use their respective keys to seal the true devil in the Demon Tomb!

Now that the magic tomb has changed, the two sects are immediately mobilized, and all the strong are dispatched, frantically rushing to the magic tomb.

But at this moment, a spiritual force spreading from the demon tomb was spreading throughout the world. Even if this spiritual force is the will of the entire mortal world, it must be succumbed to it! What's more, those monks in the ordinary world, they knelt down one after another!

"The monks of the Mortal Realm, Master Renzu left the True Demon King and the Demon Tomb in the past. It is because of the virtue of living and leaving them a way to survive! The Demon Tomb in the Mortal Realm has also added a lot of trouble to the Human Race. Today is to be sent away. When they were! Starting today, Sealing Demon Island will no longer seal the Demon Island!"

In Ding Hao's majestic voice, everyone saw the entire Demon Tomb, slowly floating out from below the ground, this was a huge black flying palace!

It was also the first time Ding Hao saw the original appearance of the Demon Tomb, a huge black flying palace, which seemed to be the flying machine that the true demon king flew here from his world.

Such a huge flying palace was truly earth-shattering in the eyes of the mortal monks.

But in Ding Hao's opinion, there is nothing, Ding Hao's Star Nest is much larger than Demon Tomb.

Seeing that the huge black mound was put away by a white-robed fairy, the two sect disciples who were kneeling at the scene could guess who this young fairy with white clothes and black hair was?

They all became emotional, tears rolled down, kneeling and kowtow, shouting loudly, "Ding Hao ancestor, Ding Hao ancestor is back!"

Ding Hao smiled and nodded. Although he has no acquaintances in the Mortal Realm now, the entire Mortal Realm still worships him so much! Treat him as a relative!

Ding Hao felt very comfortable with this feeling. With a big wave of his hand, he punched the mark of his origin law into the depths of Feng Devil Island.

Although his original law has not yet been recognized by the endless world, it already has quite a powerful force.

After the imprint of one's original law is penetrated into the depths of the Sealed Demon Island, the qualifications of cultivators born in the future on this small island will be more suitable for the future "world of greatness", that is to say, the monks who walk out from here, It will be smooth sailing after arriving in the fairy world!

"No matter what, Mortal Realm will always be my hometown. I will most likely not come back in the future. I will leave the last gift here. I hope you can practice hard and become immortals. The higher you go, the bigger the outside world. More exciting!"

After Ding Hao finished speaking, his figure rose into the sky, turned into a golden star, and disappeared into the sky.

From then on, the mortal world did not welcome this powerful immortal again, but the mortal world has circulated the legend of this immortal forever.

Feng Demon Island was also renamed as Zuxian Island. From then on, the island has abundant spiritual power and has become a holy place for cultivation. The most amazing thing is that there seems to be a special magic power to practice here! It is not so obvious at the time of the Mortal Realm. When you enter the realm of the Immortal Realm, especially after entering the Realm of the Realm, the cultivation base of the cultivators who have been practicing on the Ancestral Immortal Island for a long time will advance by leaps and bounds!

In the following countless years, the cultivators and immortals who came out of the Ancestral Island became a powerful force in the "Huge Realm".

Ding Hao has done the third thing, and there is the fourth thing.

That was Ding Xiaokong, the space monkey of the Kongkong clan, and Ding Hao had already thought about letting the space monkey return home.

But the Space Monkey who had never returned to his own world, he didn't want to go back, Ding Xiaokong just wanted to follow Ding Hao.

Moreover, after Ding Hao killed Prince Weiqi, the seven black electric spears and a large amount of space inheritance he obtained were now handed over to the space monkey for learning and cultivation.

Although Space Monkey had practiced with Mo Kong back then, Mo Kong's spatial ability was simply incomparable to Prince Weiqi!

The inheritance that Ding Hao brought back was so high that he was addicted to seeing Space Monkey.

When Ding Hao said to help him return to the world of the Kongkong Clan, the Space Monkey immediately knelt down and begged for mercy and told Ding Hao not to abandon it. This made Ding Hao a little embarrassed, so he changed his words, "I will take you to the world to take a look. Even if you don't want to go back to your hometown, you always have to go back to see what your hometown looks like?"

For this argument, the Space Monkey did not refuse any more. In fact, it also wanted to go back and see what kind of space inheritance there is. As for the feelings of the Kongkong Demon Race, then it is not as good as the feelings of the fairy world!

In addition to this incident, Ding Hao has a fifth thing, that is, the next immortal world master and heir to the destiny!

(End of this chapter)

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