Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2272: The Unlucky Prince

Chapter 2272 The Unlucky Prince

Chapter 2271 the unlucky terrifying prince

"Prince Ding Hao? He is also a prince-level genius!" An Liu couldn't help but secretly pleased when he heard these words.

Bo Lan, who was walking in front, of course also heard this sentence, suddenly raised his brows.

Unexpectedly, Junior Sister’s "sweetheart" is also a prince-level genius! Bo Lan gritted his teeth and bitterly hated, is the standard for the Alliance to become a prince-level genius so low now? What kind of kittens and puppies have even got the title of Prince!

While resentful and dissatisfied, Bo Lan took An Liu into this glorious temple hall.

"Junior sister, this temple is magnificent and magnificent! Only true alliance geniuses can enter here!" Bo Lan walked on the mirror-like ground, speaking arrogantly, as if he was the master here.

An Liu came here for the first time, looking at the tall pillars and the smooth and bright ground here, it was quite amazed.

However, in her heart, she was thinking to herself that Ding Hao is also inside, so he must be regarded as a "true alliance genius"!

Bo Lan was very satisfied with the expression of surprise from the dark willow. He pointed to the crowded area over there and said, "Junior sister, the main hall over there is undergoing an awards ceremony for the cultivation of beast caves, and the teacher is also over there! Let's go over there. Let me introduce you to some real alliance geniuses!"

Bringing Senior Sister Anliu over, Bo Lan has made up his mind: Okay! Since you are the prince, and I am also the prince, then I will use my qualifications and connections to suppress you, and let the junior sisters see who is the real genius!

The two quickly came to the main hall, where thousands of beast cave practitioners stood quietly, from the huge window next to the main hall, the eternal beast predecessor stretched in like a huge dragon-shaped head, giving the practitioners We talk.

In the surrounding area, more cultivators stood there, watching the excitement with an expression of envy.

"Look, it's Senior Eternal Beast who is talking. He is currently the only strongest in the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, a Tier 9 Galaxy-level special life form..."

"There is also the one who is standing with a huge body, the second mountain lord among the nine giants..."

"And over there, the few sitting in the front of the chair are all my friends!"

Bo Lan introduced to Junior Sister and was crowded in the crowd.

Along the way, I saw a lot of talented cultivators on the road, many of whom knew Bo Lan and started to say hello.

This makes Bo Lan feel that she has a face in front of the junior sister, and her mood is much more refreshed.

But An Liu's thoughts were not on Bo Lan, she looked around, looking for Ding Hao's figure.

Before seeing Ding Hao, I saw Ye Wen and other acquaintances first.

"Grandmaster Zhengyuan! Ye Wen, kill, you are all here!" Anliu suddenly became excited, but she hadn't seen her acquaintances for thousands of years, and she did not expect to meet in the Ten Thousand Sword Alliance. Squeezed over immediately.

"An Liu! It's really you. I saw your shadow just now. It's great!" Ye Wen almost jumped up excited after seeing An Liu.

Seeing that Junior Sister met her acquaintances, Bo Lan's expression moved, and she glanced at these people.

Suddenly, he paid a bit of contempt in his heart: What are these things? Among these people, there is not even a true god, they are some of the bottom of the ten thousand realm alliance cultivators!

Upon discovering this, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Junior sister's acquaintances are all of this kind of cultivation. It seems that Ding Hao won't be too strong!

After An Liu stood still, he immediately saw Ding Hao under Zhang Shasha's guidance, "Sister An Liu, look at my second brother, there!"

"Ding Hao!" An Liu's eyes lit up suddenly.

At this moment, she was so happy. After thousands of years, she finally found Ding Hao and reunited with him in the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance!

But when everyone was happy again, there was a disharmonious voice from the side.

"What's so great? The bottom-ranked ones are simply rubbish! If I hadn't missed this Beast Cave training while performing the mission of the Alliance, I would definitely sit in the front row!" Bo Lan said disdainfully.

"This is..." Ye Wen raised her eyebrows and looked at this person suspiciously.

An Liu looked embarrassed and introduced, "This is my senior brother, Prince Boran."

Bo Lan was a prince-level genius in the late True God Realm, and he didn't even bother to know these practitioners in the late Realm Master Realm. The entire gap in the big realm made him fully qualified to show his arrogance.

However, there were some people who were not very good-tempered. Zhang Shasha was resolute and couldn't help but ask, "Senior Bo Lan, who did you say is rubbish? If I am rubbish, then I am indeed; but if you Speaking of my second brother, I'm going to talk to you!"

"Bye bye bye?" Bo Lan laughed, "What are you? If it wasn't for my junior sister who knew you, I would pinch you to death, easily!"

An Liu saw that Bo Lan was quarreling with his friends, and quickly persuaded, "Well, let's say nothing, everyone will be friends from now on."

"Who is friends with these people?" Bo Lan almost laughed with anger, then pointed at the thousands of cultivators, and said, "The cultivators of the animal den, the higher the ranking, the higher the position! Look! Look, all the top 50 can sit down; the top 100 all have pads; and the standing behind is based on the ranking! Your friends, standing at the end of the crowd, do you know that is? The bottom-most existence! Did I say he was wrong with trash?"

Hearing what Bo Lan said, all around quieted down.

Regardless, Bo Lan was really right.

Ye Wen and the others have just arrived in the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, and they don’t understand the rules here. It makes sense to hear Boran’s appearance!

"No! Didn't it mean that Ding Hao is very famous in the alliance world and has a lot of face? How could it be the bottom of the existence?" Zhang Shasha and their hearts were a little worried.

During their conversation, the eternal beast seniors had finished speaking, the ceremony had come to an end, and the practitioners who participated in the ceremony could also walk around on their own.

At this time, the crowd became confused, and Bo Lan also saw several acquaintances.

"Junior sister, wait here!" Bo Lan hurriedly stretched out his hand to greet, and in a blink of an eye he led a few people over.

These cultivators are tall or short, and come from different demon races outside the territory. Some of them are hideous in appearance and very scary.

Bo Lan looked at Ye Wen's frowning and worried expressions, and snorted in his heart, there are only some of the bottom, do you feel scared?

He couldn't help being even more proud, and arrogantly smiled and introduced to An Liu, "Junior sister, introduce some friends to you! These people are my old friends, all of them are amazing in strength, and they are amazing in the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance. The strong!"

As he said, he took out one of the demons cultivators who looked like white bones, and specifically introduced, "Especially this prince of horror, he is the most senior cultivator in the alliance! True God Realm peak-level powerhouse! Amazing! What I want to tell you is that he has entered the top 50 in this ranking of seniority! Do you know what this means? It means that he is qualified to start a spiritual training!"

After being introduced by Bo Lan in this way, Ji couldn't help but feel proud, looking at the group of low-level cultivators in front of him.

Look at the female cultivator who is covered by black veil again, and you can see at a glance that this woman is not only attractive in appearance, but also excellent in aptitude!

The horror couldn't help but had some thoughts, and smiled proudly, "Bo Lan, your junior sister is good! Little sister, let's leave a mark on each other! Then I go to the founding gods to study, there are any good heritage and treasures for me. It’s good to bring it to you, we can still communicate when we have time!"

Bo Lan's face was immediately embarrassed, and he brought horror to him, wanting to seduce him in Anliu; but he didn't expect Ji to molest and hook on Anliu directly, not giving him Bo Lan face at all.

"Prince Fear, you can communicate with me if you have something." Bo Lan regretted secretly in his heart.

It's horrible, but he doesn't take Bo Lan seriously, and he coldly snorted, "How can I communicate with you?" After that, he urged An Liu, "How? What does it matter if you leave a mark on each other?" "

An Liu frowned, and secretly said in his heart that not only was his senior brother incapable, but he was more than defeated and caused trouble for him for no reason.

But at this moment, a voice came from behind the horror.

"Oh, you really like to leave a mark with people!"

"Ding Hao!" An Liu's eyes flashed with joy.

But then she worried secretly again.

Ding Hao stood at the end when he arranged, and this prince was in the top fifty. Would he be troubled by Ding Hao?

Seeing Ding Hao appearing, Bo Lan's heart was secretly happy: If Ding Hao provokes Prince Horror, wouldn't it be that he is looking for death?

In their different eyes, Ding Hao walked over.

In the main hall of this temple, there is a very special prohibition method called "equal rights setting." In other words, all the cultivators who enter the temple hall will have a small difference in size! Although the cultivators can sense each other's real body size, when they stand together, they feel that the height and size are the same. This is for the neatness of everyone in the temple.

Although the height difference between Ding Hao and Hai is huge, it is not obvious here.

When he walked over, he was bitter in his mouth, how could he meet this guy wherever he went?

Ding Hao came over, patted the scarred face with his hands very unceremoniously, and asked again, "I want to ask you something! Do you really like to leave imprints with people!"

Suddenly, he was extremely embarrassed. He wanted to leave a mark with Ding Hao before, but Ding Hao ignored him. Now he was rejected by An Liu, and Ding Hao slapped his face unceremoniously, but he didn't dare to be angry.

"No, it's because I want to cultivate in the founding sect in the future, and exchange what treasures and inheritance I get." He smiled in embarrassment.

Ding Hao laughed, "You are still addicted to communicating with treasures, aren't your eight bone pillars communicating with me enough?"

He looked embarrassed again, speechless, and had to say, "Prince Ding Hao, I still have something to do, I'm leaving now!"

After speaking, leave as if running away.

As soon as this person left, the other cultivators brought by Bo Lan saw Ding Hao obediently saluting, and then walked aside with low eyebrows.

At this moment, everyone can see that Ding Hao is not only very face, but also very domineering here.

Bo Lan also saw the expression of horror. He was angry and anxious. What is Ding Hao's background? Why is even Prince Hacking so afraid of him?

(End of this chapter)

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