Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2280: Youyun Realm

Chapter 2280 Youyun Realm

Chapter 2279 Youyun Realm

The fundamental purpose of the practitioner to create the original law and create his own world is his own practice.

After Ding Hao's "Haozhijie" was successfully created, the world inside his body suddenly expanded outward again.

However, this kind of expansion has not made much progress. The real benefits will be that after the "Haozhijie" grows stronger, the number of lives in the world will reach an extraordinary height. The power of faith brought to Ding Hao will help Ding Hao's internal world continue to change. It's huge!

Create the world and become the creator of the world.

When this world becomes prosperous and the number of lives in it is billions of trillions, the power of faith that these lives bring to the master of this world will also be very huge.

Ding Hao's "Holy World" is a boutique route. Maybe his world life is not that many, but the level of cultivators living in his world is relatively high, and the effect is the same!

"Why people in the world of creation are valued, it is because after the world is created, you will get great benefits! Your strength will continue to grow stronger with the prosperity of your world, and even you will stop practicing and enter rest At the time, your strength is also becoming stronger! Think about what a once-and-for-all thing this is!" Su Dinan has created the world long ago, and he smiled at Ding Hao, "Your world is the most upscale and stable world. If there are a large number of realm master realm cultivators and high-level natural treasures of plants and animals, they will bring you unimaginable belief power bonuses, and it will become possible for you to hit the strongest in the endless world!"

"That's it."

Ding Hao has been working hard to become a man in the world, wanting to stand shoulder to shoulder with immortals and ancestors.

Only now did I know that opening up the world is not just an honor, there are many practical benefits, and gaining the power of faith and achievement is one of them.

Creating the world has another advantage.

That is to have more of your own genius offspring!

Although in the fairy world, Ding Hao has his descendants from the Ding family, they are also his descendants.

But its population is limited after all, how many geniuses were born among them? But when he created the world, the cultivators who came to his world would be his descendants, especially those geniuses born in the second and third generations, Ding Hao would also be their ancestors.

It's as if all people in the mortal world would regard human ancestors as ancestors!

The cultivators born in "Haozhijie" will also regard Ding Hao as an ancestor.

"I have to do one more thing!"

After Ding Hao created the world, one more thing to do is to connect the exit of the immortal realm with the "Hao lower realm"!

In this way, immortal emperor demon-level cultivators in the immortal realm can directly enter the "Great Realm" to practice after passing the assessment of the immortal gate!

Because the "Great World" is very open, if these immortals are unwilling to stay for cultivation, they can enter the turbulence of time and space at any time and go to the Alliance of Ten Thousand Worlds or other places!

It was really busy here for two years before finally building this world completely.

When Ding Hao and the others left, there was still no cultivator in the "World of Hao", but Ding Hao believed that as the various treasures and precious specialties in this world began to be produced, there would be cultivators from different worlds. The people are here for a long time!

"It's finally time to leave!"

Ding Hao and his friends boarded the Star's Nest and looked back at their own world, as satisfied as they were.

"Let's go! If you don't leave, you won't be able to rush to the founding **** cult in time!" Sudinan smiled.

"Okay! Let's go!"

There are three sources of life in the world that Ding Hao created. The first is the cultivator from the immortal realm. These people practice the "Xianzun scroll" left by Ding Hao. Some powerful immortals can cultivate to the initial peak of the realm master. Feisheng "Huge Realm" is better to practice here than Immortal Realm; the second source is practitioners from different worlds, because the production and cultivation environment of "Hall Realm" is better. These people have been exploring since the beginning. Treasures will slowly become immigrants and live here; and the third source is the plants and animals from this world and all kinds of natural treasures. They can also slowly become spiritual and become demon adults. Cultivators, because the "Huge Realm" has a very high level, when they evolve into a cultivator, their level is also very high, and they may even directly start from the early stage of the Realm!

"It takes time to produce cultivators from these three sources, take your time!"


The crystal blue star nest is flying at extreme speed in the turbulence of time and space.

Ding Hao planned the route well this time. Although there is no map in Endless World, he can also determine the route according to the remoteness of different destinations.

Within the official member system of the Wanjie Alliance, Ding Hao has acquired many positioning points in the world.

"At present, the world of the Dark Purple Demon Race and the World of the Kongkong Race will be taken along. It will not take many detours. It is better to pass these two worlds in, and it will be considered as fulfilling my two wishes."

Since it didn't waste any time, Sudinan and the others had no opinion. As for Prince Lito and the others, they wanted to go to a few more worlds to see and see different worlds.

"Well then! Fat insects, go to the world of the Dark Purple Demon Race first!"

The world of the Dark Purple Demon Race has to fly at full speed for a full year. This is a world called the Nether Cloud World.

It is said that there are many huge black cyclones in this world, and people in this world call them Youyun. And in the center of each cloud, there is a huge black hole, and there are space-time connections inside different black holes, just like dense passages of space-time, very complicated.

After flying for more than half a year, when he was about to arrive at the Nether Cloud Realm, Ding Hao released the Dark Purple Demon Clan's An Jialan and others.

The current Anjialan is the cultivation base of the late master realm, and the dark princess and Antulu are both in the middle master realm.

Standing in the spacious control hall of the Star Nest, An Jialan respectfully saluted the eight practitioners sitting on both sides of the conference table.

These eight people are Ding Hao, Sudinan, Luo, Li Tuo, Qiuyue, Li, Gu Fengheng, and Sansheng Warrior Wolf. All eight of them are practitioners at the pinnacle of the True God Realm. They have reached their cultivation level in the endless world. The limit is too strong to be stronger, and Anjialan's cultivation base is incomparably weak in front of them.

"I have seen eight senior princes!" An Jialan saw so many powerful men, and she wanted to kneel and kowtow.

What he originally thought was that when his Crystal Swallowing Beast reached the third or fourth order, the Dark Purple Demon Race could take the Crystal Swallowing Beast back to the Cloud Realm and regain its own world.

But now although the Crystal Swallowing Beast was taken by Ding Hao, Ding Hao brought seven friends with him.

Now the strength of Ding Hao and the others is much stronger than a small Tier 4 Crystal Swallowing Beast. It can be said to be terrifyingly powerful!

The eight of them can be an absolute crushing force in any world in the endless world!

"No need to be polite!" Ding Hao waved his hand, motioned An Jialan to sit at the other end of the conference table, and said, "I'm going to your hometown, Youyun Realm soon! In order to fulfill my promise to you, this This time I will take my friends to your hometown to help you drive away the alien cultivators and time-space trespassers who occupy your homeland! You can now report to us the situation in your hometown's Youyun Realm!"

"Seniors, thank you so much!"

An Jialan was so happy that he was about to cry. With these eight super powers in front of him, who else could stop him from taking back his home?

"The world environment of Youyun Realm is like this..." Soon, An Jialan introduced the situation inside the Youyun Realm to everyone.

Prince Li Tuo suddenly smiled, "It's fun and fun! Entering from a black hole in time and space, you will walk out of a black hole in time and space that is far away. This is just like hide and seek, a bit interesting!"

When others are going to do business, she is just playing it, so Dark Jialan is a bit embarrassed.

He had to say again, "Prince Lido, this is indeed the case. When those enemies want to besiege and kill us, we dark purple demon people will hide in this black hole, constantly changing positions, like hide-and-seek. It's the same to avoid chasing and killing, so I and some of my people can escape from the Nether Cloud Realm."

"That's it."

Su Dinan nodded and asked again, "Knowing yourself and your opponents will never end in a hundred battles. Then you can say now, which demons dominate your world, and who is the strongest among them?"

An Jialan said, "The situation in my hometown is the same as in the immortal world. It is a coalition of many demons. They have an astonishing number. They have seized a lot of territory, robbed our homes, and colonized them to survive! There are many different demons, such as humans, giant bone demons, and so on. There are as many as hundreds of invading demons, but most of them are some scorpions. Among them, there are two real strong ones. One is the time and space gangster. Top elder, his cultivation level should be at the pinnacle of the realm master realm! The other is much stronger, that is, a strong man of the Giant Bone Demon Race. I don't know his cultivation level. Now I want to come to the real **** realm! "

"Cut!" Gu Feng smiled contemptuously at the corner of his mouth, "What should I do? It turns out that the strongest are only at the beginning of the True God Realm. Kill them all!"

Li Tuo sighed, "These inferior guys, at the peak of the realm of the realm and the early stage of the true gods, they actually dominate the king? It's just looking for death, it's crazy!"

Ding Hao couldn't help but sigh, "In fact, in many worlds, the middle and late stages of the realm can crush a realm! Think about my enemies who have cultivated in the middle of the realm of the realm, they can occupy the entire realm and act recklessly. , Killing my countless descendants of the fairy clan! Now that I am strong, I will know their strength, and they will not be ranked in the endless world!"

Li also came from a world where the level of cultivation is not very strong. He nodded and said, "My hometown is similar. In a world without the protection of a real strong, that world will be invaded and occupied sooner or later! So in the endless world, forever It’s all about strength. If the strong speaks, they can crush a person with a higher strength! There is no reason to speak, strength is the truth!"

Ding Hao nodded, "Okay! Then we will use our strength to reason with them, and Youyun Realm will be here soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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