Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2299: Primal Fire Spirit

Chapter 2299 Original Fire Spirit

Chapter 2298 Primal Fire Spirit

"Vacuum is true, it's amazing!"

When Ding Hao heard the theory taught to him by the ancestor Hao Lei, his heart was shocked!

Before this day, all the exercises he practiced and his knowledge of the world needed to be completely subverted!

Under countless different laws, how to exert one's strength and how to defeat opponents, these issues are all Ding Hao never thought about.

"Vacuum is true, the law is vacuum, ignoring the law!" Ding Hao felt his blood boil as he thought of these new terms.

When he first entered the founding cult, he met the strange bird.

Ding Hao and the strange bird fought for a long time. The opponent was totally invulnerable. If Ding Hao had not used the Time Tower to suppress the opponent, and had the help of Sku from the Land Zen tribe, Ding Hao really didn't know **** the strange bird?

"Now if I meet this weird bird, then I won't be merciful. I will try to see if the rule vacuum can work?"

Ding Hao listened to Hao Lei's ancestors for a long time telling him the theory of law vacuum, but he hasn't practiced it yet.

"Junior Brother, according to the rules of the founding gods, you can open up your own territory outside this valley!" The third mountain lord and Ding Hao walked out together.

"What on earth can territory do?" Ding Hao asked curiously. He felt that the rules of this territory were like a mortal world grabbing territory.

The third mountain lord laughed and said, "Territory is very important in the founding of the religion. If you have a territory, indigenous beasts will join in. They will plant many precious treasures of heaven and earth in your territory, which is good for your cultivation. It is very useful; at the same time, in the magical universe of the founding gods, there will be some treasures of the strongest level from time to time, and you will need to work together with your army to **** it! It will improve you in the battle The strength of these treasures will also make you stronger! In short, having a vast territory will make you stronger for the remaining four thousand years, and if you have only a small territory, then you His strength will be greatly thrown away by others!"

"That's it!" Ding Hao nodded.

The so-called territory means that cultivators use different methods to grab resources to strengthen themselves and improve in battle!

"Then I will go to determine my territory now."

Ding Hao bid farewell to the third mountain lord, flew out of this valley and came outside the valley.

Here, there are many places that have been acquired by others and become other people's territories. When Ding Hao enters them, a voice of warning will be heard.

"It's here!"

Ding Hao quickly found a blank ground with an area of ​​about a thousand square meters. This is a remote canyon with different cultivators' territories on both sides. Ding Hao was caught in it. "Although it is narrow, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. In the future, even if someone wants to grab my territory, it will be difficult to succeed!"

After determining the territory, a simple and lively small temple is located in the territory.

"Haha! This is my territory, the territory was founded, please forgive me from the two neighbors!"

Ding Hao immediately sent out a jade card to the owners in the territory on both sides to show friendship.

At the same time, Ding Hao took out his Wanjie bracelet to watch the news of his friends.

He suddenly laughed at this look, "Unexpectedly, the three-life war wolf Lituo Ancient Wind Hengqiuyuezhi, they all have opened up their own territories, and the area has been expanded a lot!"

After discovering that Ding Hao had also left the customs, Sansheng War Wolf and the others expressed shock.

"Impossible, Ding Hao! Why are you eliminated? My God, we thought that only our qualifications would be eliminated. Are you not an expert in original images? How come you have also been eliminated?"

Ding Hao smiled and said, "I am not eliminated, I passed the assessment given to me by the teacher, and I will leave early!"

"What? I left the customs 200 years in advance!" All his friends shouted enviously, "Then you have to be more powerful than Sudinandro and the others, Sudinan and the others are still working hard to cultivate and understand at this moment. Yeah!"

Ding Hao said, "I'm just a coincidence, not enough."

Everyone knew that Ding Hao's modesty was false and Dese was true, and they all expressed their contempt.

Qiuyue said, "Ding Hao, don't you too much trouble? Do you know that Shalun is the most popular founder of the founding gods. He is definitely a rising star. Now his territory is as many as hundreds of thousands of kilometers. The number is astonishing! Now even those who have been practicing for a long time in the founding of the religious sect are very envious of him, and take the initiative to make friends with him. You must not be compared to him!"

"There are hundreds of thousands of kilometers?" Ding Hao felt a little shocked, because his own territory is only a few square kilometers now!

While Ding Hao was talking with his friends, an uninvited guest came to his temple.

"Rookie, you finally created your own territory!"

"Sku, why are you here?" Ding Hao quickly stood up and walked into his temple, the tall pangolin-like creature, the native beast Sku who officially signed an alliance contract with him.

Skud said, "Why can't I come? I made an alliance agreement with you at the beginning. After you have your own territory, I want to follow you to fight the world from now on! I can help you recruit a large number of Zen people, let Your territory is getting bigger and bigger! At that time, more and more products will be produced on your land, and more and more subordinates will be supported. In the future, if any treasure is born, you will have the opportunity to fight for it! "

"Well, take the initiative to join my subordinates, I will not treat you badly!"

If you want to expand your territory, there are two ways. One is to **** other people's territory and start a war with others; the second is to seize unowned vacant land, which is often occupied by the native beasts of the founding religion. !

Ding Hao thought for a while, "I am new here after all. It may be difficult to **** someone else's territory. The only option now is to **** the unowned space."

Sku is very proficient in these things. He pointed to the outside of the valley and said, “There are other people’s territories on both sides. You can only develop from here! This mountain forest belongs to dozens of igneous rock tribes. Own! They do not belong to our Zen clan, and they won't make way for you. We must eliminate them!"

Ding Hao suddenly stood up, "Then go!"

Sku shook his head and said, "There are dozens of Fire Rock Clan lives there, and the environment is very suitable for them to fight, so you see that your two neighbors on the left and right did not bother them! Now we are the two alone to eliminate those The life of the igneous rock tribe is difficult!"

Ding Hao has fought with the indigenous beasts of this world (earth beasts for short), and he didn't dare to care about it. He smiled and said, "No need to worry about this. I ask some of my friends to help!"

A hero and three gangs, Ding Hao immediately contacted his friends.

"Haha! It's difficult to start a territory, especially since your location is originally a treasure of geomantic omen. It is of course difficult to compete for it. Ding Hao, wait, we will come!"

Ding Hao waited in his temple for a short time. The hot-character Prince Litu brought a few dinosaur-like earth-zen beasts, followed by Prince Qiuyue, who was allied with the Tianxing tribe, and the Lin Beast tribe. The ancient wind and the three-life wolves allied with the Wanghai Clan arrived.

Because the earth beasts that everyone brought were all different life races, they were not friendly to each other, but fortunately they all obeyed the orders and soon formed an army.

The large pangolin-like Sku was overjoyed, "Lord Ding Hao, you are really amazing and you have many friends! Someone wanted to take me to serve under Lord Sharon, but I didn't go there. It seems I didn't wait for you in vain!"

Ding Hao laughed and said, "What is Shalun? I will step on him sooner or later!"

Three Lives War Wolf also laughed, "Then you have to work hard. Not only is Sharon developing the best among our group, but also many old cultivators take the initiative to befriend him! He gets more resources than We have so much more. The current strength is really hard to imagine, it has reached the point of ignoring the law!"

"Alright!" Ding Hao suffocated in his heart.

Sharon has reached the point of ignoring the law, and Ding Hao hasn't even used the theory of the vacuum of the law yet. He can't wait to use this theory to fight!

"set off!"

Ding Hao and his friends took their soil beasts and killed them out of the canyon. As expected, there was a large flame area in front of them.

Flames are rolling everywhere here, red and black magma is flowing everywhere, the tops of the mountains are burnt red, there are constant noises of cracking, those are the cliffs that have been burned torn apart and toppled down!

They had just entered this flame area and did not encounter any igneous rock life.

"Look, there are primitive fire spirits over there!"

In the unique universe of the founding gods, all kinds of treasures of heaven, material and earth that are produced and born are all unavailable in the endless world!

This kind of heaven, material and earth treasure, called primitive fire essence, contains powerful primitive power, and more importantly, a substance can be extracted from it, which can be used to cultivate the theory of law vacuum!

"Haha! Ding Hao is indeed a treasure of geomantic omen, grab it and become your territory!"

Ding Hao's friends immediately marched towards the flaming mountain that produced primitive fire spirits. At this moment, suddenly there was a huge hum from both sides of the road, and large pieces of red-burning rocks rolled down from the cliff!

"Lord be careful!" Sku reminded him, and immediately rushed forward.

I saw these fiery red stones, when they fell to the ground, they became huge flaming stone beasts.

There were only eight flame stone beasts that appeared in the first batch. They were blocking the path of Ding Hao and others. The leading one shouted, "Cultivators, if you cross the road, immediately leave the area under our control; if it is to grab territory , I advise you not to make ideas here. I can call out hundreds of brothers at any time. Your strength is not enough!"

Scoo suddenly laughed and said, "Lord, you must not listen to it fooling around! It is full of dozens of Fire Rock Clan lives, we are here to grab the site!"

Ding Hao was already itching for a long time, and took the lead, and was the first to jump forward, "I haven't tried the theory of rule vacuum, kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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