Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2311: Lonely pangolin

Chapter 2311 The Lonely Pangolin

Chapter 2310 the lonely pangolin

Just when Ding Hao was successful in his cultivation and returned to his territory with the millions of Zen Wolf King's army, Sku, who was tasked with housekeeping in his territory, had a difficult time.

Ding Hao has left his territory for 1,000 years, no one knows how he is?

Don't know when he will return?

Sku brought sixteen earthen beasts from the Zen tribe to rush, but in a blink of an eye, at least half of them have quietly gone away!

The earth beasts are also very realistic. If a lord can take the earth beasts under his command to attack the city everywhere, let them eat and drink well, and lead them to make achievements, then they will receive the loyal service of the earth beasts and become loyal!

If a lord has no strength, is weak and incompetent, has a small territory, and is often bullied by others...Then the loyalty of the earth beasts under him will continue to decline, and at this time, there will be more earth beasts leaving quietly to go to stronger ones. Lord!

Like Ding Hao, that is the most irresponsible!

The area of ​​Ding Hao's territory is very small, and the corpses of other soil beasts in the territory are also zero.

These earth beasts who watched Ding Hao stayed hungry all day, and they worked hard for Ding Hao to cultivate primitive fire spirits!

Then others are not willing to do it!

Even the hard-working Zen Clan can't stand it. Now that they have gone halfway one after another, Sku took the remaining eight earth beasts, and was complained by these eight earth beasts all day long!

However, this is not the most important.

Sku has faintly felt a crisis recently!

Those are the two neighbors on both sides of Ding Hao's territory. In recent days, they have frequently crossed the boundaries and entered Ding Hao's territory.

In fact, this kind of thing is very common in the founding religion.

A cultivator who does not return to his territory for a long time is likely to die outside, and others will find ways to erode your territory!

Ding Hao hasn't come back for 1,000 years. The two neighbors on the left and right have been eyeing this. Now they think there is an opportunity to take advantage of it, and of course they will be moved!

"You follow me, there are a large number of primitive fire spirits that can be harvested recently!"

These years, under the care of Sku and the others, the primitive fire spirit has grown gratifyingly, and now it is a harvest scene!

So Sku is very worried that the neighbors on the left and right will grab territory before the big harvest.

Sku decided to take his eight remaining men and grab some of the original fire spirits first.

However, when they came to this flame area, they found that there were already hundreds of earth beasts!

There are hundreds of earth beasts here, Sku can recognize at a glance, they are from the "blue ape family" from the neighbor on the left and the "half beast" from the neighbor on the right!

And these hundreds of earth beasts are harvesting primitive fire spirits wildly at this moment, they are madly snatching mature primitive fire spirits; immature primitive fire spirits are also massively destroyed under their trampling!

"Stop it! You bastards! Stop it!" Sku took the eight men of the Zen tribe and rushed forward like crazy.

Over the years, Sku and the others have worked so hard to plant these primitive fire spirits. Not only have they been snatched away, but even the immature ones have been ruined by people, making their hearts bleed!

However, Sku, they are really weak, and they have no effect at all in front of hundreds of earth beasts.

Instead, they annoyed the blue apes and half-orcs, beating and biting them.

Ho Ho Ho!

Sku, they can only yell and get beaten by each other.

When the opponent's earth beast stopped, they scattered, and the scarred Sku and the others looked in front of their own eyes, it was a desolation.

All the mature primordial fire spirits were all snatched away; those primordial fire spirits that had not matured were also shattered and ruined, with heavy losses and a bleak scene!

"Sku, we have been busy here for 1,000 years, and that's the result!" A native Zen beast who followed Sku, weeping without tears, said again, "The lord hasn't come back yet? Who knows him? Life and death! Maybe he is dead, and the two neighbors around him dare to be so unscrupulous! Or let's go too!"

Sku, a huge pangolin with a wound, sat on a mound, pondered for a moment, and shook his head, "The lord will never die! Back then, his strength was the first among this group of cultivators! Other cultivators are all. Without death, our lord Ding Hao will not die! And have you noticed? The two neighbors only dared to come over to grab our harvest, and did not dare to occupy our territory! This shows that our lord is not dead yet, and they have something too. fear!"

"But this kind of life is too sad!"

Another Earth Zen, also in the form of a pangolin, sat next to Sku, and said with emotion, "When someone wanted to lead me to the Lord Sharon to serve, I didn't go! I came here with you, who knows? I’m full, I don’t drink well, I work hard all day, and I’m bullied in the end!"

Facing other people's complaints, Sku was helpless, sitting there alone looking in the distance, and said, "I believe the lord will definitely lead us to the top!"

"Then you just wait for your lord to lead you to the top!"

Four more earthen beasts of the Zen tribe finally couldn't help but left Ding Hao's territory in a fit of anger.

Now in Ding Hao's territory, only Sku and the other four earthen beasts of the Earth Zen tribe are left. These four earthen beasts are not only Earth Zen tribes, but also pangolin forms, and have relatives with Sku.

A total of five giant pangolins were sitting alone on the top of the mountain, looking at the distant direction, their backs were very lonely, even Sku was confused at this moment.


A drooling pangolin said weakly, "Sku, I'm so hungry that I have hallucinations, as if I saw the lord return."

The other pangolin also cried and said, "I also saw the lord bring back a lot of delicious food!"

"Stop dreaming!"

Sku cursed and looked into the distance. His eyes lit up and then rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Then he shouted, "Brothers, this is the real lord is back! Lord Ding Hao is back! "

"My God, it's really him!"

In fact, before the five pangolins saw Ding Hao, Ding Hao had already seen them.

"what's the situation?"

Ding Hao didn't notice the mess in his territory, but first noticed the five sitting pangolins.

After all, Sku, they are tall, five people sitting there, weak, with drooping shoulders, salivating in their mouths...not to mention the vicissitudes of that scene, as if each of them had a word on their faces, miserable!

Ding Hao raised his brows and rushed back first.

"I have seen the lord!"

Sku took the remaining four Zen tribes and knelt on the ground, crying bitterly, "Lord Ding Hao, we have been wronged these years!"

When Ding Hao came here, he had already seen a mess in front of him, a large number of immature primitive fire spirits being trampled to pieces, what did Ding Hao guess?

An angry expression appeared on his face, and he said every word, "What happened? Tell me all of you!"

Right now, Sku and his men talked about what had happened.

Ding Hao's face was pale with anger.

1000 years ago, when Ding Hao brought his friends to conquer the Flame Stone Beast, he discovered that his two neighbors were unruly.

Assemble heavy troops, hide in their territory, ready to **** the fruits of victory at any time.

Later, seeing that Ding Hao and the others were very strong, the two neighbors gave up.

Ding Hao saw all of this in his eyes, and he had to forget it.

Unexpectedly, the two men were not dead, and they came to **** the treasures produced in Ding Hao's territory while Ding Hao was not at home!

In fact, these two people are also very cunning. They know that Ding Hao is the disciple of Hao Lei's ancestor, and they dare not steal Ding Hao's territory!

So he sent his earth beasts to Ding Hao's territory to **** the treasures of heaven and earth, and at the same time wounded them and forced them away!

In this way, even if Ding Hao comes back later, he doesn't know what happened here?

Coincidentally, Ding Hao just returned to his territory at this time!

"Lord, you must be the master for us!" A giant pangolin knelt in front of Ding Hao and cried loudly.

"Stop it! The lord naturally has the idea of ​​the lord!" Sku suddenly wiped away his tears, and began to reprimand.

It turned out that Sku suddenly thought of another aspect.

Ding Hao is a newcomer cultivator after all, and those two neighbors are both old people who founded the cult. With Ding Hao's strength, they are not their opponents at all. What's more, there are still two people, and there are hundreds of soil beasts under him!

In this case, if you have to force Ding Hao to make a move, wouldn't it be boring?

Thinking of this, Sku sighed again and said, "Lord, you will be fine when you come back! So they don't dare to go too far. The big deal is that we will replant and cultivate slowly. After a few hundred years, there will be another big harvest. !"

Ding Hao laughed angrily at what it said, "Sku, why didn't you see you in 1000? Come with me, whoever snatched the original fire spirits you planted, I will not only let them spit out, but also Let them pay the price of blood?!"

"The lord is mighty!" The four giant pangolins shouted excitedly.

But Sku was still a little worried, "Lord, I am not a spoiler! But they are both old men who founded the cult. You will suffer a lot when you deal with them alone! And there are more than 100 soil under their hands. Beast, we hit the stone with eggs at all. If the lord really wants to let out this breath, then you will invite all your friends from last time..."

"Ask a friend to help beat them? They don't have the face yet, I'm enough!"

Ding Hao snorted coldly, and walked to one of them. Sku and the others persuaded it to be useless and could only follow behind.

Soon, Ding Hao entered the territory of a neighbor. There were many clever Blue Ape tribes scattered in the territory. Seeing Ding Hao entering the territory, the Blue Ape tribe immediately reported back.

It just so happened that Ding Hao's two neighbors were in this house. After hearing the news, the two cultivators walked out side by side.

"Friend Ding Hao, I haven't seen you in 1,000 years. I don't know what it is for you to rush into my territory?" A sturdy cultivator asked unceremoniously.

Ding Hao coldly snorted, "Don't you know if I came here? Just not long ago, the earth beasts under your two entered my territory and snatched countless primitive fire spirits that were about to be harvested, and there were more immature primitive fire spirits destroyed. ! And also injured my earth beast, I want you to give an explanation!"

(End of this chapter)

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