Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2334: Alien Ark

Chapter 2334 Ark with Different Patterns

Chapter 2333 Different Pattern Ark

When Ding Hao's Zuwen began to grow stronger, this mysterious world slowly opened up.

"Zuwen's restrictions in this world are far less than my deity!"

The flying speed of Ding Hao's deity lags far behind his ancestors, so Ding Hao ordered his ancestors to search outside. Only after discovering something, the deity flew over.

"My deity, there are many golden bone pillars here!"

Ding Hao's deity flew over quickly.

When Ding Hao came here, he was overjoyed, "There is actually a city here that no previous cultivator had ever discovered!"

In this ruined world.

Ding Hao had already seen several large and small cities along the way. As for the small villages, there were even more of them.

But there were too many treasure hunters who came here to explore before. All the cities and villages Ding Hao saw had been visited by other treasure hunters.

All of them were looted, leaving no good things.

"It's really posted this time!"

A relic of a city that no one has ever entered before. Just think about it and know how many precious treasures there will be!

Ding Hao's mental power instantly covered this very ancient city.

"There are so many good things!"

In Ding Hao’s spiritual power, there are not only a large number of golden-patterned bone pillars, but also a large number of treasures left by the aliens, heaven and earth treasures, classics, training materials...

You know, it was only a short time before the world of Inhuman Demon Race was destroyed.

All Inhuman Demon Races were suddenly wiped out, so their belongings were not moved at all and all remained.

"All things in this city belong to me!"

Ding Hao was overjoyed, and he immediately rushed down. The first thing he collected was the gold-patterned bone pillar, which was the biggest purpose of his trip!

"There are ten here!"

"There are thirty here!"

"More here!"

Just when Ding Hao was in this city, collecting golden bone pillars.

In the depths of the city, a huge and complex black text slowly "sit" up. When it "sit" up, its huge body began to shrink and deform, and finally turned into a very tall one. The black giant figure.

Beside this black giant, surrounded by tens of millions of black text.

These black texts are crowded together, they are all talking, their voices are chaotic and noisy.

However, each of these voices can enter the body of the black giant in different categories.

"The king of Zuwen, and there are cultivators who know how to live and die come to our royal city!"

"He is looking for death! The King of Zuwen quickly use your strength and courage to break everything, and kill him!"

"These small and greedy practitioners, he wants to take away all the treasures that belong to us!"

"This is our royal city. He must pay the price of blood for his offense..."

The chaotic sounds all came from these tens of millions of black text.

The king of Zuwen has made a decision to eliminate this cultivator who offended the city.

In fact, the number of cultivators who entered the original ruins of No.0093 for so many years has been countless.

Some of these cultivators even stayed here for hundreds of thousands of years, and all cities may have been visited by them.

And this royal city has not been plundered by any cultivator.

The real reason is not undiscovered.

Instead, I discovered that all the cultivators here have been killed by the King Zuwen!

"Little cultivator, look for death!"


"Nine hundred!"

"My God, I actually collected 900 gold-patterned bone pillars!"

Ding Hao felt stunned.

From the original 19 roots, to 21 roots, to 29 roots, and then to the present 900 roots...

This is something that Ding Hao himself could not imagine. If there were 900 gold-patterned bone pillars, how many different characters could Ding Hao learn from them?

The answer is, countless!

"It's amazing. If I learn all the characters that can be stored in these nine hundred gold-patterned bone pillars, it can be considered another way to inherit the civilization of the alien demon race!"

Ding Hao hasn't stopped. Although there are not many golden-patterned bone pillars in this city, there are still twos and threes.

"Continue to collect, I hope to collect 999!"

Just when Ding Hao was so excited, Zu Wen who followed him suddenly trembled.

"This deity, it seems that there is an extremely powerful being approaching, and I already feel it!"

"My God! Its power is terrible, you can never be his opponent!"

"Run away!"

Just after Ding Hao's Zuwen felt this powerful life, Ding Hao himself felt that a super powerful aura enveloped his body.

"Your uncle! This momentum is too scary!"

Ding Hao's deity was a little shocked.

The strongest man he has ever seen is the ancestor of his teacher Haolei.

Standing in front of Hao Lei's ancestor, that feeling really cannot be expressed in words, Ding Hao felt that he was extremely small, that kind of power was so strong that anyone would willingly crawl under this kind of power!

This feeling, even if Ding Hao was in front of Senior Eternal Beast, it would not be so strong.

This shows that the true strength of the ancestor of Hao Lei surpasses the predecessor of Eternal Beast.

However, the sense of oppression that this mysterious and powerful life brought to Ding Hao was no less than that of Ding Hao's teacher Hao Lei ancestor, and even some slightly exceeded it!

"No! Isn't this primitive ruin forbidden to enter the quasi-strongest cultivator? How can a cultivator of the strongest level appear here?"

With a big wave of his hand, Ding Hao took the gold-patterned bone pillars he could collect, as well as the various treasures and treasures of heaven and earth within the range.

Then Ding Hao walked out of the building where he was staying.

"This is a black giant!"

After Ding Hao came out, he saw an extremely tall black figure standing outside the city at first glance. The strongest aura he felt came from this black giant!

The figure of the Inhuman Demon Race was already very tall, and Ding Hao stood in this tall city like an ant.

However, the black giant that appeared outside the city was even bigger. The tall city was like a toy in front of him. As for Ding Hao, it seemed even more insignificant, as if it was just a hair of an ant!

"My God! What the **** is this? I have never seen such a cultivator in the endless world!"

Because this guy already has a human form, Ding Hao didn't think of him in terms of text monsters at first.

However, Ding Hao’s Zuwen had a clear sense, and it immediately sent a will, “This deity, if I did not sense the error! He is not a cultivator at all, he is a monster formed by the alien text! The monster is formed, this text monster Having already cultivated into a human form, it is simply horrible!"


Ding Hao was also stupid. He didn't expect that the characters in this world would be cultivated into a demon, and in the end he would be able to cultivate a human form!

"Stupid and greedy cultivator, what's so surprising? I have swallowed 10 billion trillion characters so far, and this has formed who I am today! Now I am a human form, if I change back to the form of characters, the size will be bigger! Tiny cultivator, I feel your fear!"

Ding Hao was indeed quite frightened. What is the concept of 10 billion trillion?

It's scary!

This text demon is unprecedentedly powerful, and in this world, it can become infinitely stronger, and when the text demon reaches a terrifyingly powerful level, it can get out of this world!

At that time, even if it was the five ancestors of the founding gods, it would be impossible to destroy them.

Ding Hao wondered if this monster went out, the fundamental will of Endless World would not make another move!

While he was thinking about this, the black giant said again, "I used to think it was fun to cultivate a human form! Very powerful! Unfortunately, when I cultivated a human form, I had a lot of new troubles! For example, I'm bored. It's so boring! So cultivator, I once again decided not to kill you, but to surrender!"

While talking, the black giant opened his mouth and spit out a weird black text, "Cultivator, let this text devour your ancestors! From now on you are me, the most loyal servant of the powerful ancestral king! Tell you, I have been all these years. There are more and more things to understand, and the urge to conquer begins to appear in my heart. I want to conquer everything! You are my pawn!"

Seeing the weird black text getting lower and lower, he came to Ding Hao.

Ding Hao, who had been very quiet, suddenly released the Qiye vacuum gun in his hand, which shot at the black text.

He cursed, "Who will be your pawn? I go to your uncle!"


Ding Hao shot the black text that was thrown down, then turned his head and fled.

This king of Zuwen is too powerful for him to deal with. He must leave here to inform the five great ancestors and the fundamental will of the endless world.

However, it was very difficult for Ding Hao to escape from the King of Zuwen!

"Your uncle! This guy is so much older than me, he can fly faster than me!" Ding Hao almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

At his current speed, it is impossible to escape from the king of Zuwen.

"I can't beat it, I can't beat it at all!"

The three most powerful weapons in Ding Hao's hands are not opponents at all!

As for the Zuwen refined by Ding Hao, don't mention it at all. The king of Zuwen is the ancestor of Zuwen!

"It's over, I'm afraid it will really be over this time!" Ding Hao did not expect that in this primitive ruin, there is such a Zuwen King who exceeds the strongest level!

Fortunately, the Zuwen king didn't want to kill Ding Hao, which gave Ding Hao a chance to survive.

He flew around headlessly, without knowing where he flew, and suddenly found that there was a huge plain outside the city, and in a corner of the plain, there was a black cave.

Ding Hao had nowhere to go, so he had to dive into the cave.

"What is this?" The King Zuwen was too big to get into the cave, and he slapped his palm on the plain.

There was a bang, the mud rolled down on the plain, and a huge black object revealed its figure...

(End of this chapter)

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