Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2336: Fat insects exit

Chapter 2336 Fat Worm Out

Chapter 2335

Day by day, Ding Hao has reached 100 years in the original ruins of 0093.

During this period, the Zen Wolf King had been sitting in the ruins before entering the place.

With the passage of time, the entry point of the original ruins is also slowly moving, but 100 years will not move very far.

On this day, five more cultivators formed a team, turned into a light, and flew into the central mountain range.

The five practitioners didn't know where they got the entry coordinates when they came near the door point.

Seeing the Zen Wolf King squatting on the top of the mountain, they were all surprised in secret.

However, when they found that the Zen Wolf King hadn't reacted to them, they were bold enough to paint runes with their fingers in the door point space in front of them.

These five people are obviously here for the first time. It took them a while to get a unique Zuwen each.

After placing it in the space between the eyebrows, they walked into the original ruins of No. 0093 one by one.

After these people entered, the Zen Wolf King opened his eyes, "This is the third batch in 100 years!"

The Zen Wolf King has been sitting here for 100 years, feeling quite emotional, the world of the Inhuman Demon Race is jealous of the fundamental will of the endless world, and all the cultivators who practice the different patterns are regarded as rebellious!

But even so, there are still cultivators who continue to find this world and enter the treasure hunt.

I believe that most of them were just for treasure hunting before entering;

However, the temptation of the different pattern technique is quite amazing. At least half of these people will take risks and practice the different pattern technique in the future!

"This primitive ruin No. 0093 is really harmful!" Zen Wolf King couldn't help but sigh.

It was also a little worried in his heart. Ding Hao has been living for 100 years, living under different runes and techniques all day, can he resist this temptation to become stronger quickly!

Time continues to flow, and another 100 years have passed in a blink of an eye!

The Zen Wolf King has been sitting on the top of that mountain for two hundred years, and the door point of the original ruin No.0093 is 500 meters away from him.

It was still sitting there, motionless.

In this second 100 years, as many as four groups of cultivators have entered the world of Inhuman Demon Race.

Only a group of cultivators came out after such a long time!

The longer these people stay in this world, the more likely they are to be tempted by this technique and become rebellious!

However, these have nothing to do with Zen Wolf King. It is still sitting there, like a stone statue, and now Ding Hao is out.

But on this day, another group of five cultivators flew in. Four of the five cultivators had entered this ruin, and as long as five people, all of them knew the Zen Wolf King.

Generally, when these cultivators enter, the Zen Wolf King closes his eyes.

But this time, the Zen Wolf King suddenly opened his eyes.

"It's Ding Hao's Earth Beast Zen Wolf King!" Lord Jin Chan said in surprise.

Among the other four cultivators, the leaders were Lord Qin He and Lord Su, and the other two were also Ding Hao who had met in Lord Su's temple.

Lord Zen Wolf said, "Lord Jin Chan, have you forgotten what Lord Ding Hao said to you back then?"

Ding Hao once reminded Jin Chan to be careful of Lord Su, not to be taken to practice different patterns and become rebellious!

As soon as the Zen Wolf King spoke, Lord Qin He was immediately unhappy and mocked, "Zen Wolf King! Ding Hao did not let others enter the primitive ruins of No. 0093 to search for treasures. Why did he enter the primitive ruins himself? I think he doesn't want others to compete with him for treasures, right? !"

Regarding Lord Qinhe’s cynicism, Lord Zen Wolf didn’t respond and closed his eyes, “I’m just reminding you, Lord Jin Cicada, you can do it yourself!”

"Let's go! Leave it alone!" Lord Su snorted coldly.

"Oh." Although Jin Chan didn't say anything, but when he entered this world, he also began to have more thoughts.


For two hundred years, Ding Hao has been studying runes with different patterns.

One by one, ancient and mysterious words were understood and refined by Ding Hao. These words have very powerful power, especially in this world, words are power, and the power is infinite!

Ding Hao mastered more and more characters, and the effects he could control became stronger.

In fact, he used a method of wiping the ball!

He didn't practice the different pattern technique, but he used different pattern runes to achieve the effect.

When these runes appear, the effect will appear; when the runes disappear, the effect will disappear; unlike the practice of different patterns, there are effects anytime, anywhere! This is the biggest difference!

The number of heterogeneous runes is astonishing, almost endless. The number of characters that can be composed of 973 gold-patterned bone pillars is also infinite.

It is impossible for Ding Hao to learn everything in two hundred years.

However, on this day, Ding Hao had learned a very critical rune with different patterns.

"The meaning and effect of this rune is to erase the will of others!"

"It would be great to use this rune to eliminate the will of the original owner of the Ark with different patterns."

After Ding Hao said this, his body, sitting cross-legged, rotated, changed its position, and faced the tall control pillar.

"Go to me!"

With a big wave of his hand, 973 golden-patterned bone pillars flew over, forming a circle around the tall control pillar.

Immediately, Ding Hao lifted his finger and slid his fingertips back and forth in the space surrounded by the golden-patterned bone pillars, connecting the golden lines, and a new and complex rune appeared in the void.

In the center of this rune composed of golden lines, there is the white and bright control pillar with golden runes!

"Erase the consciousness left by the alien royal family above!"

Following Ding Hao's violent shout, he saw that the rune composed of golden lines began to shrink inward, and the invisible force was also crushed toward the center!

For the treasures left by the Inhuman Demon Race, this erasure consciousness is a forced erasure.

Therefore, the golden runes that were originally left on the control pillar continued to resist!

However, these golden runes are not the opponents of the 973 golden bone pillars at all.

The sound of booming!

The golden runes on the control pillar burst one by one, disappearing without a trace!

At the end, all the golden runes on the control pillar disappeared, and the control pillar became a huge white stele without an owner!

"Now, it's time to hit my will!"

Ding Hao thought of this, and with a wave of his big sleeve, 973 gold-patterned bone pillars suddenly scattered aside.

His eyebrows opened, and the black Zuwen flew out, printed on the control pillar in front of him!


When Ding Hao's Zuwen was imprinted on the control pillar, an old will was also imprinted in Ding Hao's ocean of consciousness.

"Master, Alien Ark is here for you!"

"Haha!" Ding Hao was overjoyed. It was a sense of accomplishment to get such a flying palace of the strongest rank and let him recognize the master.

There are probably not a few flying palaces of this level among the founding gods!

After Alien Ark recognized the lord, Ding Hao put his hand on the giant control pillar in front of him, and immediately a large amount of information was transmitted into Ding Hao's ocean of consciousness.

"What an old will!"

This alien patterned Ark was also a miracle in the era of the alien demon. It was built with great effort to become the royal flying palace of the alien demon. All the materials used are the most noblest in the world of the alien demon. Top material!

"My God!" Ding Hao couldn't help being stunned when he sensed the material information used in it.

Here even a random plate on the ground, a screw, a mural...

For now, they are the most precious top-level materials, and any point will be sold at a terrifying price!

"The entire Ark with different patterns is a priceless treasure, and if you take it out, the great ancestors will be eager!"

Ding Hao was so happy to get this kind of treasure. What he wants to do most now is to control this super powerful flying palace to fly around in the sky.

But he soon discovered that it was difficult to do it alone.

When this super powerful flying palace was designed, it used a multiple control system. No matter how good you are, you can’t let it go to the sky.

"Damn it! No wonder it is only used by the imperial demon clan's royal family, and ordinary cultivators can't operate it alone!"

When Ding Hao was upset, a cheer came from his Galaxy ring, "Master, I succeeded! I succeeded in being promoted to the insect **** level!"

"What? Fat insects, you have entered the **** level!"

Ding Hao also followed in ecstasy, the previous fat insects were only female emperors, equivalent to the master realm of cultivators!

And now the fat insect is advanced to the insect **** level, that is, it has reached the real god!

It's a big level with Ding Hao!

Of course, Ding Hao is now at the peak of the True God Realm, and Fat Worm has just entered the True God Realm.

However, as long as the fat insect enters the real **** realm, and in the future, as long as it continues to eat various precious foods, it will sooner or later reach the peak of the real **** realm like Ding Hao!

Ding Hao looked into the Galaxy Ring, and he was immediately happier.

After Fat Worm was promoted, its Star Nest was also promoted.

The current Star Nest is no longer a flying palace, but a huge planet!

On this planet, there are densely packed hexagonal honeycombs, I don’t know how many billions there are!

In that hive, there are one or more different descendants of **** insects. According to the truth, every descendant of fat insects can cultivate to become a practitioner above the realm master realm! Even reached the pinnacle of the realm!

"My God! This is simply a paradise for worms!"

Ding Hao felt terrified when he looked at all kinds of bugs, hundreds of millions of them.

Although the Fat Worm became stronger, it frowned again, "Master, in this way, Star Nest cannot become a flying palace!"

Ding Hao raised his hand and released the fat insects that had changed their image and were able to walk on their own. He smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if the Star Nest can't become a flying palace. Look at my latest flying palace, how is it better than your Star Nest?"

The fat insect can also walk upright now, with two slender tentacles on its head. It looks left and right, and can't help nodding in praise, "Master, I feel that your new flying palace is just a little bit worse with my star nest!"

Ding Hao cursed, "Go to hell! Alien Pattern Ark is the strongest flying palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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