Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2341: The atmosphere before the duel

Chapter 2341 The atmosphere before the duel

Chapter 2340 the atmosphere before the duel

Time is hurried, and for cultivators, two hundred years are fleeting.

In the past two hundred years, the two names that the new and old cultivators have mentioned most.

The first name is Shalun.

Shalun is absolutely amazing, a super genius level figure, who has only successfully cultivated for 2500 years in the founding of the gods, has successfully reached the cultivation level of the quasi-strongest!

This has almost refreshed the practice records of many strong people, and this speed is breathtaking.

Moreover, the territory controlled by Shalun's hands was also amazing.

In the Cult of Creation, apart from the elders, no one has a territory that can surpass Sharon.

Not to mention this group of newcomers who have entered the founding sect, even those old people who have been practicing for countless thousands of years in the founding sect, the area of ​​the territory cannot be compared with Sharon!

In the entire Chuangshi Sect, all cultivators will have a look of awe in their eyes when they talk about the two words Shalun.

Awe-inspiring and fearful, Shalun is definitely a character from the past.

Some people even speculate that Sharon might be able to reach the status of the ancestor of the thousand insects in many thousands of years!

There is another name that is popular among the practitioners.

That is Ding Hao!

Like Shalun, Ding Hao is also a new batch of cultivators.

However, when practitioners talked about Ding Hao's name, it was more of a joke!

"It's a joke, a little newcomer is going to duel with the quasi-elder of the hammer, why is he?"

"Does he really think he is Sharon?"

"Don't tell me, I found out that this Ding Hao is also a genius who has been vigorously cultivated in the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance. He and Sha Lun have a ten thousand year agreement!"

"Funny, what is he? I tell you that I went to watch his territory some time ago. It was a laugh! The palm-sized territory is not as good as one-tenth of my territory!"

"Haha! I passed by his territory a while ago and found that the two territories next to him are quite large, and Lord Ding Hao's own territory is only the size of a canyon, which is so funny! He is a little big territory, With few resources, how can he improve his strength? How can he be the opponent of the Fire Hammer Quasi-Elder?"

Amidst the ridicule and ridicule, the days passed, and finally it was almost time for Ding Hao to fight the fire hammer.

The agreed place for the duel at the beginning was chosen to be in the territory of Sansheng War Wolf.

So many cultivators came here early, waiting to watch the battle.

After these five hundred years of development, the territory of Three Lives War Wolf has also grown a lot, and Ding Hao's friends Luo, Li Tuo, Qiuyue, Li, Gu Fengheng and others have also come here in advance!

Su Dinan, who hasn't seen for a long time, finally appeared!

When Sudinan arrived, it caused quite a stir.

Although he has not yet reached the level of the quasi-strongest person, he can occasionally cause rune ripples in the surrounding space between walking and moving!

What does this show?

It shows that he is infinitely close to the level of the quasi-strongest, and may break into the level of the quasi-strongest at any time!

"My God! In other words, in addition to a genius like Sharon, Sudinan is also a super genius! This group of latest cultivators has been able to cultivate to such a level in 2500 years, if not for him The aptitude is much worse than Sharon, I believe he will advance to the quasi-strongest before Sharon!"

"Yes, these newest cultivators are really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and they have a lot of rising stars!"

"In this way, it is possible that Ding Hao may enter the level of the quasi-strongest!"

"Impossible, Ding Hao is far behind Sharon and Sudinan. You will know when you look at the territories! How vast is the territory of Sharon and Sudinan? Without such backing support, how could they possibly break through? So fast! But Ding Hao's territory only has so little, without the support of a strong backing, he will always be just a flower in the mirror!"

In the midst of everyone's discussion, Su Dinan walked into the temple of the Three Lives Wolf Warriors.

"Su Dinan is here!" They all stood up. In these years, Su Dinan almost broke contact with them, this time it was also a long time.

Su Dinan walked in and said displeasedly, "You! How could Ding Hao and Firehammer make such an agreement? I have already inquired that Quasi-Elder Firehammer is not only a quasi-strongest cultivator! Moreover, he is also a cultivator who has entered the quasi-strongest for more than 300,000 years! More importantly, it is said that the quasi-strongest of his average strength are relegated to three houses!

"What?" Their faces became even paler.

"Oh, I just blame me being forced to practice wholeheartedly by the teacher, and I don't know the external situation at all. I don't know this, and I can't stop it at this moment!"

Su Dinan shook his head and sighed. The main reason why his strength can be improved so quickly is that he met a good teacher.

The teacher personally came out, looking forward to Su Dinan practicing outside, using a devil training mode.

Su Dinan has been immersed in cultivating all these years. He has no free time for a minute, and rarely communicates with his friends, and he does not care about the news happening inside the Cult of Creation!

That's why he can have his current level of cultivation, and he also happened to hear about Ding Hao recently, so he told the teacher a fake and came here!

"I was planning to retreat and break through to attack the quasi-strongest person. I came here this time, and I felt uneasy!"

Although Su Dinan felt uneasy, Ding Hao had already made a fight with Firehammer. If it was cancelled, Ding Hao's name would probably be stinking.

"Now I only hope that Ding Hao has also entered the quasi-strongest level!" Sudinan secretly said in his heart.

When my friends were worried about Ding Hao, Sansheng War Wolf suddenly shouted, "Ding Hao sent me a message."


Everyone hurriedly watched. The message Ding Hao sent to the Three Lives War Wolf was simple, saying that he would definitely take part in the duel on time and let the Three Lives War Wolf build a high platform, because his teacher Hao Lei Ancestor also went to watch the battle!

"The first ancestor of Hao Lei will come to watch the battle too!" The Three Lives War Wolf were shocked.

In a duel, one of the five great ancestors came out to watch the battle, which is also considered earth-shattering!

Su Dinan asked again, "Hurry up and give him a message, and ask him where his strength has progressed? Has he reached the quasi strongest?"

Three Lives War Wolf immediately sent a message, but Ding Hao was busy and didn't have time to pay attention to him.

"It seems that Ding Hao is still in the final impact!" Everyone waited for a while, and they became even more nervous before waiting for the news.

Three Lives War Wolf said again, "Then we are going to build a high platform!"

For this duel, although many people came to watch the battle, the Three Lives Wolf Warriors didn't have any preparations at first. He was afraid that Ding Hao was not an opponent, so why did he have to do so grandly? Do you want to celebrate with Fire Hammer!

But now it's different. Ding Hao personally sent a message, saying that if the ancestor of Hao Lei was present, they had to build a high platform.

It is very easy for a cultivator to do this kind of thing.

Soon after, Sansheng War Wolf and his friends built a nine-story high platform among his disciples.

All the cultivators who come to watch can sit in the nine-story high platform and watch the battle.

And at the highest point of the nine-story high platform, there are seats prepared for Hao Lei's ancestor.

As time passed day by day, as the duel date approached, more and more cultivators came here to prepare to watch the battle.

This incident attracted the attention of many people, but not only the group of cultivators who entered the creation of the religion, but also many old people who started the creation of the religion, came here early to see a result.

Most of these people believed that Ding Hao was bound to lose.

However, there are also some cultivators who secretly pray in their hearts, hoping that Ding Hao can win. These are the cultivators who have been oppressed by the fire hammer back then!

"I really hope Ding Hao can defeat the old beast of Firehammer!"

"Oh! I think so too...but the fact is the fact. With Ding Hao's strength, it is too far from the hammer! I still don't like Ding Hao!"

"Indeed! From the mood, I hope Ding Hao can win, but intellectually, Ding Hao is set to lose this time. It is difficult to say whether Ding Hao can save his life!"

And Ding Hao and a group of cultivators who entered the cultivation, almost all came here.

The cultivators from Jiuyou Temple Mount almost exclusively supported Firehammer.

"Ding Hao, little beast, it's good to die early!"

"Too arrogant, to challenge the older generation of powerful fire hammer directly! I think that any ten thousand year agreement will be invalidated, anyway, this Ding Hao will not die in the hands of fire hammer, but also will die in the hands of our Shalun!"

"Haha! The Ten Thousand Realms Alliance is so funny, it sent such a useless guy, did he come to make a laugh?"

There is competition between Jiuyou Temple Mountain and Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, and they can't understand each other, and they all speak out and despise Ding Hao. That's all; but there are some cultivators from Ten Thousand Realms Alliance who also spoke and laughed at them.

"Ding Hao, when you were in the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, the ninth mountain lord supported you! Now you are so arrogant when you come to the founding gods. I think you are looking for death! I came to see how you died today?! "

It was the terrifying lord who was speaking like a bone!

The only purpose he came here today is to watch Ding Hao fail, watch Ding Hao die, and watch Ding Hao never turn back!

In a blink of an eye, there are still three days before the agreed day of battle.

The nine-story high platform was already full of cultivators, and thousands of cultivators came to watch the battle this time.

Ding Hao and Fire Hammer hadn't appeared yet, but there was a character who made the court noisy.

"Sharon is here!"

"I rub, it's really Shalun!"

"The qualifications of a special life form, the whole body is covered with the most primitive patterns, and it is natural to communicate with the original images. The founder of the gods has reached the strongest person in 2500 years...He is simply a legend!"

When Shalun walked into the nine-story high platform, his face was as iron, not sad or happy, looked left and right, walked up to a higher position on the high platform, and then bowed to the higher place and saluted, "Teacher, Shalun to you salute."

As he spoke, a huge figure appeared out of thin air, and a powerful momentum swept the audience.

"My God, the ancestor of the Baji is here too!"

(End of this chapter)

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