Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2346: Ding Hao's means

Chapter 2346 Ding Hao's Means

Chapter 2345 Ding Hao's Methods

In the rune duel, the battle is in full swing.

And outside the arena, on the nine-story high platform, the debate among cultivators was also fierce.

What they were talking about at the moment was mainly about the treasures used by Ding Hao.

"In a certain point of view, Ding Hao's Time Tower directly smashed the eternal rune edition of Elder Huang Chou. This treasure can definitely be included in the "Treasure Catalog of the Strongest"!"

"Yes, I think the Time Tower should replace the eternal rune version in the treasure catalog!"

"How is it possible! The treasure of the Years Tower, so powerful, why is it only ranked 33?"

"I feel so too! The Years Tower is not just a question of defeating the opponent, but directly smashed. This treasure should be at least in the top 20!"


"I agree too!"

Just now these people still looked down on the Years Tower in Ding Hao's hands, thinking that it was just an ordinary treasure with nowhere to come, and now that the Years Tower really exerted its power, they knew how powerful it was.

After talking about the Years Tower in Ding Hao's hands, their eyes turned to another treasure of the strongest in Ding Hao's hands.

"Qiye vacuum gun, this is also a good treasure that has not been recorded in the treasure catalog! I heard that it was Ding Hao’s teacher, Haolei, who spent seven or forty-nine days in refining it. The most important thing is this Forty-nine days, the ancestor Hao Lei has been teaching his three thousand disciples the Taoism! That is to say, this Qiye vacuum gun has also listened to the Taoism for seven or forty-nine days! This is a mastery of Taoism. The spear of magic is infinitely powerful, do you see how it ranks in the treasure catalog?"

When someone asked this, all the cultivators present were speechless and speechless.

At this moment, someone asked a new question.

"The small round shield that the ancestor Octopus gave to the elder Firehammer just now is the number one weapon!"

"This one……"

Everyone has nothing to say again, the spear refined by Hao Lei ancestor is powerful, then the small shield refined by the ancestor Octopus is not powerful?

The ranking of these two will definitely offend one of the two ancestors.

Everyone had nothing to say, an elder smiled, "In fact, we are talking nonsense here. The real result depends on the venue! If the Qiye vacuum gun defeats the unknown shield, of course the Qiye vacuum gun is even more powerful. ! If the Qiye vacuum gun returns without success, then there is no need to say the result!"

"Yes, let's watch their battle!"

Everyone once again cast their gazes into the rune duel, it was when Ding Hao's spear suddenly slammed into the fire hammer.

Bang bang bang!

The huge aperture opened again and again!

The light and shadow are bright and dazzling, illuminating the entire arena, dizzying.

Ding Hao's spear carries the power to sweep space, and his Hao Lei three styles are used in turns.

Although Haolei's three styles only have three styles: "stab", "slash" and "break", the changes in these three styles are endless.

Combining these three types together can produce continuous and powerful attack energy.

Boom boom boom!

Ding Hao's crazy attack!

As the name suggests, the people of Fire Hammer have always been known for their madness in their attacks. When they fight, they will have a violent temper. They will launch a full-scale attack without mercy, so that the opponent has no temper.

But today, the situation is the other way around. Ding Hao's attacks were extremely crazy, he didn't leave his hands, and the attacks from all sides caught the hammer by surprise.

Over the past five hundred years, Firehammer has borrowed many treasures, including offensive weapons!

But under Ding Hao's frenzied attack, these offensive weapons of the fire hammer were too late to be used, and Ding Hao was beaten back step by step.

One wrong step, wrong step, suppressed by the Tower of Time, the fire hammer after losing the first opportunity is completely controlled by others.

However, fortunately, he had a small circular shield that the ancestor of the Octopus had just given him.

Of course, Firehammer borrowed five hundred years of treasures, including defensive treasures.

But the defensive effect is much worse than that of the small round shield of the ancestor of the eight poles!

Because, this small circular shield made by the ancestor of the eight poles was made for the Qiye vacuum gun!

Perhaps when dealing with other weapons, the power of this small circular shield will be much weaker; but when dealing with the Qiye vacuum gun, this unknown small shield has extraordinary resistance!

"Oh my God!"

The crowd of spectators on the nine-story high platform all secretly exclaimed, "Unexpectedly, Ding Hao is so strong, the old generation of cultivators, the quasi-elder of the fire hammer, was beaten by Ding Hao! If it weren't just given to him by the ancestor of the eight poles That nameless shield, he had already lost! It was a complete defeat!"

"It's true! Without that nameless shield, Firehammer would have lost at this moment!"

"The last chance for Firehammer is to use the nameless shield in his hand to block Ding Hao's attack, and then organize a decent counterattack! Only in this way can he have the hope of turning defeat into victory!"

Listening to the discussions of the cultivators below, the Baji ancestor felt a light on his face.

In fact, he doesn't care whether Fire Hammer wins or loses. As long as he makes others feel that he is awesome and that he is above the ancestor of Haolei, he is very satisfied!

His rival is not Ding Hao, but the ancestor of Hao Lei!

"Hao Lei, do you think my thunder-breaking and shield-breaking is powerful, or is your Qiye vacuum gun powerful!" The ancestor of the eight poles couldn't help but make a triumphant voice.

When he spoke, there was an uproar from below.

At first, everyone didn't know what the name of this small round shield was, so it was called the nameless small shield.

But now, everyone has heard the ancestor of the Octopus say that the name of this team is "Smashing Thunder and Breaking Great Shield".

Hearing the name of this shield, all the practitioners present took a breath of air, "The ancestor of the eight poles is provoking the ancestor of Haolei!"

A fool can also see this so-called "smashing thunder and breaking the shield", this is for the disgusting ancestor of the thunder!

Breaking Thunder and Breaking Hao, doesn't this mean breaking the ancestor of Hao Lei?

"Baji, your name is very interesting!" Hao Lei's ancestor is not stupid either, he is a bit gnashing his teeth at the moment.

For these cultivators, after so many years of cultivation, everyone is an old fairy, and they have already seen a lot of things.

There is only one thing that can never be seen away.

In this world where the strong are respected, who is stronger? Who is the real powerhouse? Who is a little stronger than whom?

Comparison, and struggle will always be the immortal theme of this world!

The battle between the Baji ancestor and Hao Lei ancestor in the founding of the religion is no longer a secret, and this time it is a fierce confrontation in front of tens of thousands of cultivators!

However, in order to ensure the balance of the founding gods, the other three ancestors had already restrained the two of them, and they were not allowed to fight face to face!

The two of them are too strong, and the number of their respective disciples is also large.

If the two people really fight, then the unity of the founding gods will be gone forever. The torn founding gods will bring a torn endless world. When the time comes, the lives will be destroyed. This is by no means everyone wants to see. !

So the fight between the two of them is fine as long as there is no fight.

However, today, the fight between the two of them is mainly concentrated on the strength of the Qiye vacuum gun and the thunderbreaker.

If Qiye vacuum gun wins, then the ancestor of Hao Lei must be happy;

But if Qiye's vacuum gun returns without success, then the ancestor of Haolei will be ashamed.

Everyone will say that the shield that was successfully refined by the ancestor of the eight poles within a few days easily blocked the spear refined by the ancestor Hao Lei for seven or seventy-nine days!

"Hahaha!" The ancestor of the eight poles laughed loudly, "Thank you for the praise of the ancestor Hao Lei, in fact, I just thought of this name! If this time the thunder and the shield can block your spear attack, then I will practice All the treasures made use this series of names!"

"You!" Haolei's ancestor was so angry that there was nothing to say.

This is too disgusting. If all the treasures refined by the Baji ancestor in the future are aimed at the disgusting Haolei ancestor, then the Haolei ancestor is likely to be a laughing stock in the future.

"Yes, what Qiye vacuum gun? What did you listen to for seven or forty-nine days? It's all nonsense!"

"What's so great about this broken gun? Don't give it to me!"

"The small shield that the teacher has refined for a few days can block it. I think it's just a fire stick!"

"Haha! This kind of fire stick also wants to be included in the treasure catalog? I think it is almost the last one!"

The disciples camp of the Baji ancestor all burst into laughter.

Although not all of Haolei's 3,000 disciples came today, hundreds of them also came.

The camp of the ancestors of Hao Lei was also not polite, and they all retorted, "Don't be so arrogant! Burning fire sticks, do you have this kind of fire sticks?"

The disciples of the Baji ancestor laughed, "Don’t be stubborn, let’s speak with facts, the broken spear in Ding Hao’s hand can’t break the thunder and break the shield! This is the fact, and the facts prove that our ancestors refined 'S weapons are much more powerful than those refined by your Hao Lei ancestors!"


The disciples of Hao Lei's ancestor were furious.

Sitting at the highest point of the stands, Hao Lei's ancestor was upset.

But at this moment, the ancestor Hao Lei couldn't help in the battle between the two in the rune duel.

The ancestor Haolei clearly saw that the small shield refined by the ancestor of the eight poles was indeed amazing in defense. It was really difficult for the Qiye vacuum gun to break this shield.

"Damn it!" Haolei ancestor also cursed secretly in his heart.

In fact, Ding Hao in the rune duel was quite annoyed at this moment.

Before the battle, he had already figured out his strategy, launched a storm-like blow, and completely disrupted the violent fire hammer!

But because of the small circular shield in Firehammer's hand, it disrupted Ding Hao's deployment, allowing Firehammer to slowly stabilize his heel!

"Does this small shield change the situation of the entire battle?"

Ding Hao's eyes were gloomy, and he thought to himself: This small circular shield is really hateful. Even if he defeats the Firehammer with a desperate attack, he cannot kill the Firehammer!

"No, you must first break this small circular shield!"

Ding Hao's eyes condensed, and he suddenly stopped attacking, pressing his forehead and **** on the center of his eyebrows, and a golden light came out.

"Show me!"

(End of this chapter)

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