Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2349: Preaching

Chapter 2349 Closed Sermon

Chapter 2348

"He did discover some of your secrets, what is the secret?" Haolei's ancestor couldn't help but wince.

Everyone was present in the battle between Ding Hao and Firehammer and they could see clearly.

The biggest question is that Ding Hao's use of the Qiye vacuum gun didn't take much initiative at the beginning, nor could he break the nameless shield of the Firehammer!

But halfway through, there was a detail of Ding Hao that caught the attention of Hao Lei's ancestors, that is, Ding Hao pressed his finger to the center of his brows, releasing a golden light!

After watching with golden light, Ding Hao immediately took advantage.

What exactly is this golden light?

Why does it have such a huge effect?

This is the secret everyone is paying attention to!

Ding Hao smiled and said, "My secret is that when I was exploring the treasures of the original ruins of No. 0093, I accidentally got a flying palace left by the aliens! It's called Alien Veins Ark! This flying palace is very high-level and huge. , I usually put it on the center of my eyebrows! When I opened it, I was seen by the fire hammer, and he probably thought it was a treasure from the holy world!"

"What? Ark Alien, let it out and have a look."

The ancestor Hao Lei gave an order, Ding Hao pointed his eyebrows and released the Alien Ark.

"I wipe!"

"What a big flying palace!"

"This kind of flying palace probably doesn't have the five great ancestors, it's the No. 1 flying palace in the sky!

Seeing the ark with different patterns released by Ding Hao, all the other disciples of Hao Lei's ancestor shot out envy and greed in their eyes. How could they have seen such a high-end flying palace, and now they can't wait to pounce on it.

"Okay! Good thing! This flying palace is so precious!"

Each of these cultivators was drooling, but they also knew that Ding Hao didn't get in. It was very difficult to borrow something from Ding Hao, and it was even impossible to borrow this flying palace!

"We can't get it, don't even want to hold it in your hand!" These people secretly said in their hearts.

"Teacher! I think this treasure should be kept in the hands of your teacher. After all, none of the five ancestors has a flying palace of this level. If you still have filial piety, Ding Hao, take the initiative to give it to the teacher!" The brother said.

Another senior brother also followed, "Yes! Ding Hao, the teacher has always treated you very well! Now that you have such a good flying palace, it is right to give it to the teacher!"

"Yes, yes, yes! This thing is in the hands of the teacher, we need to use it in the future, and we can borrow it from the teacher! Ding Hao, you can contribute it!"

Ding Hao saw these so-called senior brothers and sisters, he snorted to himself, if there is a chance you fall into my hands in the future, I want you to regret what you did today!

Although Ding Hao gritted his teeth with hatred for these senior brothers and sisters, there must be a smile on his face.

"Teacher, fellow brothers and sisters are right, this flying palace is much better in the hands of the teacher than in my hands! So I am willing to give it to the teacher, and I am willing to give it to the teacher, hoping that the teacher will be able to smile !" Ding Hao was bleeding in his heart when he said these words.

However, the ancestor of Hao Lei shook his head and said, "You can't use this thing for me. This is a treasure left by the alien demon race. If I didn't guess wrong, I need the ancestor of the alien demon race, right?"

Ding Hao nodded, "Exactly! Zuwen is needed to recognize the Lord and urge this thing!"

"I don't have Zuwen? What's the use of you for me!" Haolei Ancestor couldn't help laughing.

"So that's the case." Ding Hao suddenly felt relieved when he heard this sentence, knowing that Haolei's ancestor would never ask for the Ark with Different Patterns again.

However, at the moment when Ding Hao relaxed, Hao Lei ancestor shook his head again and asked, "No, the fire hammer is definitely not about the flying palace! He is clearly talking about the holy world, what do you have in the flying palace and holy world? relationship?"

The ancestor Haolei's face suddenly became cold. As the third mountain master said, the ancestor Haolei hated his disciples to hide and lie to themselves.

If Ding Hao lied to him and was exposed, he would never be polite to Ding Hao.

Ding Hao's heart sank and said, "The disciples don't know why Firehammer is talking about the holy world. If I have to guess, it is that he regards this flying palace as a treasure from the holy world! It should be the firehammer who made a mistake! "

"Wrong?" Haolei ancestor laughed.

However, his smile this time is not so good, unlike the past, his smile this time is a sneer.

Ding Hao's statement is too far-fetched!

"Then I ask you, why do you immediately take the active advantage when you look at it with golden light?" Haolei's ancestor was already accusing him at this moment.

Ding Hao also knows that today's level is not easy to pass, but if it is bad, it must be passed.

He stepped forward and looked at Haolei's ancestor without fear, and replied, "Teacher, that golden light is the inheritance left by the Starry Sky Years Clan, named Rune Sky Eye! It can emit golden light and watch all kinds of Runes will have a different effect!"

While Ding Hao was talking, he demonstrated at the same time, emitting golden light, illuminating different original images and runes.

Seeing Ding Hao's demonstration, the senior brothers and sisters present once again showed greed in their eyes.

"Damn! Why is this little Ding Hao so lucky? He got all good things, the super powerful flying palace belongs to him, and there is this kind of inheritance specially used to watch runes! Why? What? Why is this good thing not in my hands?"

They were jealous and hated one by one. If Hao Lei's ancestor were not present, they would have liked to rush to **** it!

"Rune Sky Eye!"

Ding Hao nodded and said, "It is this heritage! When I was fighting with Firehammer, I found that there were a lot of runes on his nameless shield! So I used this rune eye to watch, and I saw a lot of runes! Through my personal understanding of runes, after careful calculation, I found the weakness on his nameless shield, and then launched an attack and gained the upper hand!"

"So that's the case." Haolei's ancestor finally looked much better, "If the rune eye has such an effect, it would make sense to reverse the battle!"

Although the ancestor Hao Lei believed what Ding Hao said and could echo the incident before and after, he still struggled with the words of the fire hammer.

He asked again, "Does the holy world that the Fire Hammer shouted at the end really has no other meaning?"

Ding Hao shook his head, "I just tried my best to shoot, really didn't understand what he meant? According to my guess, he took the Alien Ark hidden between my brows as a treasure in the holy world!"

At this moment, Ding Hao had already hidden the eyes of the gods.

So when he opened the space between his eyebrows, there was only an Ark with Alien Patterns inside.


At this moment, a senior sister of Ding Hao came out again and said, "Teacher, in fact, it doesn't have to be that troublesome! As long as you use a little method, type some runes, and get some memories of Junior Brother Ding Hao, everything will be clear!"

"What?" Ding Hao's face instantly turned cold.

For the strong, there is indeed such a method, just like the special runes that the Ninth Mountain Lord remotely sent to Ding Hao. As long as Ding Hao uses these special runes, Ding Hao's origin and memory will be controlled by the Ninth Mountain Lord.

If Hao Lei's ancestor also used such a method, then Ding Hao would not be able to hide his secrets!

"This..." Hao Lei's ancestor couldn't help but hesitate.

Seeing Hao Lei's ancestor hesitate, Ding Hao's heart suddenly became cold.

If the ancestor Haolei really wanted to do this, Ding Hao would definitely refuse; and in that case, Ding Hao and the ancestor Hao Lei would cut off justice!

Although Hao Lei's ancestor used to treat him well Ding Hao, but if you use these methods, everyone's previous love will be wiped out!

Suddenly, the third mountain lord came out, "Teacher, I have something to say."

"You said."

The third mountain said, "Ding Hao’s explanation, I think, is very clear, there is no need to use this method! The use of this method, also called soul search, is an extremely rude method, generally used on the enemy! or During the interrogation! Ding Hao is our junior, if you use this method against him, then I would say it is simply too much!"

As he said, the third mountain master looked at these hundreds of disciples and said word by word, "Ding Hao won this game and won the face for the teacher. Not only did he have no rewards, but he wanted to search for his soul! Where does the truth come from? I will ask you, where does the truth come from?"

By this question, most of the people present were speechless.

However, a few senior brothers and sisters still came out to discuss with the third mountain master.

"Okay!" Hao Lei ancestor finally figured it out, he waved his hand, "Ding Hao's words are reasonable, I believe! As for searching for souls, I won't need to mention it again! Ding Hao has done a good job, if I treat him this way, What would he think in his mind? In short, this matter ends here, it should be a misunderstanding by Fire Hammer, I think other strong people in the founding sect may also have any thoughts on you, Ding Hao, you should be careful in the future! "

"Thank you, teacher."

Ding Hao respectfully bowed, and looked at Haolei's ancestor again.

He secretly said in his heart, teacher, you did not search my soul this time, I will write down this feeling! The help you give me will be repaid in the future!

Ding Hao turned around again and respectfully saluted the Third Mountain Lord, "Thank you, brother, for helping me speak."

The third mountain lord helped him a lot this time, Ding Hao thought to himself, if there is a chance in the future, he must thank the third mountain lord.

As for the senior brothers and sisters who insisted on searching for the soul of Ding Hao by the ancestor of Hao Lei, Ding Hao's eyes swept across their faces, and there was a sense of sorrow in their eyes. People use the harshest means to repay what they have done today!

"Well, Ding Hao did a good job this time and deserves a reward."

The ancestor Hao Lei drove away all the other people in the temple on the spot, "Ding Hao, my reward for you is to preach alone! Your current strength has reached the level of the quasi-strongest person, but you have reached the real strongest person. There is a long way! The quasi-strongest can reach the real strongest. There are no established rules in the middle. I can only tell you how I got there. I hope I can help you..."

(End of this chapter)

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