Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2354: Ding Hao's thanks

Chapter 2354 Ding Hao's thanks

Chapter 2353 Ding Hao's Thanks

In Xiao Hongmeng Building, not only was it more suitable for Ding Hao and the others, but there were also many better things.

"Ding Hao, come and see, this is a three-dimensional original image!"

"Three-dimensional original image!" Ding Hao was also very shocked when he heard the news.

The original images they watched in the past were all flat images, with relatively little information recorded.

But now there are three-dimensional original images, which makes them feel eye-opening.

"These earth beast cultivators are really guarding a golden rice bowl and begging for food. There are really too many inheritances left in the Xiaohongmeng Building!" The third mountain master couldn't help but sigh.

Ding Hao smiled, "They are not stupid, they know that the ruins in the Xiaohongmeng Building are treasures! But they don't have the human and material resources to study, and the inheritance left behind is completely broken down! What they are thinking about is that they can get a few more. Seed, so that your tribe can continue!"

"You said so."

The third mountain lord and Ding Hao stayed in the Xiaohongmeng Building of the White God Tribe, and time passed by day by day.

In another grand tribe of the Sky City, a cultivator with a strange pattern on his body is sitting high in a sacrificial building.

Several humble earth beast cultivators came up and respectfully saluted, "Lord Sharon, we have already inquired that Ding Hao and the others settled in the White God tribe! It is said that Ding Hao defeated the young white God tribe who provoked him there, so With the unanimous consent of the tribe elders, you can go to the ancestral site to practice anytime and anywhere!"

"That's it!" Shalun came to the Sky City earlier.

He originally wanted to lay a net here, but when Ding Hao, who didn't understand anything, came to the city of the sky, he caught it all.

Unexpectedly, after Ding Hao came to the Sky City, he would directly settle in a middle-level tribe, which frustrated Sha Lun's plan.

"This kid is lucky." Sha Lun frowned.

I thought that when he came to the Sky City, it took some setbacks for him to obtain the current power and prestige, but he did not expect Ding Hao to be much luckier than him.

"It's the White God tribe that Ding Hao's earth beast Zen wolf king came to the Sky City in advance to contact."

When Shalun heard this, he suddenly realized that he gritted his teeth and cursed, "That Zen Wolf King is really hateful. When there is a chance, he will definitely be killed!"

The soil beast cultivators asked again, "Lord Sharon, what do we do? In fact, the White God tribe is not a powerful tribe, but the wolf-shaped guys are very united!"

Sharon thought for a while and asked, "How long is this seed battle? Where will it be held?"

"There are still six years to be held in the Seed Canyon."

"That's the best. Let's meet in Seed Canyon in six years!"

Although Shalun accepted the order of the ancestor of the eight poles, he wanted to capture Ding Hao alive in the Sky City and get clues about the treasures of the holy world.

But after all, Shalun and Ding Hao have a ten-thousand-year agreement. Before the time comes, if there is no certainty of killing, Shalun is unwilling to expose his strength.

So this time with Shalun, there are three other prospective elders!

"The three of you are ready in these six years to capture Ding Hao alive in the Seed Canyon! At that time, the earth beasts of the Caesar tribe will fully cooperate with you!" After making arrangements, Shalun walked into the small of the Caesar tribe. Hongmeng Tower, began his practice.

The Caesar tribe are all earth beasts in the form of giant bears, and they are also ready to encircle and annihilate the White God tribe with all their strength and grab all the seeds belonging to the White God tribe.

For six years, it was only a flash for the cultivator.

Ding Hao spent the past six years just sorting out what his teacher Hao Lei ancestor said to him, while the third mountain lord spent six years studying three-dimensional original images.

On this day, the elders of Zen walked into the Xiaohongmeng Building.

"Two strong men, it's time to compete for seeds once in twenty years. Our tribe is ready to set off to Seed Canyon!"

"Once in twenty years, for some life races, twenty years is also a generation!" Ding Hao stood up.

After every action he made, there would be a circle of rune light and shadow.

"Haha, even though I just sorted out what the teacher said to me, it has greatly improved my strength!"

The third mountain lord flew out with a wry smile, "In six years, I haven't researched anything famous."

Ding Hao smiled, "Say I like to study runes, you are actually more idiot than me! When you find something, remember to tell me!"

"That's easy." The Third Mountain Lord treats Ding Hao as his own, and he will not hide Ding Hao if he finds out anything.

"Then let's go out! After seeing the ancestors' ruins for six years for nothing, it's time to work hard."

Ding Hao and the third mountain lord walked out, and millions of tribal beasts had gathered outside, and the entire tribe was dispatched.

To Ding Hao's surprise, in addition to the two of them, the White God Tribe also colluded with three other quasi-elder-level powerhouses!

These three are not familiar with Ding Hao, but the third mountain lord knows one of them.

"Haha! I didn't expect to meet here, you are really lucky! You can enter the Xiaohongmeng Building at will!" These three cultivators were very envious.

According to the agreement reached between them and the White God Tribe, they helped the White God Tribe to obtain seeds. Only after gaining military exploits can they enter the Xiaohongmeng Building to practice!

But Ding Hao and the others can enter at any time. This is indeed the special preferential treatment of the White God Tribe to Ding Hao and the others.

"Look at what you said, in fact, it's not our luck. The key is Ding Hao." The third mountain lord introduced Ding Hao to the three.

However, these three people have been in the Sky City all the year round, have not left for a long time, and do not know about Ding Hao's victory over Firehammer.

Therefore, they are not interested in Ding Hao, who is an unknown person. Regarding the praise of Ding Hao by the Third Mountain Lord, they all agree that it is the Third Mountain Lord who supports the younger generation and does not pay much attention to it.

Seeing them chatting there, Ding Hao's younger generations couldn't speak.

"I just forgot that something was in Xiaohongmeng Building. I will go in and come out immediately."

Ding Hao had the qualification to enter Xiaohongmeng Building at any time. He went back and forth. After rushing in, he rushed out again.

"Haha! The young man is just a little frizzy!" The three cultivators laughed critically.

Ding Hao didn't say much, smiled slightly, and stood beside the third mountain lord.

After waiting for a while, the White God tribe set out under the leadership of 32 elders. There were as many as 5 million various earth beasts. Even the old and weak women and children in those tribes all set out. The tribe only left a few left-behind beasts.

"No! All are dispatched! What use are those old and weak women and children carrying?" Ding Hao couldn't help being stunned.

The elder Zen sighed, “It’s useless for them to stay in the tribe. It’s better to go into the Seed Canyon and fight for a good time! If they can use their lives and exchange a few more seeds, it’s worth it! Seeds are for a tribe Being strong and surviving and reproducing is the biggest thing for every tribe, so every time the seed fights, the major tribes are going all out, and there must be no relaxation!"

Ding Hao was also quite moved. These earth beasts living in the Sky City are indeed miserable. Every twenty years they will fight for the survival and reproduction of their own tribe for those seeds! These seeds are still getting fewer and fewer, and one day they will all die out!

Think about the world where strength is truly respected, and the strong survive. "Founder" fails in the struggle, and his children and grandchildren will be treated like this.

"I will never let this scene happen again, as long as I live, my vast world will continue to develop!"

The battle for seeds is fierce.

Even before entering the Seed Canyon, some powerful tribes will attack other tribes.

Only by killing more competitors can you get more seeds.

The task of Ding Hao and their five cultivators was to disperse among these 5 million earth beasts to prevent attacks by other tribes.

"Ding Hao, I will go to the rear of the team to defend."

The front and rear ends of the team are the most dangerous, especially the tail, and the third mountain owner takes the initiative to go.

Ding Hao waved his hand, "Brother, I come and go at the end, you are in the middle."

While talking, Ding Hao took out a green jade ribbon and stuffed it into the hands of the third mountain lord, "This is a little bit of my insight, I hope it will be helpful to the brother."

After speaking, Ding Hao stood on the back of the Zen Wolf King, and the white wings of the Zen Wolf King flapped and led him to the tail of the team.

"What is this?" The Third Mountain Lord looked curious.

But when his thoughts were swept across this piece of jade, his face was suddenly shocked, "My God!"

It turns out that it was the recorded perception of the original three-dimensional image. This insight is very deep and very transparent. It explains all the doubts in the mind of the third mountain lord in the past six years!

"This sentiment has helped me a lot!" The third mountain lord was shocked.

However, he was very puzzled because Ding Hao hadn't watched this three-dimensional original image for a long time in the past six years, so how did he get these insights!

The third mountain lord could not understand.

In fact, this is what Ding Hao did when he went and returned and re-entered Xiaohongmeng Building. He said that he had forgotten something in it, which was just an excuse.

After Ding Hao entered, he immediately found the original three-dimensional image, used his "eyes of the gods" to observe the original three-dimensional image, and then recorded his insights in this jade card.

It was given to the third mountain master as a small feedback to his brother.

Ding Hao came to the end of the long line of the White God tribe. There were many old and weak women and children here. For these tribal races, the old and weak women and children were the burden of the tribe. Putting them here was to let them die.

After Ding Hao arrived, he immediately released his Alien Ark and followed the team.

In fact, this huge flying palace can pack 5 million earth beasts, but the tribe doesn't need it. Ding Hao just used the Alien Ark.

Sure enough, seeing this huge flying palace, those other tribes who wanted to attack did not dare to make a mistake.

A few months later, the Seed Canyon was in sight.

(End of this chapter)

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