Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2356: All actor

Chapter 2356 is the actor

Chapter 2355

Ho Ho Ho!

The sound of chaotic fighting, the sound of biting, the flesh being torn apart, the sound of blood gushing...

The scene was shocking, and fighting was everywhere.

The White God tribe defeated the Chika tribe and retreated step by step. Soon after, all the earth beasts of the Chika tribe had withdrawn from this canyon!

"We got a canyon!"

The elder Zen and others laughed loudly. According to their previous experience, they have obtained such a high-yield canyon, and this time the seed harvest will be guaranteed.

"Twenty years ago in the seed struggle, we also steadily occupied a high-yield canyon, and there were more than a dozen ordinary canyons."

"This time, our harvest should not be worse than last time!"

While speaking, the first seed that appeared has matured.

For the first batch of seeds, the earth beasts have a meaning of worship, that is, only the oldest elder in the tribe can personally collect them.

Among the 32 elders of the White Gods tribe, there was one elder with white beard and hair. He walked slowly over, walked up the steep **** of the canyon, came to this mature seed, and took out a gray cloth bag. Collect seeds.

At the same time, the Zen elders were not idle.

"People of the tribe, we did our best this time, and we have five more cultivators to help!"

"So our appetite can no longer be the same as last time. We must continue to attack and get another high-yield canyon controlled by the Cheka tribe!"

"Warriors, while they are holding the ceremony to search for the first seed, launch a sneak attack and grab the canyon!"

Ho Ho Ho!

All the beasts of the White God tribe who had just won a victory were all excited, and the roar of the tiger echoed in the canyon, rushing back and forth.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of the shaking of the earth and the mountains rang again, and a large number of the White God tribe's earth beasts rushed to the Cheka tribe madly again.

"Damn! These horrible wolf-shaped earth beasts, they are too greedy. They have obtained one of our gorges, and now they want to grab our second gorge. This is forcing us to fight back!"

The Cheka tribe is also a medium-sized tribe, and the earth beasts in the tribe are not much less than the White God tribe.

In the previous battle, the Cheka tribe also had reservations, because they knew it was unrealistic to control two high-yield canyons, so they simply gave up one.

But now the situation is different. They only have one canyon in their hands. If this canyon is lost again, they will suffer heavy losses.



The earth beasts on both sides, like tides of different colors, collided together in the canyon and set off huge waves.

"Grab! Kill!"

The two tribes, who had no hatred at all, fought desperately to **** seeds and obtain precious opportunities for survival and development.

"Three prospective elders, everyone has no grievances, no need to fight!"

In the sky, the three practitioners hired by the Cheka tribe also rushed viciously.

"Fenhai prospective elder, isn't your White God tribe going too far? It doesn't matter if you seize a high-yield gorge on our side, and now you have to seize the second one. It's really deceiving too much, trying to force our Cheka tribe into nowhere Go?" A cultivator of the Cheka tribe shouted loudly.

Quasi-Elder Fen Hai was the one that the third mountain master knew. He was the leader among the five of Ding Hao.

Quasi-elder Fen Hai laughed loudly, "Three, the rules of the seed battle are determined by the earth beasts of the major tribes. We practitioners are just cooperating. You came to ask us, is it a bit funny? !"

Another cultivator on the opposite side shouted loudly, "It doesn't matter, since you come to snatch, then we must fight desperately to defend a canyon!"

"Yes, we have been given preferential treatment in the Cheka tribe for so many years, and we can't help but help at critical moments."

"Fight! Kill!"

The three cultivators on the opposite side suddenly rushed up viciously.

"These guys are crazy! Are you going to fight us to the death for the beast?" The third mountain lord's face was stunned.

But at this moment, Quasi-Elder Fen Hai sent them a voice transmission, "The three people on the opposite side asked us to help us perform a scene. They won't use real killer moves. Please don't hurt the killer here! Everyone’s purpose is nothing more than to get the benefits of these tribes without having to fight to death and death!"

"That's it." Ding Hao suddenly realized.

The three cultivators on the opposite side knew that they couldn't beat the five here, but they still wanted to fight!

The purpose is to fool the earth beasts of the Cheka tribe!

After all, these three cultivators have gained a lot of benefits in the Cheka tribe in the past twenty years. They entered the Xiaohongmeng Building of the Cheka tribe to practice and enjoy some of the treasures offered by the Cheka tribe! So if they don't come out to fight, it's a bit unreasonable, but they definitely won't be able to come out to fight!

Simply say okay with the other side, everyone will fight in a pretense and fool the beasts.

"These earth beasts..." Ding Hao couldn't help but smile, fighting desperately below those earth beasts, but the cultivators themselves just wanted to fool.

"Fight! Kill!" In the sky, the three cultivators released their weapons against the three cultivators, swords and swords.

It seems that the battle in the sky is much fiercer than on the ground, but in fact Ding Hao knows very well that these are just some ostentation!

But the earth beasts didn't know. Seeing these swords and shadows, they thought the practitioners they hired were fighting desperately!

The three were happily playing against the three. Ding Hao and the third mountain owner have also benefited from the White God tribe over the years, and of course they have to show it!

Since it is a fool, let's fool together!

Thinking of this, Ding Hao and the third mountain lord also "killed" them. Five practitioners besieged three practitioners, and the ground was shaken and the sky was shaken!

Seeing the cultivators in the sky fighting "with all their strength" also inspired the two tribal beast powerhouses below to fight more courageously.

Perhaps the elders of the two tribes could guess that the cultivators were just fooling them, but they could only pretend not to know!

After all, the cultivator only takes a little benefit from you, it is impossible to work hard for your tribe!

The elders of the tribe only hope that the opponent's cultivators will not cause harm to their own earth beasts. It is their earth beasts who really decide the battle.


The fighting became more and more intense, and the two tribes increased their troops one after another.

Over time, the second batch of seeds has matured, and the third batch of seeds has begun to bred at the same time!

"This canyon is indeed a high-yield canyon, and there are a lot of seeds that have appeared, so we must grab them!" The elders watched the golden flames being collected, and all their eyes shot greed!

"It must be grabbed! The second batch of seeds was harvested by them, and the third batch of seeds should be harvested by us!" Elder Zen and the other elders also rushed on frantically.

When the Cheka tribe saw the elders here, they all rushed out.

"Too much, you are too much of the White God Tribe, you are going to force us to a dead end!"

"No way, we have to survive, and we have to be strong! Cheka tribe, offended!"

The elders on both sides fought like crazy.

Fighting was everywhere in the entire Seed Canyon, stretching for millions of miles, and various beasts slayed wildly to **** those golden seeds.

In a certain large tribe, a cultivator with patterns all over his body asked coldly, "Is it clear? Where is the White God tribe Ding Hao and the others belong to?"

"Lord Shalun, the White God tribe Ding Hao and the others belong to, are fighting the practitioners hired by the Cheka tribe in a canyon away from our nine canyons!" Another practitioner reported.

"There are still nine canyons away from us?" Shalun raised his brow.

"Not bad." A cultivator said, "Shalun, why don't the three of us join the Cheka tribe now, and then we can attack Ding Hao and the others!"

"No, no, no!" Sharon shook his hand, "If you leave the Caesar tribe now, the Caesar tribe will certainly have opinions, and the help given to us in the future will be weakened! And the three practitioners currently employed by the Cheka tribe are not familiar with us. , They are just bluffing and will definitely not cooperate with you to attack Ding Hao! On the contrary, it will be a drag!"

"Then how can we stop Ding Hao?" another cultivator asked again.

Shalun said, "The best way is to mobilize the Caesar tribe to crush Ding Hao! Then you can just attack Ding Hao! And the Caesar tribe can also crush the White God tribe! Then you can force the White God tribe to prevent Ding Hao from being there. Practice!"

"But there are still nine gorges..."

"Then fight it!" Sharon said firmly, "I will now convince the elders of the Caesar tribe, and I will tell him that we will do our best to help and open up these nine canyons! I believe they also want more canyons, more Seed!"

"Well then! We are ready to fight with all our strength and let the Caesar tribe collide with the White God tribe sooner!"

As Shalun and the others tried their best to get closer to this side, the White God Tribe gradually gained the upper hand.

"Haha! The second high-yield canyon has also fallen into our hands!"

The 32 elders of the Baishen tribe fought until this moment, and everyone was adored. The wounded and dead earth beasts piled up on the ground.

But they won the victory and successfully grabbed the canyon in their hands.

"Be careful, everyone, the Cheka tribe will not give up. They will definitely launch a counterattack while we harvest the seeds when the next batch of seeds mature!"

At the same time, in the sky, the cultivator's battle was also divided.

"The five lords on the opposite side, hurry up and release some powerful moves, so we can pretend to be invincible!"

The three cultivators of the Cheka tribe directly sent Ding Hao and the others a voice transmission, and all the five of Ding Hao and the others immediately released the most ferocious moves.


A giant seven-colored mountain in the sky was crushed!

Then there were thousands of sword lights emerging!

Ding Hao also released the Tower of Years and a tower of ten thousand feet crashed down!

The three practitioners of the Cheka tribe shouted, "Oh! I'm injured, they can't beat too many people!"

The three of them are at the level of the actor level, as if they really did their best, even injured, and then they escaped helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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