Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2393: Announce the secret!

Chapter 2393 announces the secret!

Chapter 2392 Announce Secrets!

"The three elders help me!"

Although this quasi-elder-level cultivator was controlled by Ding Hao, he shouted for help.

"Ding Hao, you immediately put him down! Even if you are the sixth ancestor of the founding sect, you are not qualified to kill people indiscriminately!" Baji ancestor shouted loudly.

"Yes! Ding Hao, you must release the people immediately!" Saint Ancestor Jiuyou and Ancestor Tianhong also shouted loudly.

"Huh! I think you dare to kill me!" The quasi-elder who was under control sneered in his heart. He had already seen the strange scene on that mountain. As long as Ding Hao released him, he would immediately report the scene. To the ancestor of the Baji!

"Do you think I dare not kill?" Ding Hao snorted coldly, turned his hand over, and killed the quasi-elder on the spot.

"Asshole, Ding Hao, you are too much!" The Baji ancestor gritted his teeth with anger.

This prospective elder was the spy they sent. Obviously, he had discovered some secret of Ding Hao. He was about to return to the temple of the Baji ancestor to report, but he was killed by Ding Hao with the palm of his hand. It was simply a failure!

"Ding Hao, don't think that we don't know what you did!" Saint Ancestor Jiuyou walked out angrily, "From today on, we will all go to the Sky City! Just see what you are doing there, you are kind Just kill us!"

"Damn it!" Ding Hao frowned. It would be really uncomfortable for these guys to follow him like brown candy.

At this moment, the ancestor of the thousand insects also sent a message, "The sixth ancestor Ding Hao, someone reported just now that you killed one of his disciples in front of the temple of the Baji ancestor! You need to come to me to explain what happened. What's wrong!"

For Ding Hao's face-to-face killing, the ancestor of the thousand insects must also intervene.

"Come now!"

Ding Hao immediately flew to the temple of the ancestor of the thousand insects.

"Ding Hao, there must be some secret discovered!" Saint Ancestor Jiuyou gritted his teeth and said, "Otherwise he wouldn't jump the wall so eagerly!"

"This is unquestionable." Baji ancestor said, "Let's also go to the thousand insect ancestor to see what Ding Hao said?"

Ding Hao came to the temple of the ancestor of the thousand insects, who had been waiting there for a long time.

"Ding Hao, what is the situation? Let you kill a quasi-strongest person in public?"

Ding Hao clasped his fists and saluted, "I have seen the ancestor of a thousand insects, the quasi-strongest one, and saw what he shouldn't see!"

"Oh? What is that?" asked the ancestor of the thousand insects.

Ding Hao said, "Please see the ancestor of a thousand insects!"

While talking, Ding Hao released the scene on the top of the mountain one by one to the ancestor of the thousand insects.

First, Ding Hao shattered the hidden layer of the surface, revealing the vast rune cyclone below, and then saw Ding Hao break into the golden rune. Soon after, the direction of the rune cyclone changed to a white hexagonal giant like a monument. The column slowly formed, and the huge column was engraved with strange and ancient words!

"My God!" The ancestor of the thousand insects looked stunned.

At the same time, the Baji ancestor who walked in also saw this scene, and they were both surprised and happy.

"Ding Hao, you have found the ultimate prize!" The ancestor of Thousand Insects paused and immediately shouted excitedly.

Ding Hao said, "Yes, when I was doing this, I was spied by the prospective elder and suspected that he was not doing the right thing! I was even more afraid that he would spread the secret, so I killed him!

The ancestor of the Octopus suddenly said angrily, "Ding Hao, you want to swallow the ultimate prize! That's why it kills people!"

Ding Hao coldly snorted, "If it's like you said, why should I make it public?"

The ancestor of Jiuyou sneered, "I think you really can't hide it, so let's talk about it!"

Watching them argue, the ancestor of the Thousand Insects waved his hand and said, "No matter what happens, Ding Hao can share it with us. We should thank him! As for the quasi-elder who was killed by Ding Hao, don't worry about it. !"

"Huh!" The Baji ancestors also snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Indeed, Ding Hao disclosed this secret to the public. What does it matter even if the quasi-elders die more?

The ancestor of Jiuyou said, "If the ultimate prize is found, then many of us here will have the opportunity to reach the holy world safely! I suggest that we form an exploratory team immediately and start studying this white giant pillar, and at the same time find the true location of the ultimate prize. !"

The ancestor of the thousand insects nodded, "This is a must!"

After that, he looked at Ding Hao again, "The sixth ancestor, you discovered this secret! Then this exploration team is also organized by you. If the ultimate prize is found, you will have priority for the places inside!"

Ding Hao immediately said, "I want five priorities!"

The reason why he made this secret public is because of his own thoughts.

First of all, the ancestors of the Octopus have already focused on Ding Hao, and it is impossible for them to get the ultimate prize silently;

Second, to find the ultimate prize, it is likely to open up countless giant pillars in the Seed Canyon. This is a very labor-intensive task, which cannot be done by Ding Hao alone;

Third, after finding the ultimate prize, even if everyone competes for each other, Ding Hao will be able to fight for it.

Therefore, Ding Hao simply told the ancestor and everyone of the thousand insects this secret today. At the same time, Ding Hao also put forward his own request, that is, five priorities!

Hearing what Ding Hao said, the ancestor of Rainbow suddenly jumped up, "Ding Hao, don't dream! I don't know how many places are available for the ultimate prize! Maybe there are not even five. Why do you want five priorities? ?"

The ancestor of the thousand insects stretched out his finger and said, "I will give you three! No matter how many places in the ultimate prize, I guarantee you have three priorities!"

In fact, the ancestor of the Thousand Insects was also very cunning. He knew clearly that there would not be too many places.

But he only needs one place!

What about giving Ding Hao three priorities as long as he guarantees his place? As for the others, what does it matter to the ancestor of the thousand insects?

Ding Hao nodded, "Deal!"

As a result, the ancestors of the eight poles turned pale with anger, because there were not too many places, Ding Hao and the ancestor of the thousand insects were divided into four at once.

But they had no alternative. The ancestor of the Thousand Insects was the most powerful cultivator of the founding gods, and Ding Hao was the second most powerful cultivator. Together, these two people were invincible in the world!

"I hope there are more than five places!" The ancestor of Baji thought to himself that if there are exactly five places, he must live and die to get the last one!

At this moment, the ancestor Jiuyou and the ancestor of the Rainbow had the same thoughts beside him.

Saint Ancestor Jiuyou said, "It's not as good as this matter, just a few of us know, don't expand it."

Ding Hao said that you want to be beautiful!

He came out and said, "To find the ultimate prize, it doesn't seem that one or two people can do it. It requires the cooperation of many people! I mean to make it public and let everyone who is eligible to participate in the competition! No matter what! Whether it is a cultivator or an earth beast, as long as they are qualified, they can participate in the competition!"

"What?" Hearing Ding Hao's words, the ancestor of the thousand insects was a little surprised.

The Baji ancestor cursed, "Aren't you stupid? The more people you know, the harder it is to fight for the spot! The less you know, the better, why should you make it public? Also, you actually want those lowly earth beasts to participate Scramble, have you made a mistake? Why do they fight with our cultivators?"

Ding Hao shook his head and said, "According to my research for so many years, the founder of this person is quite short-handed, and also takes good care of his children and grandchildren! Don't you see that the founder has died for countless millions of years, and there are still seeds for him. Children and grandchildren! If our ultimate prize this time, all the places in the end, not even a beast, then the result is likely to be a chicken fly!"

"This way..." When Ding Hao said this, everyone was lost in thought.

Just as Ding Hao analyzed, this is indeed the case for the founder. The big reason he left the ultimate prize is to leave it to his descendants!

If one of the cultivators gets a spot together, that's fine; if all the spots are given to the cultivator, and the founders of the true descendants will not get even one spot!

Then the result is really hard to tell!

"Okay!" The Baji ancestor finally nodded helplessly.

But when he said this, he couldn't help but raised his head and asked, "Ancestor Ding Hao, since you have decided to make it public, why do you want to kill my disciple? Why are you afraid of him leaking the news?"

Ding Hao coldly snorted, "I just see him not pleasing to the eye, so what about you?"

The Baji ancestor was stunned for a moment, but he was speechless.

The ancestor of the thousand insects said, "Don’t blame the sixth ancestor! Anyway, he discovered this secret, and he told us again! We should thank him! You must unite sincerely and strive to develop the ultimate prize as soon as possible! "

With the order of the ancestor of the thousand insects, the news spread wildly from the founding cult.

All the strongest people hidden in the endless world have all received news, and even many of the strongest people with huge stature are dragging their heavy bodies and rushing towards the founding gods!

And Ding Hao also began to lead people in the Seed Canyon to search for the same rune cyclone.

Under Ding Hao's search, the results were quite shocking!

In the Seed Canyon, there are as many as 360 rune cyclones, which means that these 360 ​​rune cyclones must be opened at the same time, and at the same time use the runes to change the direction of the formation, and cast a white beam of light!

Only when these 360 ​​white light beams are turned on at the same time is the time when the ultimate prize really appears!

Another point was raised, "Are these 360 ​​white light beams opened up, are they the ones who competed for the ultimate prize?"

As a result, everyone is arguing over the 360 ​​places, and they are all together!

Finally, the quota determined the 120 strongest, 120 quasi-strongest and the strongest among the 120 earth beasts!

The 120 strongest are just right, no need to fight;

The 120 quasi-strongest and 120 earth beasts are all produced by battle!

(End of this chapter)

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