Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2401: Light tomorrow

Chapter 2401 Light Tomorrow

Chapter 2400 Light Tomorrow

Seeing these 360 ​​powerhouses enter the Seed Canyon, other unqualified practitioners and the earth beasts also had some flukes, rushing into the Seed Canyon, standing in the depression of the cliff below, waiting for the opportunity!

The ancestor of the Thousand Insects gave an order that anyone could be killed as long as they were close to the top of the mountain.

However, these cultivators who rushed into the Seed Canyon were also very cunning. They just stood in the canyon and watched upwards, swept back and forth across the mountain with mental power, and did not take the initiative to fly up the cliff.

"Regardless of them!" Ding Hao sent a deep voice to Leng Xiaoyu and the others.

When all 360 giant pillars of light were formed, the runes on the surface of each pillar glowed golden light.

At that moment, golden light was brilliant, illuminating the sky.

Damn it!

The golden electric currents wander each other on the huge pillars, flowing back and forth, forming a huge power grid!

Looking at the scene above, the 360 ​​strong faces were shocked and excited, and they quietly waited for the next move.

Even the respected ancestor of a thousand insects can only look up at the sky, he doesn't know what will happen next!

Suddenly, the golden electric current flowing between the 360 ​​huge pillars converged into a golden dragon, rising to the sky!

"This!" Ding Hao looked up at the sky, his eyes shocked.

This kind of scene has never been seen before.

At this moment, the entire space within the founding sect was shaking. If you were looking outside the sacred boat, you could even see a bright light mark on the surface of the entire founding sect, like flowing water.


When the golden dragon dashed into the sky, something unexpected happened. The dark night sky unexpectedly knocked out a huge hole.

Ding Hao and others looked up at the hole and found that there were mountains, rivers and trees inside, and the world in the hole was completely opposite to the world Ding Hao and the others were in!

"This is the light tomorrow left by the founder, and the ultimate prize is in it!"

I don't know who shouted violently, and immediately turned into a skyrocketing light and shadow, rushing straight to the sky!

One person took the shot, and all the others followed suit and rushed to the sky.

When seeing this scene, all the cultivators standing at the foot of the mountain went crazy and charged towards the sky.

At this time, no one can control anyone, rushing in is victory!


Many people slammed into the sky and broke their heads.

However, some cultivators woke up, "Need a founding-level treasure of heaven and earth!"

The ultimate prize left by the founding, only his descendants can participate in the competition; if not his descendants, they must also have founding-level treasures!

Ding Hao has 360 people, and everyone is ready, and they all have at least one founding-level treasure.

Many of the cultivators who rushed to the sky did not have founding-level treasures of heaven and earth, so even if they saw the opportunity, they could not look forward to a sky.

"What? Since everyone can rush in?"

After receiving the news, the practitioners who looked out of the Seed Canyon rushed into the Seed Canyon madly.

But when they rushed into the seed, they just saw the light shut off tomorrow, and the 360 ​​pillars of light on the mountain top broke and collapsed.

Following this, all 360 rune cyclones below also exploded hugely.

From this day on, the power left by the founding finally disappeared completely, and the seeds in the Seed Canyon will never reappear!

"Do not!"

Those cultivators who were too slow to enter the light tomorrow all cried out loudly, but it was of no avail!

"This time there are at least thousands of practitioners and earth beasts who have entered the light tomorrow!"

Ding Hao stood in the midst of Bright Tomorrow, feeling in his heart, "I knew this, then let everyone come!"

Originally, Ding Hao was worried that everyone would be scattered in different locations, but when we came to Guang Tomorrow, everyone did not separate. This is a beautiful world, but the direction is just the opposite.

Thousands of cultivators who flew in were in the air, turning around 180 degrees, changing their heads and feet.

"Everyone, since you have followed in, that is your blessing. I cancel the order to kill you!" The voice of the ancestor of the thousand insects sounded.

Originally, he ordered that all cultivators near the top of the mountain, as long as they were not qualified, would be killed.

And now, entering an unfamiliar area, the ancestor of the thousand insects decided to forgive these cultivators and let them go for the time being.

These hundreds of cultivators who rushed in were relieved, and they were delighted.

The ancestor of the Thousand Insects said again, "Don't walk around in a strange area, just listen to my orders!"

Hearing what the ancestor of a thousand insects said, everyone calmed down and began to observe the world.

The ancestor Hao Lei said, "I once read an ancient book left over from the founding era. I once mentioned a light tomorrow. I always thought it was the legend of the earth beast tribe! But now it seems that this place really exists?! "

When he said this, everyone looked at the soil beast cultivators.

One of the oldest earth beast cultivators nodded and said, "I have also read the classics in this regard. It is said that the light tomorrow is not created by the founding, nor is it the formation of the endless world, but the founding old man brought a piece of the endless world. day!"

"This is so?" When it comes to the history of the founding period, although the cultivators of humans and the major demons are powerful, they are not as clear as the earth beasts.

The Baji ancestor asked, "Elder Guiyuan, did the founding be a life born within the world or outside the world?"

According to the legend, the era of the founding was earlier than the endless world!

Then no one knows whether the originator was born here or from the outside world.

The oldest earth beast way called the Guiyuan elder, "If you look at it according to this statement, the founding should come from the outside world! And this piece of light tomorrow is probably also from the outside world!"

When he said this, the ancestor of the Thousand Insects nodded and said, "If this piece of sky is cut from the holy world, then it is theoretically feasible to go directly to the holy world through this piece of sky!"

Hearing what the ancestor of a thousand insects said, everyone was excited, and some even thought, can all of us reach the holy world?

I have to say that their ideas are really wonderful.

While everyone was still discussing with each other, a powerful and sacred will enveloped everyone's bodies.

"My God, there are people here!" All the thousands of cultivators and earth beasts present were surprised.

"Unexpectedly, I have been sleepy here for so many years, and I can still see living lives! It's just that these lives are too low and humble, they are just a few pigs and dogs in front of the noble me!"


After this sound, the scene suddenly changed drastically, and the beautiful world in front of him became dark and cold!

"My God, what strength is this? Change the world in a blink of an eye!" Ding Hao's face was secretly shocked.

With his strength, in certain worlds, he can even completely smash the world with one punch; but he has no ability to make this world a completely different world in a blink of an eye, whether it is Mountains and rivers are still operating rules, all of which are changed.

"Turning your hands into clouds, and covering your hands as rain, Senior's strength is really outstanding, and he is called Baji in the next. Dare to ask Senior how to call it?"

The Baji ancestor has always been bolder. This time, he wanted to take the initiative to build a good relationship with this person, so that even the ancestor of the thousand insects would be stepped on by him.

But this time he made a wrong calculation.

When he flew out of the crowd, stood in front of everyone, and asked the other person to call him with great momentum, a giant palm covering the sky suddenly pressed down.

At the same time, an old voice came, "You humble life form, how can you be qualified to ask my name?"

The ancestor of the eight poles looked stunned, but he didn't expect the other party to directly attack without mercy.

As the world's top powerhouse in the industry, he didn't hesitate to release his power to block this giant palm covering the sky.


Amid the loud noise, the full blow of the ancestor of the eight poles was smashed by this giant palm with long black nails!

"My God, what level of cultivator is this?" The cultivators present were all pale.

Ding Hao's figure also kept retreating quietly, and at the same time gave Leng Xiaoyu and the others a voice transmission, "Be careful, move closer to me, this life may be difficult to deal with!"

The Baji ancestor's blow was smashed, and he also realized the seriousness of the matter.

He grabbed it in the void with his big hand and released a treasure, which was a huge blood-red seal. On the printed button were four blood-colored dragons with different postures.

"This is the treasure of the holy world in the hands of the ancestor of the eight poles, the four dragon seals?"

The cultivators present once again exclaimed that something like the Four Dragon Seal is already the world's top treasure in the world.

But even if this treasure was released, the old voice snorted coldly, "What am I supposed to be? It turns out that Silong left the seal of the four dragons! Little guy, this treasure does not belong to you, give it to me come back!"

The only one in the sky was the giant palm with black nails, and when I grabbed it downward, I saw that the four dragon seals released by the ancestor of the eight poles hadn't been used for any function, and they flew to the sky and fell into the giant hand. !

"No! My Four Dragon Seal!" The Baji ancestor was stunned. He had no idea that his Four Dragon Seal would be taken away by others before it was used.

After grasping the four dragon seals, the giant shining giant slammed it down again, "You are not worthy of controlling such a powerful force, die!"

The Four Dragon Seals became extremely huge and crashed down. Even the ancestor of the Octopus could not hide.

Being hit by this huge **** seal on his body, he was immediately beaten to pieces!

Fortunately, the ancestor of the eight poles had eight bodies, one was broken, and seven more appeared in the air!

"Little thing, it has a little means!" The old voice snorted coldly, and picked up the Silong Seal which was smashed against the ancestor of the eight poles!

"My God, run away!" All the cultivators present paled with fright. Even the Baji ancestor, who was ranked in the forefront of the six ancestors in strength, was not a one-in-one general, so he ran away!


In the loud noise behind, Ding Hao brought Leng Xiaoyu and the others, and shouted, "Hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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