Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2403: Discover special areas

Chapter 2403 Discovering Special Areas

Chapter 2402

After the elder Guiyuan left, Ding Hao and the others did not leave, sitting there quietly looking for the laws of this world.

Sure enough, they found a pattern.

That is when the world is bright, that giant hand will not attack; and when the world becomes dark, that giant hand will come out to kill people!

But what Ding Hao and the others couldn't figure out was that the time between light and darkness in this world is not fixed.

It may be dark for a long time, or it may just be bright, and it will be dark soon!

There is no rule to follow!

"Anyway? When the world just brightens, there is always such a short safe time, that is when we move forward!"

After some time, Ding Hao probably found a pattern from it.

So they flew in a certain direction when the world became bright.

After flying for a while, I hurriedly hid in the forest and waited for the darkness to come!

Ding Hao and the others also discovered that when darkness came, they could no longer hide in the forest!

In this way, the forest on the ground seems to become a safe zone.

In the dark, Ding Hao and the others hid in the forest;

When the sky was just bright, they used this short time to move forward at high speed.

As time passed day by day, they just stopped and went like this, which was very time consuming, but they had nowhere to go.

"I really didn't expect it to be like this tomorrow! Who knows where the ultimate prize is?" Some of the cultivators and earth beasts who followed Ding Hao began to be impatient.

It's really boring in this world, and I can't practice. You can only walk a short distance every time you move forward, so you have to hide in the mountains and forests!

The time spent hiding in the mountains is long, the time outside is short, and this world is so big.

Who knows how many years will it take to find the place for the ultimate prize?

Ding Hao didn't know either!

"Don’t complain! If you are willing to follow me Ding Hao, everyone will go together, and I can’t guarantee you anything; if you don’t want to go with me Ding Hao, please do it yourself and stop complaining about strange things. Not only will it affect yourself but also Other people's emotions!"

With Ding Hao's words, everyone calmed down. After all, they were all cultivators who had practiced for many years, so they still had this state of mind.

Although in the light of tomorrow's world, everyone still has one of the greatest benefits.

That is, the tokens of the founding gods that everyone carried can still communicate with each other.

This is a great discovery, probably because the material of this token is a treasure of heaven, material and earth grown from the surface of the used Shenjiao boat, which has something to do with the founding. Therefore, in the light of tomorrow, this token is the only communication item that can communicate with each other.

"Dear friends, I am the ancestor of the Thousand Insects. I now suggest that everyone gather the maps they have detected together so as to form a map of tomorrow! Only then will we be able to find out where the ultimate prize might appear. !"

The ancestor of the thousand insects sent a message to everyone, and everyone responded.

In such a world, without a map, it is simply impossible to move an inch!

Does anyone know where the so-called ultimate prize is?

"Yes, everyone started to piece together the map!"

Every time Ding Hao and the others explored an area, they would pass the map information they passed to the token.

Everyone who uses the token can see that a huge map is being opened little by little, and many areas are often re-spliced.

"Attention everyone, exploring the light tomorrow is a very long time, everyone don't worry, protect yourself!" Some cultivators also issued kind advice.

Ding Hao also established contact with his acquaintances and friends through his token.

"Teacher Haolei, you are still alive!"

"Great, Ninth Mountain Lord, you are alive too!"

Including Sudinan Lito and Luo, who were given the opportunity to enter this time, were alive, so Ding Hao was quite relieved.

At the beginning, there were about 1,200 cultivators who entered Guang Tomorrow, and now there are still two-thirds or about 800 surviving.

These 800 people are divided into several parts, constantly exploring, enriching the map, day by day, year by year!

When Ding Hao and the others had been in the world of Light Tomorrow for ten years, a relatively complete map had appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, the total number of cultivators and soil beasts still alive is less than one-third, only 380!

Most of these 380 people were the 360 ​​cultivators and earth beasts with quotas at the beginning, and those cultivators and earth beasts who rushed in later, they were indeed inferior to humans, and they were more likely to die in this dangerous world.

"Where is the ultimate prize?"

Ding Hao and the others began to ponder the map in front of them when they were free. Now the central structure of tomorrow has probably been figured out.

Tomorrow's world is like a symmetrical six-pointed star. The forests and plains are very symmetrical. Some areas can be predicted without having to go there.

The ancestor of Thousand Insects said, "Now the world of Light Tomorrow has not been fully opened. The location of the ultimate prize may be around the world of Light Tomorrow, or it may be the center of this symmetrical world!"

Ding Hao said, "I don’t think it’s the most important thing! Because that’s where we came down. Although we didn’t explore around there because of the chase of the giant hand! But I think based on the original character, he would not give the ultimate prize Put it where we just entered!"

Ding Hao and the others came along and clearly saw that the depth of the founding mind was not so simple, and the ultimate prize cannot be entered in one place!

"That's the case..." said the ancestor of the thousand insects, "we will divide the work! Everyone will extend towards the periphery of the light tomorrow in different directions, looking for the possible location of the ultimate prize!"

380 cultivators and earth beasts formed fifteen teams, some of which were many players, and some of which had only a few people. Everyone expanded from different directions to make this map bigger and bigger!

Ten years and ten years, and ten years later.

There are still 312 cultivators and earth beasts living in the world of Light Tomorrow. The map in front of everyone has opened up again.

On this day, a small team of three cultivators, and the maps they uploaded, excited all the cultivators.

"This area is different from other areas!"

Tomorrow's world is like a symmetrical six-pointed star. The mountains and plains on this side should also be there on the opposite side!

But these three cultivators suddenly explored an area, and even the mountains and plains did not observe the law of symmetry at all!

"There is a special place there! If I am not mistaken, the final prize is likely to be there!"

After everyone discovered this, everyone immediately changed their direction and all moved towards this area!

"You three cultivators are the first to discover this area, you must be careful!"

The ancestor of the Thousand Insects sent a message to the three practitioners, but the news was like a clay cow entering the sea, and there was no response at all.

"Did these three cultivators be killed by the giant black hand? Or they have found the ultimate prize, so they didn't continue uploading the map!"

Everyone started to feel jealous, for fear that others would have won the ultimate prize and would fall behind.

"Hurry! Hurry to that area!"

As time goes by, the number of people decreases.

Especially the cultivators and earth beasts who entered that special area, disappeared immediately, and would never contact you again!

"What's the matter? Why did the world evaporate when we arrived in that area, did these people be killed by the black giant, or did they find that the ultimate prize has left this world?"

There was suspicion in everyone's hearts, Ding Hao began to frown his brows.

"Dear friends." Ding Hao said to the cultivators and the earth beasts in his team, "I think there must be a problem! That special area may be the ultimate prize, or it may be the **** hand waiting. Us! My suggestion is to slow down and let others explore first!"

When he said this, cultivators and earth beasts in the team suddenly expressed dissatisfaction.

"Ancestor Ding Hao, why do we think the opposite of yours!" said a cultivator. "That special area is definitely where the ultimate prize is located. Why did the cultivators and earth beasts who arrived in that area disappear? I guess they I got the spot and I have already gone to the other side, of course I can't contact us!"

Ding Hao coldly snorted, "You guys are too simple!"

Another cultivator said, “It’s not easy anymore! We are all 1,200 of the top beings in the endless world, and now only more than 200 people have died! It’s not easy anymore. We have gone through hardships, and we should be the result of all hardship and joy. time!"

"Yes! I think we should speed up! After all, the places in the ultimate prize are also limited. If we take a step back and we find that there are no places, then don't we all have to be trapped in this light tomorrow?"

Ding Hao and everyone thought exactly the opposite. He shook his head and said, "I always feel that there is a problem, but since you are in a hurry to go, I will not stop you! Everyone parted ways, willing to follow me Ding Hao to slow down; think If you want to speed up, decide for yourself!"

The cultivators and earth beasts present, after careful consideration, all chose to speed up.

They are all optimistic about that special area, and the other is also worried that others will take their place, so they have to speed up to go there.

And only Ding Hao and his Taoist companions, as well as Xiaobi and Zen Wolf King were willing to stay!

Seeing these people leave at an accelerated pace, Ding Hao laughed and said, "It seems that only a few of us believe in me, but I can't guarantee that my feeling is right! In case they really find the ultimate prize, take all The quota, then the few of us will stay in Guangxi forever and won't be able to come out tomorrow!"

Leng Xiaoyu smiled and said, "No matter if we can't get out, we will have children here and create another nation."

Everyone burst into laughter when she had fun in hardship.

(End of this chapter)

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