Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2407: Learn while running

Chapter 2407 Running and learning


Ding Hao didn't know what this humble rune meant, but he knew that it had the power of sacred thunder and lightning.

After receiving the power of this sacred thunder and lightning, Ding Hao felt the indescribable sacred power surging in his body, and he smashed the sword light with a single punch!

Although this huge head is a real god's head, it is clear that it has no god's mind.

It can only act on its instinct, and its instinct wants to get Ding Hao's eyes of the gods, so it follows Ding Hao, not afraid of death!

"Although you are part of the body of the gods, but without thinking, you are still just a fool!"

Ding Hao bullied himself up again, and after breaking the sword light, he quickly came to the front of this huge head.



The golden electric light released ten thousand golden swords in the darkness, illuminating the four fields!

Under Ding Hao's blow, this huge head was directly blown away!

Ding Hao's figure followed him like a shadow, and it was another punch to keep up!

Boom boom boom!

Ding Hao hit five or six punches one after another, and directly beat a few huge heads into a daze.

"Dad, you are too powerful, kill it! Kill this monster!" Xiaobi shouted excitedly.

Leng Xiaoyu and the others stopped running and stopped watching.

The Zen Wolf King also stopped, watching Ding Hao beat the huge head, feeling very refreshed in his heart.

"Good fight! You chased me for so long, and I was exhausted! If it weren't for Ding Hao, I might end up in a dead end! Ding Hao helped me kill him!"

Everyone thought the same, and I hope Ding Hao will break this huge head and let it be completely finished.

However, Ding Hao made a few punches, but suddenly stopped.

"No! This thing is a stupid thing, why should I fight it, blow it up, it is not good for me!"

The sacred power of Ding Hao originated from the golden rune spit out from the mouth of this huge head. If this huge head is blown up, Ding Hao will never get this kind of golden rune again!

Therefore, Ding Hao decided to put a huge head on a horse.


A fairy figure in a white long gown turned over in mid-air and fell to the ground lightly.

"Dad, why didn't you blow it up?" Xiaobi walked up and said dissatisfiedly.

Ding Hao smiled, "This kind of head that can spray golden runes in the mouth, I believe there is no second one in the entire burial place! It is a good thing. If I blow it up, where do I learn golden runes? Text!"

"Husband, do you want to learn golden runes from his mouth!" Leng Xiaoyu stepped up and said, "but your idea is correct, but will it listen to you? It was beaten by you. You must be so scared to escape and disappear, where are you going to learn golden runes?"

Ding Hao smiled and stood still.

Sure enough, after Ding Hao punched the huge head a few times, it felt scared, and it wanted to hide in the darkness and escape.

But at this moment, Ding Hao pressed his finger to the center of his eyebrows and opened his god's eyes.

As soon as the eyes of the gods opened, this huge head seemed to be activated again, and rushed forward again!

Ding Hao laughed, "Look, I'm right!"

This huge head is simply a stupid thing, acting entirely by instinct. When it senses that Ding Hao's eyes of the gods are good things, it will follow Ding Hao reluctantly!

Xiaobi asked, "Dad, what do we do now!"

Ding Hao laughed and said, "I am idle anyway! There is a sport called parkour, let's run!"

This huge head is just going to launch an attack behind Ding Hao. It is better for Ding Hao to keep running in front and learn the golden runes while running!

Cultivators like Ding Hao and others have a strong ability to learn, only the words of the Holy World, how difficult is it to learn?

With the passage of time, almost all the cultivators and earth beasts of Tomorrow have fallen into the cracks in this gorge.

Some of them died under the attack of the fragments of the corpse of the gods, but some survived like Ding Hao and others.

Some of these people would see Ding Hao and the others being chased by a huge head. These people ran away and even ridiculed secretly. Ding Hao also got into the powerhouse, wishing Ding Hao would be killed by this huge head!

"Ding Hao, you also have today!" In the darkness, the strongest woman said coldly.

This strongest woman is one of the six ancestors including the founding gods, the ancestor of Rainbow!

She was originally a firm ally of the ancestor of the eight poles, but who knew that the ancestor of the eight poles was out of luck, and she died immediately after entering the light tomorrow.

The relationship between Rainbow Ancestor and Jiuyou Saint Ancestor was not very good, and the two quickly parted ways.

Then, the ancestor of the Rainbow fell into this darkness. With her strength, ordinary corpse fragments could not cause her harm at all.

She was dormant in the darkness, looking for opportunities.

Just today I saw Ding Hao and the others running around, avoiding the attack of a huge head behind!

She finally showed a smile, a cold smile, secretly funny, wishing this huge head would kill Ding Hao's family soon.

"Ding Hao, why are you still not dead? It's better to die early!"

The ancestor of Rainbow watched Ding Hao and the others and the huge head running farther and farther, a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

But she didn't know!

That huge head became less and less a threat to Ding Hao and the others.



Go over!

Ding Hao and the others kept running in the darkness, and while running, they kept learning the contents of the golden runes that spewed out from behind.

"You have to remember the basic form of this character, no matter how it changes, the true meaning remains the same!"

To say that an average person really doesn't know much about these golden runes.

But Ding Hao is different. He has an eye of the gods, and how the surface of these golden runes has mutated, or there are some small differences. With the eyes of the gods, he can distinguish the true meaning of the golden runes.

What made Ding Hao even more curious was that the content and quantity of the golden runes ejected from the mouth of this huge head were not fixed.

Ding Hao sometimes wondered whether each time this huge head spewed out a different holy world article, or a different holy world practice technique!

Despite this idea, it is obviously difficult for Ding Hao to understand the content of these sacred articles.

First of all, this article is very scattered and incoherent.

Secondly, Ding Hao could only know the general meaning of these golden runes, but didn't understand the real meaning. He wanted to piece together a piece of article with these golden runes, it was a wishful thinking.

"Anyway? I will learn all the contents of these golden runes first! At least I can see every change of each different rune at a glance, and what effect will it produce in the end?"

Ding Hao and his relatives kept running and learning. They knew more and more about these golden runes.

Now even if it is Xiao Bi, looking back, he can also decompose from that piece of golden rune, which ones are beneficial to him? Which runes can cause harm to yourself? It's clear!

Now they won't be hurt by these runes at all!

When those dangerous runes fly over, the Zen Wolf King will take his four hoofs and leap quickly, avoiding these dangerous runes and let them dissipate by themselves;

And when those runes with benefits and power fly over, the Zen Wolf King will take the initiative to greet him, open his huge mouth, and swallow the rune into his mouth.

When that sacred breath exploded in his mouth, the Wolf King didn't know how refreshing it felt.

While other cultivators and earth beasts ridiculed Ding Hao and the others, Ding Hao has actually been constantly improving and transforming!

Ding Hao and the others did not know that when they continuously received these golden runes into their bodies, the power in these runes would remain in their bodies, allowing them to naturally have a sacred breath.

When Ding Hao knew this, Sudinan told him.

On this day, Sudinan and a group of practitioners hid in the darkness.

They fell together in this cracked canyon, and after being attacked countless times, they met together.

These few of them are also very clever cultivators and earth beasts. They set up a trap and captured a fragment of the corpse of a life in the holy world. This is a huge tentacle!

After they captured this tentacle, they spent a lot of effort to divide it, and each got a huge piece of meat.

These days, Sudinan is in this area, using and refining this piece of meat, wanting to improve himself.

But this group of them all failed.

Life in the holy world has been dead for countless years, and the meat on the corpse is also very unpalatable, although it contains some sacred breath.

However, even if these meats are eaten into their stomachs, these sacred breaths cannot be transmitted to their bodies.

"It's useless! This thing is too unpalatable, and the sacred breath cannot be cultivated."

Many people shook their heads and smiled bitterly, and discarded the cut meat directly.

Sudinan ate a small piece, and there was a big one, which was really hard to eat.

He was smiling bitterly, "When did I become a corpse eater?"

Someone shouted, "Look over there!"

Sudinan looked up and saw a Zen wolf king stepping on its four hooves, flying high, flying over the darkness;

Following the Zen Wolf King was a little girl with white skin and blond hair. She also flew high, giggling and running with the Zen Wolf King.

Then, his friend Ding Hao and three Taoist companions were also rushing fast.

Sudinan looked baffled, wondering what they were running?

At this moment, a huge hideous head suddenly appeared from behind. On the single horn of the head, a light of a knife was released, killing Xiang Ding Hao!

"No, Ding Hao and the others are in trouble!" Su Dinan quickly stood up.

The cultivator who was with him persuaded, "Don't go there! Ding Hao didn't see you again, why should you go and die! That huge head is hard to deal with at first sight!"

Su Dinan did not hesitate and followed!

(End of this chapter)

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