Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2419: 36 giant pillars

Chapter 2419 36 Giant Pillars

Chapter 2418 36 Giant Pillars

When they walked up from the place of the burial of the gods and saw the bright and brilliant outside, Su Dinan and the others let out a sigh of relief.

"Not easy! It's really not easy to survive this time!"

The Ninth Mountain Master sighed, "Thanks to Ding Hao to survive!"

If Ding Hao takes a step slower, they will all be crushed by the black giant hand, and die quite miserably!

The Zen Wolf King said, "At the beginning, more than 1,200 cultivators and earth beasts entered Guangming tomorrow at the same time! Now, only 24 of us are left! We are really dead!"

There were more than 1,200 people, and only 24 people were left in the end.

Ding Hao smiled and walked over and said, "Su Dinan, wait a while before you continue to sigh, come and see the teacher with me now!"

Sudinan wondered, "Meet the teacher? Which teacher?"

"Haha! You know when you come with me!"

Ding Hao pulled Su Dinan to the front of Longyang Shengjun, and then said, "This is the new teacher I'll find for you, Longyang Shengjun!"

"What?" Sudinan was dumbfounded.

While being controlled by the giant black hand just now, he didn't even bother to listen to the conversation outside, and he didn't even know that the little head was actually a well-known strongman in the holy world, Longyang Sage!

Now listening to Ding Hao's words, it suddenly dawned, "My God, the little head turned out to be so powerful! No wonder the sacred exercises he vomited, one after another! It turns out that he is such a powerful character!"

Shengjun Longyang nodded and said, "When I was in the sacred world, I liked to study these techniques, and I remember many techniques in my mind! When my spiritual thoughts are sealed, these techniques will turn into runes, I keep spitting out! I didn’t expect this subconscious behavior to help me find your two disciples!"

Ding Hao and the others nodded. If it weren't for the sacred monarch of Longyang who kept spitting out golden runes, Ding Hao and the others would not take them back into pets.

Sage Monarch Longyang said again, "Su Dinan, since you like to study the techniques of the Holy Realm, after you become my disciple, I will teach you all these techniques!"

As he spoke, Saint Longyang spit out one after another golden runes.

These runes are arranged neatly, floating in front of Sudinan.

There is only a trace of divine thoughts left by the Sage Lord of Longyang, and he cannot pass it to Su Dinan through other means. Only in this way, let Su Dinan directly remember it!

Sudinan knows that this moment is very important, and try to memorize as much as possible, sit there cross-legged, and keep in mind the location and content of each golden rune!

Although he doesn't understand the meaning of each piece of rune practice at all, he knows that it will have a huge effect in the future.

Ding Hao is not too sensitive to these things, and can't remember some of them, so he just came to the side and waited.

At this time, the ancestor of Thousand Insects had torn the brains of Saint Ancestor Jiuyou to pieces, and this old fellow who was involved in the wind and rain had completely died, and he could not die again.

Ding Hao came to the ancestor of the Thousand Insects and returned the Longyang Sword in his hands. "I said that I borrowed this from you. Now I return the original."

"How did this make it?" The ancestor of the Thousand Insects quickly backed away, "This thing is in my hands, it can't exert its true power at all, it can't even produce its normal power, let alone the strongest inverse scale form! Let's talk about it The knife didn’t originally belong to me, it belonged to Sage Sovereign Longyang! Now he is your teacher, and of course you will inherit this thing best!"

Ding Hao hesitated, not that he was reluctant to return the knife, but wanted to hear what the Sage Longyang meant. After all, the real owner of the knife was the Sage Longyang!

Sage Lord Longyang was teaching Sudinan's exercises at this moment, and Ding Hao waited for a while and asked, "Senior Qian Chong, have you been outside for so many years, have you found the real ultimate prize?"

The ancestor of the Thousand Insects smiled and said, "You take out your Divine Religion token and you can see it."

More than twenty people present at the same time took out the sacred tokens, and they discovered that a complete map of tomorrow had been stored in the tokens. At a certain edge of the top, it was the sacred light. The mountain, at the peak of this mountain, is the ultimate prize left by the founding!

"That's it, it's here!" The Ninth Mountain Lord couldn't help sighing, "Ding Hao reminded us that this place is dangerous, and the real ultimate prize is not here. We didn't believe it, and we all fell into jail in the end!"

Ding Hao smiled and said, "No need to blame yourself. Actually, I am not the same as you. I obviously suspect that this place is dangerous, but in the end I also came here and fell into the burial place!"

Everyone laughed.

Amidst the laughter, the Lord of Longyang finally passed the power to Sudinan.

Although Su Dinan didn't write it down completely, the awakening of the temple of Longyang Saint Monarch has consumed most of his power, and if he let him spit out the golden rune, he couldn't spit it out!

Ding Hao came to the front of Longyang Sage, and told him about the Longyang Sword.

Longyang Shengjun said, "I left this treasure to you, of course you own it! But because it contains the chance of a thousand insects! Then, this knife will be used and mastered by you first. If you need to use it, then give this thing to Qian Chong! And you will definitely give him the technique that releases the scales. What do you think?"

What he said, Ding Hao and Qian Chong were very satisfied.

After all, this knife is very strong, and Ding Hao really needs to use it now; Qian Chong is not in a hurry. What he needs now is to improve his physical body and cultivation, instead of getting such a treasured sword!

"It's so good. When I have enough strength in the future to control a treasure knife, you will return it to me!" Thinking of this, Qian Chong's heart is also full of enthusiasm. If one day in the future, he can also hold it. This weapon issued that terrifying counter-scale blow, how mighty it is.

The ancestor of a thousand insects saw the power of this blow with his own eyes, and he was looking forward to it!

Longyang Shengjun said again, "Ding Hao, I have taught all my exercises to Sudinan, and my remaining treasures and my cave are on the holy mountain of the holy world! I will leave you a token , Then you can go to get it."

"Thank you teacher!" Ding Hao immediately bowed his fists.

Longyang Shengjun said again, "Although I teach the two of you exercises and treasures separately, this is not separate. You must learn from each other, exchange what you have, and be strong together!"

"Teacher, don't worry! We all understand!" Ding Hao and Su Dinan looked at each other and nodded.

"That's the best." After Longyang Shengjun said, "I have said everything I should say, and there is nothing I want to say. Just wait for the last trace of divine thought to disappear. , Leave me alone."

Ding Hao said, "Teacher, I want to take your head. Even if the last trace of your mind disappears and you are completely dead, then I want to take your head back to the Holy Realm for burial. I wonder what you think?"

Shengjun Longyang frowned, "This is probably not easy! The founder of this guy was also a powerful **** in the holy world. He has a very lonely character. He will not let any **** use his formation! You want to take me I’m afraid it’s impossible to take his head back!"

"What? Do you mean that I can't use the ultimate prize left by the founder if I take your head?" Ding Hao said in disbelief.

Longyang Shengjun said with a smile, "Don't talk about me, even if it's you, I think it's still hanging!"

Listening to the words of Saint Longyang, all the people present changed their expressions and looked at Ding Hao dumbfounded.

They just remembered that if the gods cannot use the ultimate prize left by the founder, then it means that Ding Hao has also been excluded!

Now Ding Hao's situation is the same as the black giant hand back then.

Obviously the ultimate prize is right in front of his eyes, but he can't use it!

"It won't be so absolutely!" Ding Hao's three Taoists were all pale at the moment.

The ancestor of the Thousand Insects immediately said, "Then what are we waiting for? Go to the Bright Sacred Mountain and see if it can be used?"

"That's good! Go now!"

Ding Hao rushed to the Guangming Sacred Mountain first, followed by the Longyang Sage with only one head left, and behind him was Leng Xiaoyu, Yewen, Anliu, Xiaobi, and Sudinan Zen Wolf King...

After a while, everyone came to the foot of Guangming Sacred Mountain.

This Guangming Sacred Mountain is very tall and majestic, and it is not that easy to climb, but Ding Hao and the others went forward with all their strength. It took a whole month before they reached the top of the Guangming Sacred Mountain!

After such a long time, the trace of Divine Sense left by the Lord Longyang has been drowned, but he is still flying with Ding Hao.

Because he also wanted to see if Ding Hao could bring him back to the sacred world.

Although he is dead, he still hopes to bury his head at the foot of the holy mountain, where is his home!

"Finally saw it, here is the ultimate prize!"

On the top of the Guangming Sacred Mountain, there are just 36 straight giant pillars rising up into the sky.

These huge pillars are quite majestic, erected on the top of the mountain, and the surface is engraved with the sacred characters of the holy world, very solemn and solemn, like 36 mysterious stone towers.

Longyang Shengjundao, "It should be here. There are 36 places to go to the world of the holy!"

"So that's the case, the founding should be to let everyone compete in the light tomorrow, choose 1 of 10 places." Su Dinan said.

The ancestor of the Thousand Insects also nodded, "At the beginning, there were 360 ​​beams of light in total! But here are 36, exactly one out of ten! It's just a pity, because of the giant black hand, we only have more than twenty left. People, a dozen places were wasted for nothing!"

At this moment, no one else can enter tomorrow, and what should be wasted can only be wasted.

When everyone came to the 36 straight giant pillars, they felt that each giant pillar was even more powerful and majestic.

Under each huge pillar, there is an array space.

Longyang Shengjundao, "Well, you can directly and safely reach the sacred world through here! But this kind of teleportation formation should send you to a different location in the holy world! After you arrive, settle down first, billion Ten thousand years have passed, and I am not clear about the current situation in the holy world! I suggest that you finally agree to gather at the holy mountain!"

(End of this chapter)

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