Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2422: Defeat the fundamental will

Chapter 2422 Defeat the fundamental will

Chapter 2421 defeating the fundamental will


Although the Three Lives War Wolf was blessed by the power of the fundamental will, its strength grew wildly.

But he hasn't fully adapted to this kind of power. It feels like a three-year-old child has gained the power of a strong man, stumbled, and was knocked over by Ding Hao!

The three-life war wolf that fell down directly sat on the huge **** boat behind him.

Boom boom boom!

Amid the loud noise, the huge Shenjiao boat started to shake!

"My God! Run away, everyone, Shenjiaozhou is going to be over!"

The cultivators ran away frantically from the founding sect, and everyone knew that the sacred boat was going to end.

Boom boom boom!

Ding Hao rushed over and hit the Sansheng War Wolf with a punch, and the consequences were all the destruction of the Shenjiaozhou!

For the practitioners in the endless world, the founding cult is a treasured place of geomantic practice.

For such a feng shui treasure, if Ding Hao breaks it, it will be infamous forever.

However, if "accidentally damaged" during the battle, then no one has anything to say!

For Ding Haowan's thoughts, the will of the endless world would not understand.

But the fundamental will of the endless world is very peculiar. It belongs to the type of avenues that are minimal and wise. Although it does not understand the psychology of Ding Hao's curve, it is still relatively happy when the Shenjiaozhou is damaged. It treats Ding Hao. The degree of favorability is increasing.


The Three Lives War Wolf fell on the huge Shenjiao boat once again and squashed the huge thing.

At this moment, the Three Lives War Wolf probably understood Ding Hao's thoughts, "Ding Hao, you can't destroy the Shenjiaozhou! This is a good place for all cultivators to improve their cultivation. Don't forget that you also come out from here! Do you want to watch the founding religion destroy?"

Ding Hao shook his head and said, "It can only be so. The founding God Cult has long been very upset in the eyes of the fundamental will. It should have existed in the world and it was possible to find the ultimate prize! Now that the ultimate prize has been found, what value is there in this thing? As for the place where cultivators practice, my vast realm can be built into a more excellent place for cultivation! And my vast realm fits the endless world very well, where you can practice faster! Shenjiaozhou and founding Shenjiao have long been It has lost the meaning of its existence, and there is no need to guard this withered shell anymore!"

Although Ding Hao made a lot of sense, the Three Lives War Wolf was indisputable.

But the Three Lives War Wolf is after all the current ancestor of the founding sect. He is qualified and responsible to protect the founding sect, and Ding Hao can't let Ding Hao destroy the sacred boat!

"Ding Hao, it seems that we really have to fight with all our strength this time!"

After a short period of adaptation, the Three Lives War Wolf has now stabilized.

He began to use the power in the endless world to fight Ding Hao.

"That's right." Ding Hao smiled slightly, then rushed up again and punched the Sansheng War Wolf again!

Faced with Ding Hao's merciless attack, Sansheng War Wolf was not afraid at all, and also threw a punch.


In the void, like the sun exploding, the light was so bright that everyone's eyes could not be opened.

When this blow was released, Ding Hao's heart was sighed, the blow he saw from the Nine Nether Sacred Bell was so shocking.

The only difference is that being in a different space, hitting this blow in the sacred world and hitting this blow in the endless world are completely different concepts!

Of course, to the spectators present, the feeling is the same.

Those cultivators in the endless world saw Ding Hao’s blow, just as Ding Hao saw the final blow of the Battle of the Gods. It was shocking. For many years to come, Ding Hao’s blow will be talked about and be touched by others. Recite!

In this blow, the Three Lives War Wolf went back three steps again, and stopped just when he was about to hit the Shenjiao Boat.

"It seems that your fundamental will is not enough to give Sansheng War Wolf the power!" Ding Hao joked and threw a punch again!

The Three Lives War Wolf received a punch, but could no longer hold the second punch, and with a thud, it knocked down on the Shenjiao boat behind him.

"Ding Hao, you are so strong! Really so strong!" Sansheng War Wolf couldn't help but exclaimed.

The reason why Ding Hao went all out to attack the Three Lives War Wolf was actually a temptation. Ding Hao wanted to see how much power the endless world had? If it is placed in the holy world, what level of **** is the fundamental will of the endless world?

Sure enough, when seeing the three-life war wolf continue to lose, the roar of a thousand-faced lion resounded in the void again.

Amidst this roar, the entire endless world violently twisted, and the power crazily converged on the body of the Sansheng War Wolf.

"My God! My God!" Sansheng War Wolf was speechless in surprise.

The power is gathering more and more in his body, becoming more and more crazy, and the Three Lives War Wolf himself couldn't believe it.

"Three Lives War Wolf, now your physical body has surpassed the limit, you have to grasp this moment!"

Although Ding Hao had been blessed by the power of the fundamental will last time, it was only a preliminary blessing after all; and now, the fundamental will of anger has taken out all its power and blessed it on the body of the three lives war wolf!

The current three-life war wolf is absolutely equivalent to the fundamental will of the endless world to personally shoot.


Basic will personally take action, and Sansheng War Wolf exclaimed loudly, "Ding Hao, be careful! My body is controlled by it, my God, I can't control my body at all!"

While talking, Sansheng War Wolf slammed Ding Hao's body with a punch.

Sansheng War Wolf shouted again, "Ding Hao, I really didn't fight this, so be careful!"

Ding Hao was beaten back several hundred steps, and under this punch, a trace of blood slipped from the corner of his mouth.

"I know, it was the one who made the shot himself! Three Lives War Wolf, as long as you use this opportunity to cultivate your own mood! Don't remind me!"

After Ding Hao finished speaking, he grabbed the Jiuyou Sacred Bell with his big hand in the void; with the other hand, he took out the Longyang Sword again!

If facing the three-life war wolf, Ding Hao doesn't need to use weapons at all.

But what stands in front of him now is the fundamental will!

How strong is the fundamental will? No one knows!

After all, even the gods of the sacred world are fundamentally restrained from outside the world, how strong is the fundamental will?

Ding Hao wanted to test it!

Boom boom boom!

Ding Hao used the two treasures in his hands to attack the fundamental will.

The Jiuyou Sacred Bell is responsible for defending the opponent’s attack, while the Longyang Sacred Sword cuts out with all his strength without mercy. Ding Hao doesn’t care about slicing through the body of the Three Lives War Wolf. With the ability of the fundamental will, even the Three Lives War Wolf You can be resurrected even if you die!

Bang bang bang!

This level of battle is no longer something that any cultivator can watch.

All cultivators can escape as far as they can. The endless world is trembling everywhere, and the strength is very weak.

Every small world in the entire endless world is completely plunged into darkness, and the world stops, as if reaching the end.

I don't know how long the battle has been going on, and Ding Hao can't feel it himself, because the laws of time and space in the vicinity have all been disrupted, Ding Hao feels a little weak.

What made Ding Hao happy was that with the help of these two treasures, the fundamental will of the endless world could not do anything with him.

"That's the case, your power of the fundamental will is nothing more than that."

Ding Hao can probably feel that if the fundamental will of the endless world is placed in the sacred world, it should be a middle-level god.

Although Ding Hao himself is the elementary-level god, Ding Hao has two super treasures in his hand, and he can barely deal with the middle-level gods.

This is the situation now, Ding Hao has figured out the bottom line of the fundamental will of the endless world, and there is no need to fight again.

"Well, this is the end of the battle!"

In Ding Hao's eyes, a dazzling light shot out, and in his mind, a piece of golden rune technique had emerged.

And the Dragon Sun knife in his hand, at this moment, the sacred powers gathered crazily, and the knife began to change its image, becoming a blazing purple-red giant knife. When this knife appeared, the practitioner in the entire endless world All felt the divine power.

This sacred power made everyone couldn't help kneeling down on the ground and surrendered!

The greatest feature of sacred power is not that it has the power to overwhelm the opponent, but the willingness to worship. This is the true interpretation of the word sacred!

"Holy first blow!"

When the Longyang Sword turned into a scaled sword, Ding Hao finally released his most powerful blow!

A shocking sword light swept across the endless world, under the sword light, everything was cut into nothingness!

"My God!" The Three Lives War Wolf watched in horror as his body was cut in half, and behind him, such a huge divine boat was also cut in half!

"No, am I dead?"

In the horror and inexplicable horror of the Three Lives War Wolf, everything slowly returned to calm.

Sansheng War Wolf discovered that he had recovered to his original state, all the blessed power was taken away at this moment, and his body was not harmed.

Behind him, Shenjiaozhou was completely destroyed and cut in half.

No one can believe that the first major force that was once a smash hit in the endless world founded the religion, and it disappeared in the memory of history.

Just as the Starry Years Clan that swept the world in those days, it eventually died out, so did the founding gods!

Under Ding Hao's attack, Three Lives War Wolf didn't suffer any damage, but Ding Hao's attack was the fundamental will that shook the endless world.

The thousand-faced human lion finally compromised, and it finally knew that it was impossible to punish Ding Hao with its strength!

Moreover, Ding Hao helped it to smash the sacred boat that it had always disliked. In the end, the thousand-faced lion roared twice at Ding Hao, warning Ding Hao to leave the world quickly, and then its body began to decompose and disappear into the invisible.

"Ding Hao, you actually defeated the fundamental will!" The Three Lives Wolf Warrior walked up in a daze.

Ding Hao smiled and said, "You have also benefited a lot this time, and you are about to break through and enter the vacuum!"

(End of this chapter)

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