Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2426: Lito in Distress

Chapter 2426 Li Tuo is in danger

Chapter 2424 Li Tuo in danger

Soon, each of them had a long pedal in their hands.

Although this pedal was refined by themselves, it had the sacred rune carved by Ding Hao around it.

"With this circle of runes carved by you, can the fire snakes not be able to attack it?" Li Tuo took the square pedal, still a little worried.

Ding Hao smiled, standing on his own pedal, and then the pedal led his body to slide down the surface of the huge black clock, and quickly rushed into the large number of fire snakes below.

The pedals are very close to the fire snakes, but with that circle of sacred runes, no fire snake can climb on the pedals.

Ding Hao slid down the surface of his giant clock, like surfing, and rushed into the astonishing number of flames below.

However, no matter how raging the flames below, he couldn't climb on that little pedal.

"Haha! It's really useful!" Sansheng War Wolf and the others also stood on the pedals and slid vertically from the surface of the Jiuyou Sacred Bell.

When they were approaching the surface of the endless sea, they suddenly changed their directions and glide quickly over the flames on the surface of the endless sea.

"Haha! Fun!" Li Tuo pulled one of Luo's six arms and laughed loudly happily.

Luo smiled, "This is not fun, thanks to Ding Hao's ability! Without him, let us refine this pedal in advance, and help us carve the sacred rune, otherwise we may not be able to pass this level, we will die. In the endless sea."

Now they are safe, but think about it, I don't know how many practitioners who want to cross the endless sea have fallen.

Ding Hao saw that there was no one on the surface of Jiuyou Sacred Bell, he waved his hand and put away the Jiuyou Sacred Bell.

The five people did not continue riding on the Jiuyou Sacred Bell, and each stepped forward on a surfboard.

Ding Hao reminded again, "Everyone, let's act separately. Please pay attention to follow me and don't leave me too far away, otherwise I won't be able to help you with anything!"

Although Ding Hao said so, Li Tuo is a playful character. She stepped on the pedal to rush towards the densest place of flames.

When she rushed past, the huge flames of flowers suddenly turned into a large number of fire snakes, wanting to rush on her pedal.

However, there is a circle of sacred runes around her pedals, these fire snakes can't rush up, they can only return without success.

"Hahaha!" Li Tuo laughed loudly, the snake's tail swinging back and forth, feeling very interesting.

Seeing her like this, Luo just shook his head helplessly.

They continued to move forward for a few days, and the situation in front of them was even more dangerous.

In front of Ding Hao's eyes, the golden sea was no longer visible, flames were everywhere under his feet, and fire snakes were everywhere.

These fire snakes are crazy and manic.

Seeing not far away, there was a huge pile of huge flames. Lito couldn't help but play with her heart. She stepped on the pedal under her feet and rushed over.

"Be careful!" Luo reminded loudly.

But it was too late, that huge pile of flames instantly turned into millions of flaming snakes, and these flaming snakes were scattered and unable to attack the pedal.

But what people did not expect was that these hundreds of fire snakes suddenly gathered together and turned into a huge fire python!


There was a python moan from the fire python's mouth, and its head stood high in the sky, and the python's saliva in its mouth continued to fall like raindrops!

Ding Hao's sacred runes engraved around the pedals can only defend against attacks from below, and attacks falling from above, there is no defense at all.

Those rain-like flames fell on Lito's beauty snake's body, and all of them were suddenly lit, and the flames began to burn.

Lito was panicked, and quickly used her spells to defend, but how can the defensive spells in the world prevent the holy fire attack?

"Do not!"

Listening to Li Tuo's screams, Ding Hao and the others were also dumbfounded.

Luo's six arms suddenly opened, letting out the six-dimensional space he was most proud of.

After becoming the real strongest person, his six-dimensional space is very powerful, and he directly protects Li Tuo's body within the six-dimensional space.

If you were in the inner world, it would be very difficult to break through this six-dimensional space.

But here is the endless sea, this fire python leaped down with a huge mouth, and with a bang, it directly broke through the six-dimensional space.

Its blood basin suddenly rushed towards Lido, who was already burning!

"Help!" Li Tuo was frightened at the moment.

The dots on her body had already begun to burn, and a huge fire python was about to swallow her, the situation was extremely dangerous.

Fortunately, Ding Hao grabbed the four dragon seals of powerful weapons!

After extinguishing the giant black hand, this weapon fell into Ding Hao's hands. Although this weapon is also very precious, it is obviously not as eye-catching as the Longyang Sword, so Ding Hao now likes to use the Four Dragon Seal first!

"Fell me!"

The body of the Silong Yin first hit the giant fire python, just like a blood-red dragon hit the fire python's head.

With a loud bang, the two huge creatures knocked back a step.

Ding Hao was shocked that the power of this fire python was too strong, and the Silong Yin could not obtain a greater advantage.

And what is shocking is that after the fire python found that it was unable to gain absolute advantage, it hovered in the flames again, and the bigger and bigger, it even faintly took on the shape of a dragon!

"Your uncle, this thing is not something we can handle at all!"

Ding Hao scolded, and shouted again, "Four Dragon Seals, Jieyin!"

Under his order, the four dragon seals were put on a sudden, and a huge golden seal appeared in the void.

In this seal, four golden dragons hovered out.

As the black giant once said, the true power of the Four Dragon Seal is not the body, but the seal released by it!


"Kingyin again!"

Ding Hao exhausted his strength and made three consecutive seals, each time four golden dragons appeared.

In this way, twelve golden dragons appeared.

Although the fire python grew bigger and bigger, it was a little stretched under the siege of twelve golden dragons. Its body was finally terrifyingly large, but it had never controlled such a huge body. Instead, he became unable to look back and forth, and was finally hit by twelve golden dragons on his body, breaking into countless pieces.

But on Ding Hao's side, they quickly came to Li Tuo's side.

Ding Hao quickly said, "To extinguish the holy fire, holy water is necessary. Do you have holy water?"

Luo said loudly, "There are some, I have it here!"

Pour holy water on Lito's body to extinguish those sacred fires. Lito was really scared this time, pale, and cried, "I won't dare anymore!"

Ding Hao said, "The journey below may be more dangerous, everyone should be careful!"

(End of this chapter)

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