Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2431: Made a big discovery (three shifts)

Chapter 2431 has a great discovery (three shifts)

Chapter 2429

Just after Sansheng Warwolf had enjoyed this bowl of crab soup, Ding Hao said again, "In these years, you are breaking through, and I am also breaking through! I have used so many golden holy beads, and I have also improved a lot!"

After speaking, Ding Hao came to the edge of the black island, facing the sea of ​​golden runes in front of him, stretched out one of his arms!

If in the past, as long as his arm reached into the endless sea, there would be a violent explosion, exploding his arm apart from flesh and blood, and to pieces.

But now, a strange sight has appeared.

When Ding Hao stretched his arm into the golden ocean in front of him, there was no reaction at all in the ocean.

"My God, there is such a good thing?" Not to mention the Three Lives War Wolf, even Luo and the others were stunned.

Fat insect said again, "If you say that, can't you directly enter the endless sea?"

Ding Hao nodded and said, "Then I will go in and try!"

Ding Hao slowly moved his body into the endless sea little by little. After a while, his whole person entered the endless sea.

Because his sacred power is too strong in his body, the runes in the endless sea are also very friendly to him. He is like a fish, moving up and down in the golden ocean.

"Great!" everyone present shouted in surprise.

Before, the greatest threat to them was the endless sea. Entering was death, which was very dangerous.

And now, if we can safely go deep into the endless sea, then the road in the future will be much smoother.

In their excitement, they suddenly saw Ding Hao rise to the surface of the sea again. After rising to the surface, Ding Hao raised his hand and threw out two black crabs.

These two black crabs are much bigger than Luo and the others!

"Haha! Hahaha!" Everyone laughed.

Ding Hao can go deep into the sea and catch black crabs. In this way, everyone can enjoy the golden holy beads!

"There are a lot of these black crabs in the depths of the sea, and they are very clumsy. I'll catch more!"

In the following days, Ding Hao went deep into the sea every day to catch this black crab.

After catching them, take out the golden holy beads and use them separately.

The flesh and blood in the crabs are cooked into food, and those that cannot be eaten are stored.

Day by day, the sacred power accumulated in Ding Hao's body has also become more. Slowly, the three-life war wolf has also become stronger and can enter the endless sea to catch black crabs.

As a result, the black crabs near the island were quickly caught clean, and Ding Hao and the others had to go farther.

"Three Lives War Wolf, you explore over there, I explore here, don't try hard when there is a danger."

With a warning, Ding Hao moved towards the depths of the endless sea.

In the first few days, Ding Hao and others did not notice anything, but Ding Hao swam in the sea for a few days, and suddenly found that the number of black crabs in a certain place began to become dense.

Ding Hao swam over without showing any hostility, and the black crabs were not terrified of him.

Ding Hao mingled among these crabs, looking towards the depths of the endless sea. The further he went down, he found that these black crabs were getting smaller and smaller, obviously not long after they were born.

"Could it be that there is still a big crab down here?"

Ding Hao's heart moved secretly, slowly approaching downwards, and gradually, he already felt a little overwhelmed.

Although he has powerful sacred power in his body, the deeper the endless sea, the denser the golden runes, and the harder it is for him to advance downward.

Just when he felt that he could not continue downward, his eyes lit up, and he saw a huge black shadow creeping in a certain area deeper below!

"There really is a super huge black crab!"

When Ding Hao came here, he couldn't go deeper, and he could only return, return to the island, and tell the others about it.

"It seems that the black crabs here are all descendants of that big crab! Because of the existence of that big crab, there are small black crabs!" Sansheng War Wolf said, "No wonder the previous generations passed by here. At that time, no black crab was found here! Obviously, that big crab came here later, and will leave later! We happened to happen this time, and we just met it!"

Fat insect said, "The meat of this big crab doesn't know what it tastes like, I think it must be better than those little crabs! The golden holy pearls in its body are definitely more!"

Luo nodded and said, "We'd better catch this big crab, the endless sea is so big, there are few creatures in it! This big crab is definitely a good treasure!"

Ding Hao said, "When I come back, I will sum up with everyone, how to catch this big crab? I can't do it by myself! I can't reach the depth of it!"

Everyone thought about it, but there is no good way.

The last three war wolves said, "Aren’t you fishing crabs? My suggestion is to continue to use hooks and let Ding Hao put the hooks in front of the big crab! After it’s hooked, we will work together. Pull that big guy up!"

Although this method is a bit stupid, it is still a good method in front of us.

If you want to catch that big guy, ordinary hooks are definitely not enough.

"Fortunately, I have a lot of fragments of holy world treasures here, and I just use these fragments to refine a super long hook."

In the following days, Ding Hao and Sansheng War Wolf continued to go to that area to catch small crabs, while Luo and the others stayed on the island and used the preserved holy fire to refine the hook.

After a long period of time, this huge hook was finally successfully refined.

At the same time, the holy beads among the black crabs captured by Ding Hao and the others have also allowed Luo and the others to penetrate into the endless sea.

"Haha! Now for the five of us, everyone can enter the endless sea freely. It's so comfortable!" Li Tuo exclaimed excitedly.

Ding Hao said, "Everything is ready, just owe a shot! You are ready, I will go and put the hook in front of the big crab, I will hang a small piece of the corpse of the **** that I will get tomorrow, and I will I don’t believe that the big crab won’t take the bait!"

One end of the huge hook was wrapped around the black island, and the other end was carried by Ding Hao, heading towards the depths of the seabed.

After a while, Ding Hao came to the depths of the sea.

After a long time, Ding Hao discovered that this big crab had changed its position. It seemed that just as Sansheng War Wolf had guessed, this guy was also constantly moving in the endless sea.

"Big Crab, it is our evil fate to meet you, then I am sorry for you!" Ding Hao finished speaking, and put down the hook with a small piece of the corpse of the gods.

(End of this chapter)

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