Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2434: Reach the other shore

Chapter 2434 reaches the other side

Chapter 2432

The gods led them all the way, collecting various runes.

According to the evolutionary law of the runes of the Holy Realm, the runes in a classic book have a certain special connection.

Taking advantage of this characteristic, Shen Qi has also collected several exercises that are not very comprehensive along the way, and handed these exercises to Ding Hao and the others for cultivation.

Ding Hao chose a method to hide his sacred breath.

A few of them came out of the endless sea, and the sacred aura on their bodies was too strong, and they would inevitably be suspected.

After practicing this exercise, you can hide the sacred breath in your body, as if you are an ordinary cultivator walking out of an endless world.

After Ding Hao studied, the others also all learned this technique to hide the sacred breath of the body.

As for the basic techniques provided by the gods, they did not practice.

The basic exercise is very important. If you can't find the follow-up content to practice this kind of broken exercise, it will affect your future practice.

After some more years, Ding Hao and the others finally saw the traces of the mountains in the distance.

"Look, we may be near the shore!" Li Tuo shouted in surprise.

The gods said, "Gods, get to the shore soon, and I won't send you there! It is very dangerous there, and it is very possible that someone will catch me! Let's separate here!"

Ding Hao and the others had never done anything to demolish the bridge, and Shenma had helped them through a lot of danger along the way.

At the moment, Ding Hao and the five of them threw the pedals and walked away from the back of the gods.

The gods said again, "All gods, although I told other guardian beasts that you want to rebuild the holy mountain and restore the glory of the sacred temple, I also know that your purpose is not like this! Even those guardian beasts that let go all the way, they We all know this too! But we still hope that if there is a glimmer of hope, please rebuild the sacred mountain and restore the sacred temple. If possible, we patron saint beasts are willing to go back to protect the sacred temple!"

Ding Hao nodded and said, "My **** beasts, Ding Hao does not currently have this strength! If I have this strength in the future, I am willing to rebuild the sacred mountain and restore the glory of the sacred temple! At that time, I will definitely invite you guardian beasts to return! And in the endless sea The countless runes are actually precious treasures, and I will also take back all of the holy mountains!"

"Thank you!" Shen Ma nodded with satisfaction, then opened his mouth to spit out a golden bead, and said, "This is my last help to you, goodbye!"

Immediately, this big crab dived into the depths of the endless sea and disappeared without a trace.

Ding Hao was holding this golden bead, and immediately countless small golden runes flowed out, slowly forming a picture scroll.

"What's this?" Lito stared at the golden scroll in front of him in a daze.

Ding Hao knew better about the sacred runes. He looked at the small print in the corner of the scroll and said in surprise, "This is the secret path in the holy mountain! What did the **** give us this?"

The fat insect said with a smile, "What's incomprehensible! In places like the sacred mountain, there must be some hidden treasures hidden in it? Even if the sacred mountain is broken, all the treasures will not flow out! There must be some slippage. The fish, if we reach the sacred mountain, we can use a secret road map to find hidden treasures!"

"Then we are rich!" The Three Lives War Wolf shouted in surprise.

Ding Hao raised his hand, put the scroll away, and nodded, "We didn't deal with the gods. We didn't expect to get such a gift! This kind of thing is also very precious in the holy world, don't tell others!"

Luo Dao, "Don't worry! Only the five of us can know this secret, and no one else is allowed to reveal it."

Ding Hao waved his hand again, "Then we are now heading towards the sacred world!"

The holy world, also known as the holy world in the mouths of those gods, seemed even more holy in Ding Hao's eyes. There is still the last mile from the holy world, and everyone's hearts are full of expectations.

"I don't know what the holy world looks like?"

"I don't know what kind of life the gods of the holy world live?"

"What do those gods look like?"

Everyone's heart moved forward with anxiety. Although they saw the shadow of that mountain from a distance, they were still far away.

Fortunately, there was no danger in the next journey, and the whole journey was calm. Everyone stepped forward, pulling five long ripples on the golden sea of ​​runes.

"It's the shore!" Finally Li Tuo whizzed out, and they finally saw the edge of the endless sea.

Ding Hao and the others accelerated through the past, but when they came to the shore, they discovered that it was a very high cliff with runes engraved on the cliff and could not be climbed.

"It's impossible to fly or climb here. Everyone moves along the edge of the cliff."

Ding Hao took the lead, and the five people continued to advance along the edge of the cliff. After more than a month of advancing like this, they finally saw a gap in the cliff. At the gap was a small plain with a small village on the plain.

"This is the village of the Holy World!"

Everyone was in a great mood, and quickly put away the pedals under their feet and stepped onto the land.

When they walked on the land, everyone was completely relieved. They didn't know how many years they had walked on the endless sea before they actually landed on the land. The name of this land is called the other shore!

Cross the endless sea and reach the other shore!

When they arrived, three three-eyed spirits walked out of the small village. The leading three-eyed spirit was a man, and the two three-eyed spirits that followed were two women.

"Welcome several people, this is the village of Jiyin." The three three-eyed spirits said.

Ding Hao and the others also saluted politely, "I have met several seniors."

The leading three-eyed spirit looked at Ding Hao and Sansheng War Wolf and said, "How come you two have broken through and entered the vacuum true god?"

Ding Hao said, "The two of us were in the endless sea. We had a feeling on the way we crossed, and then we broke through on the island."

"So that's it." The three-eyed spirit nodded, "It seems that it didn't take long for you to break through."

Sansheng Zhanlang said, "Yes, I will invite some gods to give me some advice in the future."

"You're welcome." The three-eyed spirit said again, "Everyone who travels through the endless sea and comes to the other shore must first come here and leave a name. Please follow me."

The five of them walked into the village and discovered that there are many three-eyed gods living here, large and small. The biggest advantage in the holy world is that the descendants of the gods are born as the cultivation base of the vacuum true god, and they don’t need to be there at all. Practice from scratch in an endless world!

Li Tuo smiled bitterly, "We are only the pinnacle of the true gods, and we are no better than children here. It seems that we have to practice hard."

After a while, the five of them came to the main hall in the village.

The hall here is also quite simple. On the hall, there are tablets of tablets, all of which are the names of people who have crossed the endless sea and reached the other shore!

(End of this chapter)

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