Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2457: Danger is also opportunity

Chapter 2457 Danger is also opportunity


When they came to the ghost gate where the runes fell, the treasure hunting team in front of them were all high-level gods, and they were not worried.

I saw a high-level **** raised his hand and played a golden rune, which was similar to the rune dropped in midair.

The two runes collided with each other and exploded at the same time with a thud.

At the moment of the explosion, the figure of this high-ranking **** had already broken through the barrier and stood opposite the ghost gate.

Following him, another high **** also played a golden rune.

However, the golden rune he played was not a forceful rune, but a corrosive rune. The two collided together, and the golden rune falling in the air instantly disappeared.

This high-level deity walked over lightly, this person should be a rune-type powerhouse.

After that, another **** walked out, this person is definitely a sacred cultivator.

He didn't use runes, but took out a generous excalibur, the excalibur was dazzling, and he slashed down with a fierce sword.

The sword was hitting the side of the golden rune, and with a blow, it was wiped out.

The most shocking thing is that this person did not rush to pass, but kept cutting down with the divine sword, blasting all the golden runes that fell in front of him!

The other members of the treasure hunting team, as well as the high-level god-spirited woman also thanked them, and then walked through the ghost gate one after another.

Ding Hao also quickened his pace, wanting to take advantage of this.

However, this sacred high-level **** didn't want Ding Hao to take advantage of this. He suddenly smashed a golden rune with a sword, then lifted it with a big stride and walked through the ghost gate.

When Ding Hao hurried to the front of Guimenguan, he could not pass.

The high-level gods in the exploration team burst into laughter, and the woman even started to say, "The middle-level and low-level gods want to come here to explore treasures and want to take advantage of our team. It's just a wishful thinking! I advise you. Stop here and turn around immediately. The road ahead is even more dangerous, and no one will save you then!"

The sacred strong man holding the divine sword even coldly snorted, "I don't know how to live or die, don't care about him!"

Ding Hao looked back and saw Ximen Zhuangzhi standing not far behind, sneering with his arms.

Obviously, as long as this team of treasure hunters walks far away, Ximen's lofty ambition will avenge his death here!

However, in the midst of everyone's disapproval, Ding Hao raised his hand to release a huge black clock, which was the Jiuyou Sacred Bell.

Although he lent this treasure to Sansheng War Wolf to use it, he has now taken it back.

With the increase of Ding Hao's cultivation base, the power that Jiuyou Sacred Bell can release is much stronger than before. After Ding Hao's sacred power is released, the surface of the black bell body of Jiuyou Sacred Bell and the dense golden runes are all brightened!

Ding Hao raised his hand, blocking the Jiuyou Sacred Bell above his head, and easily walked through the ghost gate.

"This..." Seeing the scene in front of me, the high-level gods of the treasure hunting team were quite surprised.

Several high-level gods also whispered, "This kid is not easy, the weapon he took out is an ancient artifact!"

"Fantastic, ancient artifact!" Many people suddenly shot greed in their eyes.

There are also strong artifacts of this year, but in comparison, the ancient artifacts are more powerful!

Especially for the low-end artifacts, what is built now and the ancient gods are absolutely different!

Even the goddess spirit in the team looked at Ding Hao with a slight strangeness, secretly saying in his heart, I don't know what kind of background this young low-level **** has, so that he can use this level of treasure.

Ding Hao continued to walk upward as they watched.

At the rear, Ximen Zhuangzhi coldly snorted, "I forgot, he has this giant clock treasure!"

With that said, Ximen Zhuangzhi raised the hem of his cloak with his right hand, stepped forward, and walked through the ghost gate easily.

The big cloak he was wearing was actually a powerful defensive armor with amazing defensive power, so he could easily walk through it without any weapons.

"Ding Hao, I don't believe when you are not alone!"

A crowd of people were pregnant with ghosts, and the treasure hunters thought to themselves that although this person was young, he must have a background. If we take action against this person and kill others for treasure, I am afraid we will be greeted by the anger of the strong.

But if Ding Hao died in the dangerous environment of the rift, he could not blame the heavens and others. When the time came, he "picked up" the black giant clock, and no one could say anything.

Thinking of this, these people also followed Ding Hao forward, and did not embark on the fork.

Ximen Zhuangzhi was secretly angry, complaining why these people didn't get away, but it was not easy to say so, so he had to continue to follow behind.

Below the rift in the holy mountain, I don't know how many gods have come here to explore. The places where treasures may appear have been searched out long ago, and there are no remaining items.

Everyone could only continue to move forward, and soon came to a dangerous area. This is a very narrow and steep slope, like a dragon's spine. On both sides, there are mudslides that fall in the air. If you slide down, you will undoubtedly die.

It is very dangerous to watch the terrifying debris flow rushing down from the top of the head and walking on this narrow and steep slope.

And it’s not absolutely safe on this steep slope. Some boulders in the mudslide that falls from the top of the head will hit together, change direction, and hit the steep slope. If someone is hit by the boulder, it will immediately roll off the sides In the abyss of being taken away by mudslides, he will definitely die.

The situation here is more dangerous than the previous ghost gate. Even if the higher gods are accidentally swept away, there is no hope of survival.

Ding Hao frowned when he came to this steep upward slope.

"It is already very dangerous to pass this steep slope, and the first secret road I am going to explore is on the side of this steep slope. It is really too difficult to enter!"

Before Ding Hao came here, he had carefully watched the secret road map given to him by the gods, and finally chose this secret road that was not discovered.

But when Ding Hao came here, he discovered that the reason why this secret path had not been discovered for so many years was because it was too dangerous and remote, and everyone did not expect it and did not dare to try it easily.

This secret road is actually below the narrow and steep slope, and the door point for entering the secret road is on the side of the narrow and steep slope. It is also the most dangerous place in the sky where mud and rock flow falls!

Just as Ding Hao hesitated, this team of high-level gods had already carefully walked up the steep slope, and Ximen's lofty ambition, who followed behind, stared at Ding Hao like a hunter.

"Now it's difficult to ride a tiger. You can't walk, go up!" Ding Hao gritted his teeth and walked up this 45-degree upward steep slope.

(End of this chapter)

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