Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2460: Ancient Rune

Chapter 2460 Ancient Runes

Chapter 2458 Ancient Rune

When Ximen had aspirations and they rushed in, some golden runes scattered in the gaps of the plants dissipated.

And Ding Hao, who entered this huge cave first, raised his brow, "They came so quickly."

After Ding Hao entered, he sprinkled these induction runes in some hidden places.

After sensing the emergence of Ximen's ambition, these runes will naturally dissipate, and at the same time, Ding Hao will be notified of everything he has sensed.

"It seems that my speed is going to speed up!"

Ding Hao is advancing fast in a very dark cave, because no one has entered for too many years, it is full of various huge plants.

And among the plants there are some gloomy figures.

These figures should all be the little monsters that grew out of these plants.

"A monster of the God Realm, but so."

Ding Hao did not want to delay time, nor would he be too entangled with these God Realm monsters. Instead, he used Jiuyou Sacred Bell to protect his body and rushed forward.

His speed is very fast, but in the collision, it is inevitable that there will be vibrations and bells.

A strong man like Ximen Zhuangzhi is very sensitive to voices, and his face has a cold and stern look, "Ding Hao, you are in this place, you are absolutely bound to die! Before you die, you help me find the treasure, haha! Thank you too!"

While talking, a gloomy monster figure leaped forward.

"You are looking for death!" There was a strange light flashing in Ximen Zhuangzhi's eyes. He raised his palm and pressed it suddenly.

Ximen Zhuangzhi is actually a rune-type powerhouse. When he presses his palm and lifts it up, he can see that a golden rune has been added to the monster's chest.

In the next second, Ximen speeded up his ambition, but the monster slammed and took two steps back.

When it fell to the ground, there was a loud bang, and the monster's body unexpectedly exploded.

Then, a green flame slowly rose up.

"The **** Ximen Zhuangzhi is really vicious. In addition to the power of explosion, the rune he put down has the corrosive toxicity against the divine power!"

It was Shuo Yong who was holding a generous divine sword in his hand who ran up behind him.

Shuo Yong was also quite mighty. The divine sword in his hand was shining, and in the light of the sword, the green flames in front of him forcibly split a clean road.

"The good baby in it is mine, don't want to throw me away!" A trace of greed flashed in Shuo Yong's eyes, and he speeded up to chase in.


Ding Hao fled in the cave for a long time, and finally came to a place where the scene changed.

Unlike the previous caves, there are many prison-like small rooms on both sides of the cave here.

After countless years, these small rooms are also covered with various plants.

"It seems that this is where the dungeon of the holy mountain was!"

Ding Hao observed briefly and found that in every dungeon, there were many powerful and evil monsters.

"These monsters are much stronger than the monsters that came along my way. They seem to have swallowed some of the prisoners in the ancient forest held here, so they became powerful!"

Ding Hao immediately took out some golden runes and threw them into the dungeons on both sides.

In the midst of the explosion, these powerful and evil monsters were all blown out and wandered in the cave.

After a while, Ximen came here with great ambition, and was immediately surrounded by these monsters.

"Asshole Ding Hao, do you think these methods can stop me?" Ximen snorted coldly, his figure resembling electricity, with golden runes in his hand.

When he went wherever he went, golden light and shadow exploded everywhere, and those seemingly powerful monsters were exploded into some flesh and blood fragments.

Although Ximen is very ambitious, he kills monsters quickly.

But there are too many monsters here, and he is still affected, and the speed of advancement is much slower.

Ding Hao smiled at the corner of his mouth. He just wanted to use this short time to explore this passage and find the treasures left here before Ximen's ambition.

According to the records of the secret road of the gods, this secret road was a holy mountain dungeon in the age of ancient gods.

Those imprisoned in the dungeon of the holy mountain are all low- and middle-level ancient gods who have committed crimes.

These ancient gods were originally middle-to-lower, and their treasures and properties before being imprisoned in the dungeon were also raided.

So Ding Hao did not expect to get any treasures in the dungeon.

His goal is the end of this dungeon, where the cell boss lived.

Back then, in this holy mountain, the head of the cell must also be a strong person among the ancient gods. If you can find the heritage and treasures left by it, then it will be a real good thing.

Now it is a matter of time. Ding Hao must reach the end of the dungeon first before the people behind can catch up.

Ding Hao swiftly moved forward while taking out the gods to contact Human Ancestors, "Teacher, is there any way to attract a large number of holy world monsters?"

Ren Zu immediately replied, "Where are you? What happened?"

Ding Hao did not hide from his ancestors, and said, "I entered the rift area of ​​the holy mountain to hunt for treasure, but I did not expect to meet Ximen's lofty ambition here! He is now chasing me! And while I was running for my life, I entered an unprecedented secret road! "

"It turned out to be like this?" Ren Zu was a little shocked.

You know that treasure hunting in the rift area of ​​the holy mountain is getting harder and harder now. Except for those areas where ordinary people can't get in, how difficult is it to find a secret passage in the ordinary area outside?

Unexpectedly, Ding Hao, while fleeing for his life, found an unprecedented secret road.

The ancestor immediately reminded Ding Hao, “The monsters born in these secret paths should be all plant monsters! Their origins are actually the seeds of some ancient plants. If you can simply mobilize them, it would be better than killing them. Ideal! I now teach you some ancient sacred runes, which are specially used to deter and subdue monsters!"

Ding Hao was overjoyed and said, "Teacher, you are really knowledgeable! Xiangximen Zhuangzhi's idiot, he doesn't know much about it, he can only attack, and I will let him hit one."

As the ancestor said, the plant monsters here are all derived from the seeds of ancient plants.

The deepest part of their souls is full of worship of ancient gods, so when Ding Hao wrote those unique ancient runes, suddenly, an astonishing number of monsters in all directions were attracted.

Ding Hao was overjoyed and wrote several runes one after another in his hand, "All the plant monsters, listen to my orders! You all assemble here to form a battle line, and block everyone behind!"

When Ding Hao finished speaking, these ancient golden runes he wrote immediately turned into large pieces of fine golden runes and flew into the bodies of the thousands of monsters.

Immediately, I saw that a large number of scary monsters rushed towards the rear!

Ding Hao sneered, "I want to grab a treasure with me, no way!"

(End of this chapter)

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