Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2473: Sit down and divide the spoils

Chapter 2473

Chapter 2471

Although Ding Hao offended God Lord Tina, he was not worried.

In the sacred mountain, even the sacred mountain **** can not kill other gods casually!

Following Renzu and Xing Wushuang, Ding Hao walked into the light curtain of the holy mountain.

Ren Zu laughed and said, "You are very lucky this time. I don't know how many years have not found a new passage in the rift area! And what you discovered this time is the place where the rift area just entered."

Xing Wushuang also said, "Unexpectedly, I haven't noticed the place under my eyelids that I just entered for so many years!"

"I'm lucky." Ding Hao said with a smile, "When my cultivation base is stable and the combat effectiveness is higher, a few of us will form an exploration team and enter the depths of the gap area to explore! Believe that I have such good luck, I will be able to discover More channels!"

Ding Hao has a secret road map given to him by God, and deep in the gap area, there are more secret roads that have not been discovered!

Xing Wushuang nodded and smiled, "Then dare to love, I will wait to follow you, the lucky star, to get rich!"

Ren Zu said this, thinking of something, and then said, "Unparalleled god, you can help Ding Hao find a sacred teacher! Your cultivation level is higher, maybe you can find a **** king level teacher."

Previously, Ding Hao, the ancestor gang, introduced a powerhouse at the level of sacred mountain gods, the three-hundred-level manager Tongtian gods.

But later, I didn't know what was wrong with the **** of Tongtian. Not only did he reject Ding Hao, but he also reprimanded Ding Hao. The ancestor was also very upset.

So this time, I wanted to ask Xing Wushuang for help and find a teacher at the level of God King.

Xing Wushuang thought about it, "This is difficult! After all, Ding Hao is only a cultivator on the second floor of the holy mountain, and the super powers of the **** king level live above the 300th floor of the holy mountain. The difference is too big! Normal gods Every king level wants to accept immortal gods as his disciples, and Ding Hao is just a high-level **** who has just entered, and his cultivation level is very different."

"I'm going to be **** off by that Tongtian Divine Monarch. I must help Ding Hao find a teacher who is stronger than Tongtian Divine Monarch." Renzu said in a dumbfounded tone.

Xing Wushuang smiled bitterly, "Senior Tongtian is already the strongest among the holy mountain gods, and the better teacher is the **** king! But the **** king is not willing to accept disciples of Ding Hao's level, it is really troublesome! "

Ding Hao listened to their conversation and said, "It doesn't need to be so troublesome. I don't have a teacher now, and I'm a good cultivator. Why bother to beg others."

Ren Zu had no choice for the time being, so he could only give up, he and Xing Wushuang returned to their cultivation place.

Ding Hao was also free.

He immediately took out the jingle and contacted his friends.

Three Lives War Wolf said, "I am also going to attack the second floor, what good weapons do you have to lend me?"

Ding Hao laughed and said, "No hurry, call Shang Luo and Li Tuo, and Qian Chong! Let them wait for me on the first floor of the Holy Mountain."

"Why? Watching you smile so happily, I feel something good will happen."

"I know when I meet."

Now Luo and Lituo, once they all came to the first floor of the holy mountain, they were practicing here.

After receiving the news of the Three Lives Wolf Warriors, everyone gathered together, waiting for Ding Hao, secretly guessing, what is Ding Hao asking everyone to come?

Ding Hao came down from the second floor of the sacred mountain and passed through the teleportation array. It took a while before he came to the concentrated residence of the Three Lives War Wolf.

When I came here, the Three Lives War Wolf and they all dumbfounded me.

"How is it possible! Your cultivation... my God!"

Luo and the others also exclaimed, "Ding Hao, why do you cultivate so fast? High gods, are we wrong? Or are you using some blinding methods?"

Because they knew that not long ago, Ding Hao was only a middle-level and low-level god.

But after only a long time, Ding Hao actually reached the higher gods, and the span in between was too big.

Ding Hao laughed, waved his big hand, and released a small box.

With a sudden crash, from this small box, rolled out a large number of silver coins-like heritage gems.

"What is this?" The Three Lives War Wolf were all dumbfounded, picking up a silver coin, they could feel the powerful sacred power from it.

Qian Chong said, "Is it because of these gems that your cultivation has improved so fast?"

Ding Hao nodded and said, "Yes, these gems are called inheritance gems! Later I will teach you refining methods, which can help you improve your cultivation! After my calculation, each person uses eight yuan, the effect can reach the extreme! Use it later, The effect is very weak!"

After using eight yuan, everyone can basically reach the high-level and medium-level gods.

As for being the same as Ding Hao, it would be a bit wasteful; and more importantly, Ding Hao would not arrange the formation laid down by the ancestors, so the best way is to let his friends refine eight yuan each!

As for the surplus inheritance gems, they will be collected. In the future, there will be cultivators who come out of the world to come to the holy mountain. At that time, Ding Hao can help them again and let them improve quickly.

"Agree." The three-life war wolves nodded, "Eight yuan is eight yuan. It is very good to be able to advance to the high-level and middle-level gods! We don't need to waste it, leaving it to the later practitioners in the world, which can be regarded as us. The benefits left to them by their predecessors."

Qian Chong laughed and said, "Actually, this so-called secret path and the treasures found in it should be owned by the four of you and Fat Chong. You are willing to take us to enjoy it now. I really appreciate it."

Ding Hao smiled and said, "You are not taking advantage of me, after all, thanks to this Longyang knife this time!"

This time I discovered the hidden treasures, but the benefits were not many, mainly inherited gems and sacred gems.

And the three treasures obtained from Ximen Zhuangzhi's hands are truly huge gains.

Then, Ding Hao took out the sacred gems he had got, and distributed them with Sansheng War Wolf Luo.

At the beginning, the five of them came from the endless sea and got the secret road map of the gods, they had agreed that the treasures obtained by the treasure hunter would be distributed by the five.

Inheritance gems are said to be reserved for future generations, so they will not be distributed.

As for all the sacred gems, Ding Hao took out and divided them into five parts, each of whom took one.

As for the fat insects who are not here, Ding Hao will keep his share and give it to him in the future.

He was very convinced of this distribution.

Ding Hao took out the spoils obtained this time.

Three Lives War Wolf said embarrassedly, "These are what you got from killing Simon's lofty ambition, this is yours personally, you don't need to allocate it!"

Luo and Lito also agreed.

However, the Three Lives War Wolf said again, "When we challenge the assessment palace, borrow these weapons from you, don't you refuse us!"

Ding Hao laughed and said, "That's okay, I'll go to challenge the assessment palace first, you go to refine those eight inheritance gems!"

Luo shook his head and said, "We are not in a hurry, we are waiting for you to see how many floors you can hit this time?"

Ding Hao was a little impulsive when he said, "Then you wait, I will challenge now!"

(End of this chapter)

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