Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2475: Tongtian disciple

Chapter 2475 The disciple of Tongtian

Chapter 2473 the disciple of Tongtian

"This examiner didn't make a single shot and passed 42 levels!"

"This examiner smashed his opponent back, and the examiner on the 46th floor was scared on the spot!"

"This examiner smashed through the 100th level manager's attack and passed the examination!"

"This examiner..."

One after another shocking news circulated throughout the holy mountain, and the holy mountain had been completely alarmed.

The entire sacred mountain, below the 300th floor, all became lively because of this event, and many gods who had been retired for a long time also walked out of their caves and discussed this matter.

The three-hundredth floor of the holy mountain, this is the residence of the holy mountain gods, because of this incident, the holy mountain gods were also alarmed.

Many holy mountain gods gathered together and began to discuss this matter.

Many sacred mountain gods gathered in the cave house of the third-hundred-level manager Tongtian Shenjun, who are now talking about this matter.

"Have you heard? There is a high-level god-level genius below. The most strange thing is that this person has never attacked the holy mountain. He has been killed all the way from the third layer of the holy mountain, and now it has reached more than 100!"

"Indeed, I heard about it too!"

"Do you know? Who is the record for passing the most levels at one time?"

"Of course I know that this customs clearance record is that the God Lord Tongtian broke 170 levels at once!"

The three-hundred-level manager, Tongtian Shenjun, came out and laughed, "My record is actually nothing. The person I really admire is actually the ancient Shenjun Longyang Shengjun! Longyang Shengjun broke through two hundred barriers in one fell swoop. It is shocking the world, no one has broken it so far!"

While they were speaking, there was news that the examiner had reached the 150th floor!

150 floors, nearly half of the holy mountain.

Above the 150th floor, all of them are high-level gods, the same level as Ding Hao, now it is Ding Hao's true strength.

"Yes! Before the 150th floor, the examiner's cultivation base was not as high as that of a high-level god. Of course, this examiner can be crushed by his strength! But after reaching the 150th floor, the examiner's cultivation base for every level is no less than his. , It depends on his true strength!"

Tongtian Shenjun nodded slightly and said, "This examiner, he is much lower than my starting point back then! I believe he can break my record!"

Speaking of this, the Holy Mountain God Lord smiled and said, "If you can really break your record, I don’t think so, you will accept him as a disciple! Anyway, you don’t have a disciple now! You will be your teacher. The disciples have kept this record, and they can also tell the story of the holy mountain!"

God Tongtian was in a good mood, and kept nodding his head and said, "I'm afraid he already has a teacher!"

"It's okay to have a teacher, just ask him to apprentice a teacher again!" said a holy mountain god.

In the Holy Mountain, it is not uncommon to re-apprentice a teacher, and everyone does not regard it as rebellion. Your own teacher cannot give yourself more guidance, and worship the stronger as a teacher is nothing wrong!

The **** Tongtian laughed loudly, "If he can break my record, I can consider it."

In the eyes of God Lord Tongtian, he was already able to receive such a genius disciple.

After all, the cultivation base of this examiner is only a high-level god; the **** king will not accept a high-level **** as his disciple!

And he is the strongest man in the holy mountain after the **** king!

This genius, if he is not stupid, I believe he would be willing to worship at the door of Tongtian God!

But at this moment, a goddess with long golden hair among the gods laughed and said, "Tongtian god, you rejected this examiner’s wish to apprentice at the beginning, and you blamed him for no reason! I think even he If you break your record, I won’t worship you as a teacher!"

"What?" The sacred mountain gods present were all taken aback, and asked quickly, "Wu Shuang god, do you know this examiner?"

Xing Wushuang nodded and said, "Of course I do! This examiner is my disciple who used to be in the inner world, Ding Hao!"

"Ding Hao!" It was the first time many people heard this name.

But some people thought of something, "Is this Ding Hao a disciple of Ren Zufan?"

Xing Wushuang said, "That's right, Ding Hao is now Fan's disciple!"

This holy mountain **** laughed loudly, "Someone blocked Ding Hao's door a few days ago and asked me to crack the entrance rune. I just happened to have something to do, so I left it to Fan! Who knows that everything is Ding Hao’s teacher slapped those people for a while! And the leader among those people turned out to be Simon, the head of your **** of war, Tina!"

"It turns out that there are still so many things in this. I heard that Ximen Zhuangzhi was beheaded by someone. Could it be that Ding Hao was beheaded?"

"Not bad."

"That's great! Among the higher gods, Ximen is already a good powerhouse, and he can be killed by this Ding Hao! I think this Ding Hao must break the record of Tongtian God!"

Among the crowd of optimistic voices, the **** Tongtian was greatly upset.

When Renzu recommended Ding Hao to him, he had been moved, and he had also visited the first floor of the holy mountain.

Who knew that not finding Ding Hao made him very upset, so he rejected Renzu! Later, this Ding Hao, who didn't know where he got his communication rune, even took the initiative to send him a message and was reprimanded by him!

Unexpectedly, today, Ding Hao would shake the entire sacred mountain because of this move!

"It turned out to be that kid!" Tongtian Shenjun shook his head and said, "If it's Ding Hao, then he breaks my record, and I don't want to accept this kind of disciple! I went to look for him specifically, but he was not there and he got it somehow. My communication rune is disrespectful to me!"

Having said this, God Lord Tongtian smiled triumphantly, "Actually, I am already optimistic about a disciple whose theoretical level is very high. If he can cultivate it well, I believe it will be no less than Ding Hao!"

The holy mountain gods present all expressed their curiosity, “People Ding Hao has passed more than 100 levels now and will soon break your record. This kind of aptitude and ability is already quite good! The disciple you are optimistic about? Over Ding Hao?"

"That's a must!" said Tongtian Shenjun, "this person is really high in theory. On the first floor of the holy mountain, you can thoroughly analyze the errors in the exercises left from the ancient times!"

Hearing what he said, everyone wanted to see how this young genius was doing?

Tongtian God Monarch immediately ordered people to say, "You immediately go to the first floor of the sacred mountain, find the first-level manager, and ask him if he has found that person? What is he doing for so long?"

This subordinate immediately ran to the first floor of the sacred mountain and asked.

Everyone also waited curiously, and said to their hearts that this young genius who was optimistic about the gods Tongtian, who was it?

(End of this chapter)

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