Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2504: Virgin moon

Chapter 2504

Chapter 2502

Ding Hao is very happy today.

Although he has been inquiring for several days to no avail, but today, he accidentally got a piece of news from the mission workshop market.

Not far from the Black Witch City, there is a Demon Vine Valley.

It is said that in this valley, demonic vines raged, affecting the passage of a sacred gem mine near the Black Witch City.

Therefore, Mission Fang City is recruiting a lot of dark gods, and go there to clean and slash the demon vines!

Ding Hao thought to himself that Xiaobi was also a demon vine at first, and even if he later got the body of the World Tree, it still has a great connection with the vine-type plant!

So Ding Hao and Nuo Ao also signed up, joined the team to clean up the demon vines, and prepared to set off the next day.

When he reached the Demon Vine Valley, Ding Hao had the opportunity to find Xiaobi's trace.

But when they happily returned to the inn and came to the door, they met the long-awaited wife of the city lord.

"Two, take a step to speak!"

Ding Hao raised his brows and felt the solemnity on the city lord’s face. He nodded and said, "There is a wine shop not far away, and the private room inside is very safe."

"Then go over."

Soon the three of them walked into this restaurant and asked for the innermost elegant room, where a low-level spirit offered Bacchus wine.

Ding Hao then asked, "Mrs. City Lord, what's the matter with you?"

The lady of the city lord said immediately, "You have been exposed! You are all gods of the light system. Not long ago, you killed a master dark **** in the ruins of the gravel city!"

Ding Hao and Nuo Ao's expressions changed suddenly, Ding Hao even prepared to take out weapons and shoot at the city lord's wife.

"You don't need to be nervous, I'm here to help you."

At the moment, the wife of the city lord told Ding Hao and the others what he had heard in the city lord's mansion.

Hearing this, Ding Hao gritted his teeth and cursed, "I know, that kid with the black flag in hand, wants to make these moths!"

Nuoao said, "God Lord, it's useless to say these now! Who would have thought that the little guy who controls the dark mist turned out to be a closed disciple of a **** king of the Darkness Department! This is in trouble!"

Ding Hao said, "From now on, it seems that the **** king is still very careful and didn't go out himself!"

The dark **** who was killed by Ding Hao reported Ding Hao's cultivation to his teacher.

Knowing that Ding Hao is a junior high god, it is impossible for the **** king to go out in person, so he asked his other three disciples to chase Ding Hao.

The lady of the city lord said, "These three people, one is a high-level and high-level god, another is a middle-level and high-level god, and there is a low-level and high-level god! They are all powerful!"

Ding Hao frowned and said, "Actually, if I have to deal with these three separately, I still have some confidence! The most troublesome now is the Sorcerer God, the lord of the Black Witch City! He is an immortal god. If he wants to make a move, then I have a chance of winning. No!"

The City Lord’s wife said, "The Immortal Sorcerer God is not bad for me. I talk to him and he is willing to listen! But this time is different. This time it is an order from the contemporary God King! He dare not refuse! If it happens in Black Witch City Fight, he will definitely help those three people!"

Ding Hao immediately clasped his fists, "Thank you Mrs. City Lord! Now, let's leave this place immediately! I will have the chance to lead those three people to fight outside the Black Witch City!"

"It's so good." The city lord's wife asked again, "I heard that you are all inquiring and searching these days. I don't know who you want to find?"

Ding Hao said, "Mrs. City Lord, since I used to be a **** of the light type, then I have nothing to hide! I am actually a cultivator from the realm. Several of my relatives in the realm use the teleportation method in the realm. To the sacred world! Unexpectedly, they were all teleported into the area controlled by the dark element, and I was just looking for them!"

"So that's the case." The city owner's wife suddenly realized that she was actually paying attention to Ding Hao and the others these days.

She reminded again, "You're looking for a needle in a haystack, in fact, I have a suggestion."

Ding Hao's eyes moved, "Mrs. City Lord, please speak."

The lady of the city lord said, "If your relatives are still alive, they must have joined the dark gods! And they must all have received the black flag! The best way for you is to go to the nearby city where they settled. Look for the record of receiving the black flag! Although it has been a long time and there are many black flags, it is better than finding a needle in a haystack like you!"

Ding Hao was very moved when he heard this.

For hundreds of years, although the number of black flags issued is terrifying, there are still traces to follow.

It is indeed much easier than Ding Hao and the others looking aimlessly.

At the moment, Ding Hao took out a jade card and handed it to the city lord’s wife, "These are the few people I am looking for. Their looks and names are among them! Please also the city lord’s wife to help us in the Black Witch City when he is free. Look for it in the black flag issuance record! If you find it, please send a message to us through the black flag!"

Ding Hao and Mrs. City Lord exchanged communication runes again, and the two could communicate directly.

Nuo Ao interrupted, "Mrs. City Lord, I can see that you have something to do and want us to help! Then please tell us, you helped us, and we will help you too! We help each other!"

The lady of the city lord said, "Anyway, I have exchanged communication runes with Ding Ding, and I will contact Ding Hao later! Seriously, I do ask you to help! But now it’s not convenient for me to tell you, wait until you get through this safely. A catastrophe! Let's talk about it!"

Ding Hao immediately nodded, "Mrs. City Lord, thank you for coming to remind us that we will leave! As for your affairs, I will definitely help! Also, my real name is not Ding Ding, but Ding Hao! Mighty Hao! "

"Okay, my name is Yingyue." The city lord's wife also said her real name, and she also took off the mask she was wearing. She was indeed a very beautiful light god.

Hear her name, then look at her appearance, plus she likes white.

Ding Hao's heart suddenly moved, "Many saints like to use the name of the month, are you from the Saints Palace?"

Shock flashed in the miraculous eyes of the lady of the city lord. Although she knew that Ding Hao and the others came from the bright world, she didn't know that Ding Hao came from the holy mountain!

But Ding Hao blurted out about the Saintess Palace, which shocked Yingyue very much.

She looked at Ding Hao for a while, then nodded and said, "It seems that I really found the right person this time! You are out of the city now, wait for safety later, you contact me again!"

"Okay, take care." Ding Hao and Nuo Ao clasped their fists, then left the restaurant and went out of the city.

Just as they left, the three high-level gods also walked out of the city lord's mansion and rushed to the inn where Ding Hao and the others were located.

"What? They just left? Chase me right away!" After the three higher gods got the news, they chased out of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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