Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2516: Immortal Shinsen

Chapter 2516 Immortal Spring

Chapter 2514 Immortal Spring


Although Ding Hao was wearing a black burqa and a mask on his face, Xiaobi recognized it immediately.

With her long golden hair fluttering, Xiaobi rushed over.

Ding Hao shot a light of surprise in his eyes. He never expected that he would find Xiaobi in this small village in this dangerous valley!

"Great! It's really great!"

Ding Hao was so excited that he didn't know what to say. This time he came out from the sacred mountain to search, and he had made up his mind to find Xiaoyu and the others, no matter how many years it took them!

Now I found Xiaobi, it didn't take a long time, which made him have a kind of surprise.

Holding Xiaobi, Ding Hao choked a little bit.

Standing beside him, Nuo Ao also showed a smile, "Master finally found her daughter."

But those children like Ding Ergou Ding Sangui looked a little inexplicable and asked, "Teacher, is he your father? Why doesn't it look as powerful as you said?"

Xiaobi wiped her tears and smiled, "He is very strong, but you didn't see it!"

The two reunited unexpectedly, and both were extremely excited. After a while, they walked into a hut in the small village.

"You guys have some water!" Xiaobi served two cups of green tea, which should be some kind of precious demon vine juice, it tastes good, it contains an amazing amount of sacred power, and I don’t know what kind of good thing it is. .

Ding Hao took a sip before sighing, touching Xiaobi's long golden hair, and asking, "Are you here all these years?"

Xiaobi nodded docilely, put her little head on Ding Hao's chest, and said, "After the teleportation, there was darkness everywhere. I didn't know the direction, so I walked out of the ruins! Later, I met some people dressed as black as you. The powerful gods in the burqa, these people carry a disgusting evil power on their bodies! I had to flee and flee, and finally escape into this valley! The demon vines in the valley are very powerful, and I have to turn Out of the form of the world tree, standing in the valley;"

"But even so, the demon vines in the valley continue to attack me! My cultivation base is very weak here, and the cultivation bases of newborn children are higher than mine. It is very dangerous for me to go out here. The valley is also very dangerous, running around and avoiding;"

"Later, the demon vine sister Cui, who ruled the ground in the most central part of the valley, discovered me, and she asked me to come here to teach her children!"

"So that's it." Ding Hao breathed a sigh of relief, "You have suffered a lot, but thanks to a good demon."

Xiaobi said again, "Actually, I'm very sorry for Sister Cui, she wants me to teach her children to practice. But it was hard for me to break through and enter the lower gods. I don't know anything about the techniques of the sacred world! I can't teach them the exercises. I can only take them to build houses in this valley, teach them to write, and tell them what I see in the world as stories."

Having said this, Xiaobi giggled and said, "Dad, do you know the name I gave them? They are all named Ding, with Dayong, Ergou, Sangui..."

Ding Hao smiled and said, "Yes! I was at a loss just when I heard their names. Why is it so coincidental?"

Xiaobi said again, "Sister Cui doesn't want her children to continue to be stupid monsters, so she drinks the green holy water in the valley for a long time, so the children she gives birth to are not like monsters."

"Green holy water?" Ding Hao's face moved, and he picked up the green liquid in the cup, "Is that this?"

"Yeah! This is a good thing!" Xiaobi said, "I can break my cultivation base into lower gods, thanks to drinking this green holy water."

Sitting by the side, Nuo Ao, who had been drinking this green liquid, suddenly thought of something. He shouted in surprise, "This is not some green holy water! This is the immortal spring!"

Ding Hao asked curiously, "What is the Immortal Spring?"

"The immortal fountain starts with the immortal gods." Nuodao said, "There are unwritten rules in the sacred world. Strictly speaking, entering the immortal gods is a real god, or a god! We higher gods, in fact, do not They cannot be regarded as true gods, but only believers of gods! Under us, those middle-level gods and lower gods are true believers!"

Ding Hao nodded, he still knew this.

Lower gods, middle gods, and higher gods are all gods, but in fact they are all believers!

But if it enters the stage of immortality, it is a **** in the true strict sense, a god! With your own godhead, you can be admired and worshipped by others!

Nuo Ao said again, "The reason why the immortal gods are the boundary is that after entering the immortal gods, five elements will be cultivated in their bodies! They are divine power, divine fire, divine nature, divine status, and priesthood! These five elements are gathered together. Together, it is the basic condition for becoming an immortal god!"

Ding Hao's previous cultivation speed was very fast, and he had always focused on improving his strength. He had no idea about achieving immortality. Hearing Nuo's words, he also had some feelings of success.

Nuo Ao said again, "First is the divine power, which is the source of power in our body. Now our cultivation is basically still at the stage of divine power; and the next step is to use our divine power to turn into a divine fire, and then Practice divinity again! All three of these can be reached through our own cultivation, and when we reach the fourth elemental godhead, we need external elements to help condense! Immortal fountain, in ancient legends, there is The great effect of condensing the Godhead!"

"That's it! That's it!"

Ding Hao suddenly realized that the green holy water that Xiaobi had taken out was so precious and so effective!

Ding Hao looked at Xiaobi, nodded and said, "It seems that you have drunk a lot of Immortal Springs over the years, which is very useful for you!"

Although Xiaobi's current cultivation is only a low-level deity, because she has been drinking the Immortal Spring for a long time, the sacred power contained in her body has reached a very terrifying order of magnitude.

Ding Hao said again, "You and these children, the sacred power contained in your body is very powerful! Later on, as long as I teach you some cultivation techniques, your cultivation level can be quickly improved!"

"That's great!" Xiaobi jumped up happily, and asked again, "Dad, what have you experienced since you came to the Holy World for so many years? Tell me!"

Ding Hao smiled slightly and told Xiaobi what happened on the holy mountain when he came to the sacred world.

When Xiaobi heard that Xiaoyu and the others hadn't found it yet, she said anxiously, "Dad, let's find it together!"

(End of this chapter)

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