Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2527: Black Moon Holy Land

Chapter 2527 Black Moon Holy Land

Chapter 2525 Black Moon Holy Land

At the moment, Ding Hao and the others waited, staying in the City Lord's Mansion in the Black Witch City.

Nuo Ao and Ying Yue had already seen the right eye. After the God of Sorcerer became a **** slave, he didn't care about him at all. Nuo Ao and Ying Yue hooked up directly.

Ding Hao also asked Yingyue, what on earth can I help?

Actually, there is nothing.

Yingyue is the saint of the Holy Virgin Palace, she sneaked into the dark world just to inquire about the dark world.

She originally wanted Ding Hao to pass her news back and ask the Saintess's Palace to send someone to rescue her.

But Ding Hao listened to her and advised her not to contact the Saintess Palace for the time being.

According to Ding Hao, the saint’s belief in the gods of the light family is extremely pious!

Yingyue has been in the dark world for so long, and under the force of the witch **** to cultivate the dark system, now her body has a large amount of dark power that cannot be erased! If the news is sent back to the Palace of the Saintess of the Holy Mountain, the Palace of the Saintess will certainly not be able to accept her again, but it is likely to clear the door and obliterate her.

In fact, in Yingyue's heart, she is very piety to the gods of the Light Element, and she is very loyal to the Palace of the Holy Mountain.

If the Palace of the Holy Mount of the Virgens were to execute her, she would not complain.

But now it is different, she met Nuo Ao.

The first time she saw Nuo Ao, she looked a bit right. Now with Nuo Ao, she doesn't know how happy she is every day. Of course she doesn't want to die!

Therefore, the matter of contacting the Palace of the Saintess of the Holy Mountain was temporarily delayed.

And Ding Hao also started to take care of his own affairs.

He has several things himself.

The first thing is Xiaobi's practice.

Does Xiaobi practice the light system, or the dark system, or follow Ding Hao to practice the two systems?

This is a very difficult decision, and of course it is impossible for her to practice the dark technique.

Ding Hao's original intention was to let her practice the light system, because there is no dark system in her body, so there is no need to blacken herself!

However, Xiaobi was not obedient. She insisted on practicing two types of exercises like Ding Hao, the light type and the dark type at the same time.

Ding Hao finally had no choice but to agree to her.

In this way, Xiaobi must not only learn the cultivation system of the Light Department, but also the cultivation system of the Dark Department. Fortunately, both Nuo'ao and Yingyue understand both of them, so it should be no problem if they teach Xiaobi.

Ding Hao's second thing was his own practice.

For each step of his two-system exercises, he has to think and study by himself and create a new exercise. It is by no means that easy.

In addition, his next step is to attack the realm of immortal gods.

To attack this realm, you need five in one, divine power, divine fire, divine nature, divine personality, and priesthood. These five are indispensable!

He wants to go further and spend time to cultivate these five essential contents!

Ding Hao had one last thing, and that was looking for Xiaoyu and them.

I found Xiaobi on the Black Witch City. According to the question of whereabouts, there would be no other people on the Black Witch City.

Ding Hao needs to go and look for other dark city areas.

Fortunately, there is a teleportation formation in the Black Witch City, leading to several other relatively large dark cities.

He also accepted the advice Yingyue gave him, went to the other dark cities, found the black flag receiving place, and looked for the record of receiving the black flag there! If Leng Xiaoyu and the others come to the dark world and join the dark camp, they will receive the black flag. This is a major clue!

However, hundreds of years have passed, and the number of black flag collection records in every dark city is quite astonishing.

It is really very difficult to find one from these records.

Ding Hao had to open up a lot of relationships to get others to cooperate, and then it was very difficult to find.

And more importantly, Leng Xiaoyu and the others probably didn't use their real names. As a result, it would be even more difficult for Ding Hao to find them!

"Yeying God Immortal City Lord, I really troubled you this time, thank you very much!" After becoming Nuo's **** slave, the witch **** was still very loyal.

He took Ding Hao to the city lord's mansion in the dark city near his place to find the immortal city lord, ask them for help, and show Ding Hao the black flag issued record for hundreds of years.

Ding Hao had also practiced the Dark System Cultivation Technique, and the dark power surged throughout his body, and no one else could discover his secret.

The Night Shadow God immortal laughed and said, "This little thing is nothing, you Shaman God has not been a guest for hundreds of years, come and have a drink with me!"

"Okay, let's have a good drink."

Right now, the Immortal Sorcerer and Night Shadow God were drinking there, and Ding Hao followed the dark gods in Night Shadow City and began to look for the black flag to receive records.

Night Cinema is a big city, and there are so many black flag collection records!

Moreover, this place is near the Night Cinema, Ding Hao is very confident of coming this time!

"There are 36 drop points, one of which is on a hill a few hundred meters away from Night Studio City. If Xiaoyu and the others teleport over, there is no other place to go, they can only enter Night Studio City!"

But after several days and nights of searching, Ding Hao let out a sigh of disappointment, still nothing!

"How come? I have searched so many cities over the years, but how come I can't find it? This time I thought it was likely to be found, but I still didn't!"

Soon after, Ding Hao reluctantly returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

The sorcerer who was drinking now asked, "How is it? Have you found it?"

Ding Hao shook his head helplessly.

The Night Shadow God Immortal, who was sitting opposite and drinking, asked, "Who are you looking for? Tell me!"

Ding Hao saw that the Night Shadow God is a good person, so he said, "Senior Night Shadow God, what we are looking for is a cultivator who comes out of the realm, and uses the teleportation method to land near Night Shadow City, but Hei Qi Shen She is not in the record."

"Oh, a cultivator coming out of the world." Ye Ying Shen nodded and said again, "That aptitude should be very good, I suspect it is likely to be taken away by a person from the Black Moon Holy Land!"

"Black Moon Holy Land!"

Ding Hao's gaze condensed, and the most sacred place to the gods of the Guangming family is the Holy Mountain! And the most sacred location of the Dark Gods is the Black Moon Holy Land!

The Night Shadow God Immortal added, "Black Moon Holy Land attaches great importance to cultivating descendants of young dark gods these years, and has sent a large number of exploration gods. They are very sensitive to young cultivators and gods with excellent qualifications! If your friends are out of the world , It is very likely to be discovered by these exploring gods and brought directly to the Black Moon Holy Land!"

"This way!" Ding Hao felt that it was really possible after hearing this!

"It seems we still have to go to the Black Moon Holy Land!" Ding Hao thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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