Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2529: Dark Temple (three shifts)

Chapter 2529 Dark Temple (three shifts)

Chapter 2527 Dark Temple

"The black moon is coming!" The dark **** who was bargaining with Ding Hao immediately reduced his price greatly.

"Then I will buy it!"

Ding Hao used more than a dozen high-purity sacred gems, enough to buy this property and go through the formalities. The dark **** took the sacred gems and left quickly.

"The boss, I'm leaving too." The weird race with several eyes wanted to leave.

Ding Hao caught him and snorted coldly, "Introducing this business, you have to get a lot of rebates!"

The weird guy smiled awkwardly, "Of course. But really, boss, you are not at a loss! If a few months ago, you would definitely not just buy a place here at such a cheap price!"

"Really?" Ding Hao raised his brows and asked, "Then what happened in the past few months? Why did the dark **** just now couldn't wait to sell the property and want to leave the Black Moon Holy Land?"

The weird guy pointed to the sky and said, "It's not the arrival of the black moon! Haven't you heard of the legend of the black moon?"

"Legend of Black Moon?" Nuo Ao shook his head and asked, "What is that legend? We are from the distant Black Witch City and don't understand these legends."

"No wonder you still come to Black Moon Holy Land now." The weird guy said, "We Black Moon Holy Land have a very long legend. It is said that every black moon falls, the dark world will suffer a heavy blow!"

"Really?" Ding Hao frowned and looked at the ominous black moon in the sky.

"That is, it has been fulfilled countless times before!" the weird guy said again, "and this time the black moon comes even more strangely. It appears once every few days, disappears after a few days, and appears again every few days! Now the whole Black Moon Holy Land, it is said that the Black Moon Holy Land is about to usher in a terrible catastrophe! So many timid people sold their houses and fled to other places in the dark world to escape disaster!"

"So it's like this." Ding Hao nodded.

The Dark God King chose to leave the Black Moon Holy Land at this time and go to the Black Witch City to avenge his disciples. I'm afraid it also means hiding from disasters!

"Then go away!"

Let go of the weird guy, Nuo Ao frowned and asked, "God Lord, I didn't expect us to encounter this kind of thing when we came, what should we do?"

Ding Hao said, "Since I'm here, I can't leave right away! Let's see the situation!"

At the moment, they lived in this residence as a family, and then went to the dark temple in the Black Moon Holy Land, which was responsible for the management function, and re-registered their black flags, and they were settled in the Black Moon Holy Land!

After everyone stayed, Ding Hao also began to understand the origin of Black Moon Holy Land and Black Moon.

Legend has it that the black moon was created by the first generation of dark saints and is the totem of all the gods in the entire dark world. The black moon also represents the source of dark power!

In the Black Moon Holy Land, it’s the dark hall that is responsible for the management function. The power of the dark hall is very large. In the entire Black Moon Holy Land, if you violate the meaning of the dark hall, the end will be very miserable; above the dark hall, there is A more noble organization called the Dark Church!

The dark temple is the most elite and sacred institution in the dark world. Everyone who can enter the dark temple is the most powerful **** in the dark world.

Ding Hao felt that the dark world was quite similar to the light world. The function of the dark hall was like the palace of the saint on the holy mountain; and this dark hall was like the sacred temple destroyed on the holy mountain!

However, the dark temple is divided into two parts, one is the outer hall and the other is the inner hall!

The outer hall can absorb some weak gods with good qualifications, and after entering, they will be vigorously cultivated; while the inner hall is all strong, and each one is the mainstay of the dark world!

"Xiaoyu Yewen Anliu, where are you!" Ding Hao raised his head and looked at the ominous Hei Yue in the sky, frowning.

Although he had come to the Black Moon Holy Land, Ding Hao had no clue where to find Xiaoyu and the others.

"God Lord, no matter what, cultivation is ranked first, we are looking for while practicing!" Nuo Ao stepped out and said comfortingly.

"You are right. Cultivation will always rank first."

Although Ding Hao's current cultivation base is a high-level and high-level god, the highest level of a believer; however, only by becoming an immortal **** can he truly become a god! Immortal gods are a real watershed!

"Then let's practice first!"

Coming to the Black Moon Holy Land, there are really too many dark techniques and theories. There are shops all over the street, various basic techniques, various combat skills, various dark runes, and various dark element control methods. , There are as many as feathers, and the price is very cheap. You can buy several copies of a small piece of sacred gem.

"That's it, it turned out to be like this!"

When Ding Hao was on the holy mountain, he had studied the methods and theories of the Light System;

After coming to the dark world, take the lectures taught by the dark **** king to his disciples as a treasure, watch and study;

But now, coming to the Black Moon Holy Land, opened his vision, he bought a lot of classics in this area, and came back to read it carefully.

"It's great, it has a great effect on my two-line practice!"

Ding Hao's two-system exercises have been groping, and gradually, he has a new experience of the exercises he created.

"The two systems of exercises can mobilize the sacred powers of the two systems, but the most important aspect of this exercise is balance! The balance between the power of the light system and the power of the dark system, if the balance is broken, not only the power I cast is not strong enough ; Moreover, within my own self, the two forces will also fight each other and swallow each other, and then I will fall into a vicious circle!"

Ding Hao has always had more understanding of the sacred power of the Light Element, so it is difficult for him to grasp this balance.

But now, he has come to a large number of dark system exercises and theories, and with this as a foundation, he can practice the dark system exercises again, and he can get twice the result with half the effort.

In that way, from his own point of view, whether it is theory or strength, the light system and the dark system can reach a balanced situation!

In terms of cultivation materials, Ding Hao also found some in the Black Moon Holy Land.

That is a purer gem of sacred power. The sacred power contained in this gem is more suitable for cultivation, and it is called Black Moon Stone by the dark gods!

The black moon stone is more effective, and the price is more expensive than the sacred gems. Although Ding Hao has a lot of sacred gems, he is reluctant to use them all to buy the black moon stone. He just buys a few pieces and will buy it again after returning to practice. A few dollars.

As time goes by, the ominous black moon in the sky still flashes regularly.

Slowly, the dark spirits of Black Moon Holy Land adapted to this phenomenon, and their hearts stabilized.

In the past few days, there has been news that both the dark hall and the outer hall of the dark temple have begun to recruit a new generation of geniuses.

Today, Monday, Wednesday will be delivered first, I hope everyone is satisfied, and there is still at noon.

Everyone who has a monthly ticket recommendation, move your hands, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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