Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2536: Black Moon Palace

Chapter 2536 Black Moon Palace

Chapter 2534 Black Moon Palace

When Ding Hao was still in the world, he once participated in the trial of the Ten Thousand World Alliance's Beast Cave!

During that trial, Ding Hao once explored an ancient ruin called the Starry Sky Clan!

In the altar of that ancient ruin, three ultimate treasures were obtained.

The first piece is Rune Sky Eye, the second piece is the Years and Moon Tower, and the third piece is a jade medal with a strong sacred atmosphere!

Both the Rune Sky Eye and the Years Tower played a great role in Ding Hao's cultivation process; and this square and flat jade medal was kept in Ding Hao's place forever.

When Ding Hao was in the realm, he knew that this jade medal was the treasure of the holy realm!

But after coming to the sacred world, it seemed to have been useless, he himself almost forgot this jade medal.

What he didn't expect was that the two-line powerhouses who rushed to the Black Moon today seemed to be using this jade card!

"Does this jade brand work like this!" Ding Hao looked surprised.

At this moment, all the saints of the holy mountain have turned into white beams of light, rushing into the black moon in the sky; a large number of dark gods, at this moment, are constantly turning into white beams of light, rising into the sky!

Ding Hao watched these people rise up one by one, and gritted his teeth secretly in his heart, "I ask for wealth and danger! The Black Moon only appeared once. If I don't use this jade medal this time, I don't know if I have a chance in the future use!"

that's the truth!

Today, the situation is so chaotic that Ding Hao has the opportunity to use the jade medal.

If it is normal, even if Ding Hao comes here with a jade card, I am afraid that he will not have time to use the jade card, and he will be chased and robbed by those dark gods!

"It's time to take chestnuts from the fire!" Ding Hao said, "Nuo Ao Yingyue, you guys pay attention to safety, I will go back!"

After speaking, Ding Hao also fully urged this jade medal.

Suddenly, a large amount of white mist emerged from the jade plaque, wrapping Ding Hao's body, and finally forming a huge white beam of light, which rose to the sky and fell directly on the black moon in the sky!

The dark gods standing in this area were all shocked. I didn't expect that some people here would have this kind of jade medal!

Nuo Ao hurriedly pulled Yingyue aside, trying to avoid attracting attention from others, Nuo Ao whispered in doubt, "Is the God Lord also a member of the Palace of the Holy Woman?"


What is on the black moon?

Ding Hao's figure moved and landed in a strange place.

This place is strange because the surrounding area is desolate and there is no grass growing; but on this ground, it is not soil, but a very strong metal plate, which is engraved with ancient runes!

"Here, if we say that the building is not a building, but on the ground it seems to be made by man!"

Ding Hao didn't know Heyue, but before coming up, he had heard people talk that Heyue was created by the first generation of Dark Saints!

"It's possible! The black moon doesn't seem to have formed naturally, and the metal plates on the ground are indeed made from the day after tomorrow!" Ding Hao faintly felt that this black moon floating in the air was like a super huge flying palace. Or life is a floating palace!

The area on the Black Moon is very large, and the two powers of the Black Moon are located in different places. After Ding Hao landed, there were no other gods around.

"Whether that's the case, whether you encounter a light or dark god, you will most likely have to shoot at me! I have to be careful!"

Ding Hao was indeed very adventurous when he came to Black Moon!

There are two types of gods that can ascend to Black Moon, there are the **** king level and the **** king level, these two levels are the most!

There are also a few immortal gods!

And there is only one real high spirit like Ding Hao!

"I looked at it visually. There are probably hundreds of people who have boarded the two elements of Black Moon! And among these hundreds, my cultivation level is undoubtedly the lowest!"

Ding Hao is not a blind and arrogant person. He quickly judged the situation before him and decided to proceed with caution.

He didn't rush to leave, but began to observe the ancient runes on the metal plates on the ground. He didn't know these runes at all, and he hadn't even read them!

"Remote! The era created by Black Moon is very far away!"

You know, the gods and dusk have been hundreds of millions of years ago!

And the date that Black Moon created is really too far away, and there is no record even in the holy mountain!

"These ancient runes, I am afraid that even my teacher and ancestors don't know much!"

Ding Hao observed it, and he took out his weapon again, trying to cut the metal on the ground, but found that it was also in vain.

"These ancient runes protect the metal and are extremely hard!"

Ding Hao checked and found nothing, he turned into a black mist and ran in a certain direction!

"On the far side, there are dark ups and downs. I don't know if it's a mountain or something, just lean over and take a look!"

He flew forward for a while, and finally he could faintly see that the large ups and downs in the distance were not hills, but piles of tall palaces. The palaces were like iron, all black and gray, and they looked spectacular. And majestic, like a stack of steel peaks!

"It's really magnificent. Even the 360-story sacred mountain can't be more majestic than the palace on the black moon!"

Ding Hao was shocked to himself, he slowed down.

Soon after, I saw light and shadow flickering in the distance, and violent explosions continued to sound.

In the shadow of the sword, light and sword that kept exploding, one could faintly see a figure in white and black clothes fighting, fighting with all their strength.

"It should be the powerhouse of the Dark Element and the people of the Saintess Palace fighting!"

Ding Hao raised his eyebrows. According to the relationship, he was willing to help the people of the Saintess Palace; it is a pity that both of them are of very high level, and they should be of the God King level. Ding Hao can't help at all, so he rushed forward. court death!

"Forget it, it has nothing to do with me, I keep going!"

Ding Hao turned into a black mist, leaving the fighting two far away, approaching the steel palace in front of him.

The more you come to this steel palace, the more shocking you are. The palace looks dark from a distance, but when you come closer, you can see very exquisite and luxurious, these dark colors are actually All are plastered with the purest black sacred gems!

"My God! Don't talk about the treasures in this huge palace, just say the black sacred gems on the outside of the palace are used as wall tiles. If all are taken down to me, I will already be the richest person in the sacred world. Up!"

In Ding Hao's eyes, the color of greed flashed, he quickly speeded up and came to the corner of the palace.

However, he soon discovered that the surface of every black sacred gem was engraved with ancient runes. These ancient runes protected the sacred gems underneath, so Ding Hao didn't want to pry one off!

"Your uncle!" Ding Hao screamed, turning into a black mist, turning over and entering the palace wall...

(End of this chapter)

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