Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2538: Ding Hao's Little Garden

Chapter 2538 Ding Hao's Little Garden

Chapter 2536 Ding Hao's Little Garden

"Little high-ranking god, die!"

This dark god's spiritual cultivation base is one level higher than Ding Hao, releasing a weird three-pointed weapon, and at the top of this huge fork is a huge black sacred gem!

This weapon is very peculiar, not only a sacred combat weapon, but also a powerful scepter!

This dual-purpose weapon was really effective when used, and Ding Hao suffered a little loss.

But soon, Ding Hao adapted to this kind of attack, he grabbed it in the void with his big hands, and took out the Tianyan King Halberd!

"High-level gods, are you a light type or a dark type?"

The darker spirit became more and more confused, and he found that the weapon Ding Hao was holding was clearly a weapon of the light type, but the rune and spell attacks he released came from the dark type!

Ding Hao sneered, "You will understand soon!"

When he said this sentence, two completely different powers in the body were madly released, like a two-color hurricane, rushing on crazy!

"Two series of exercises!"


Ding Hao's attack swept away like a violent storm!

This immortal **** was directly beaten and blinded. He had never seen any two-line exercises, and he didn't know how to defend.

The exercises he played were all consumed by Ding Hao's two elements, but he didn't know how to resist the power Ding Hao played?

Speaking of which, the strength of this dark **** must be stronger than that of the witch god!

However, this dark **** was caught off guard and didn't show his true strength at all. Ding Hao defeated this guy more easily than he had hit the wizard god!

"What the **** is going on?" The immortal spirit found that he could not dissolve the opponent's attack, but was beaten back by the opponent. He finally felt that something was wrong and wanted to escape!

"I want to escape, it's too late!"

Ding Hao's eyes were furious, and he released all his power, burning the Tianyan King's Halberd in his hand to red!

Then, slammed down!

"No!" The immortal spirit exclaimed. It was only at this moment that he realized that although he was a realm higher than Ding Hao; but because Ding Hao had practiced two types of exercises, he was nothing compared to his actual combat ability. Ding Haoqiang!

Even he couldn't even run away!


Amid the loud noise, this immortal **** was immediately beaten into flying ashes, his body shattered, and a crystal clear godhead flew out!

As an immortal god, it is not so easy to be killed. His godhead contains part of his power and memory inheritance, and he flees crazy and quickly! Disappeared without a trace!

With Ding Hao's strength, it is impossible to catch the opponent's godhead, and he can only watch this godhead escape.

"Damn it!" Ding Hao cursed secretly.

If this godhead escapes, it is likely that some of Ding Hao's secrets will be revealed, but Ding Hao does not have much to do at this moment.

After the immortal spirit was beheaded, many items in his body still fell out.

Among them was the three-pointed weapon he had just used. Ding Hao took it and refined it with his own sacred fire. Soon a will fell into Ding Hao's heart, and Ding Hao's eyes suddenly shot out strange lights!

"This weapon is called a tooth spur, it turned out to be an ancient weapon!"

This is a remarkable discovery. The Tianyan Ji in Ding Hao's hand and the Longyang Knife he used to use can only be regarded as ancient artifacts!

In fact, ancient artifacts, that is, the weapons of this time period, which the gods have moved forward for hundreds of millions of years;

And the ancient artifacts are even more remarkable. They were at least one billion years ago to tens of billions of years ago!

The sacred world was more brilliant at that time than it is now. Powerful people have emerged in large numbers, and there are many more precious treasures than it is now. The weapons created are more powerful!

Although this three-pointed weapon is only a treasure of the gods, it comes from an ancient artifact, and its power is even more terrifying!

And this three-pointed weapon is not specific to the light or dark type, and the two types of exercises can also be used!

"This is a good thing! It's just a pity that I don't know its evolution method. If the tooth spurs can evolve again, then I might not be able to defeat this immortal god!"

Ding Hao picked up a square and flat jade card on the ground. This square, square and flat jade card was much smaller than Ding Hao's jade card on Black Moon, but the material was the same.

"From the perspective of the material of this jade card, it should have a lot to do with Black Moon! What is the function of this jade card?"

Ding Hao immediately immersed his thoughts in it, and he was immediately ecstatic.

"It turns out that with this jade medal, you have the qualification to get your own territory in the Black Moon Palace!"

When Ding Hao walked along the way, the gardens on both sides were all possessed.

Ding Hao himself wanted to occupy a garden!

But he didn't know how to occupy it, nor could he find a blank garden.

But with this jade card, Ding Hao can occupy one or many gardens, and these gardens will be registered under this identity card!

"It turns out that this is an identity card in the Black Moon Palace!" Ding Hao now knows that the immortal **** killed by him must have been stationed in the Black Moon Palace for a long time, so this identity card!

And this ancient-level artifact "Tooth Spike" was probably also obtained from treasure hunting in the Black Moon Palace!

"It seems that in this Black Moon Palace, there are so many treasures and benefits that are unimaginable! I must be here and look for it!"

Right now, Ding Hao spit out another sigh of fire, refining this jade medal!

After refining, this became Ding Hao's identity card. Ding Hao felt in it again and found that under this identity card, a small garden had been registered!

"Good good!"

Ding Hao's heart was suddenly ecstatic, and he hurriedly went to that small garden according to the guidance of his identity card!

Soon after, Ding Hao walked to the corner of another corridor. There was a small garden with a lot of strange flowers, all of which were precious treasures.

When Ding Hao walked over, there was a will suddenly came, "Please leave immediately! This place belongs to God Ding Ding, and no one else can enter illegally!"

Ding Hao laughed and took out his identity card.

After entering for the first time, after being locked, he does not need to use an identity card to enter in the future.

After entering this small garden, Ding Hao looked around, as if he had come to his own little home, and he was in a great mood.

In the corner of this small garden, there was a stone table and stone bench. Ding Hao sat down and said to himself, "Unexpectedly, I have a territory of my own in the Black Moon Palace!"

Just as Ding Hao just sat down, another dark **** stood outside the small garden. He saw Ding Hao inside and asked curiously, "Has someone changed here?"

Ding Hao stood up and greeted him, saying, "In Xia Dingding, I don't know what this senior is called?"

(End of this chapter)

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