Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2543: Gifted priesthood

Chapter 2543 Talents

Chapter 2541 the talented priesthood

"Successfully refined the Godhead!"

It took three years to refine and refine an astonishing number of immortal springs, and the last huge crystal clear and clear appeared in front of Ding Hao.

The godheads of others are generally only the size of a finger.

Some bigger ones are as big as your thumbs, and smaller ones are as big as your little fingers.

And Ding Hao's godhead is as big as a child's fist, and it is many times that of others!

"I don't know if this godhead is too big?"

Ding Hao looked at the huge crystal clear crystal in front of him, and he was also a little worried.

Although the larger the godhead is, the better, but it must match your own strength. If the strength is not enough, it is definitely not good for you to have an overly big godhead!

"The next step is to pair the godhead with the godhead. If the pairing is successful, then the size is right!"

Ding Hao's heart was also more disturbed. When he moved his mind, he would put this transparent and perfect crystal into his own spiritual sea!

In his spiritual sea, there is a huge black statue!

At this moment, there is no more water in the so-called Spiritual Sea, and only this huge black statue stands there.

The appearance of this statue is Ding Hao, but the whole body is black at the moment, the face is not clear, and the eyes are not opened.

On the forehead of this statue, there happens to be a groove of the right size!

Ding Hao condensed this godhead by referring to the size of this groove!

Otherwise, he doesn't know how big the godhead is to condense, usually based on the size of the forehead groove of the godhead statue!

"Hey for me!"

With a move in Ding Hao's heart, the huge and transparent godhead flew over and landed on the forehead of the **** statue, embedded in it!

"It doesn't seem to work!" Ding Hao's heart sank.

This godhead is not embedded in the forehead of the **** statue, it does not match!

"Your uncle!" Ding Hao couldn't help cursing.

The Godhead that had been condensed for three years did not match, which really disappointed him.

"Bring me back." Ding Hao's thoughts moved again, releasing his godhead.

He held this crystal clear crystal with his hand, his fingers were like knives, rubbing across the surface of the crystal, and suddenly there was fine crystal powder, which was scraped off by his fingers!

These powders are all the crystallization of sacred power. After leaving the body, they immediately decompose into the sacred power in the air, dissipate, and no residue falls to the ground!

Ding Hao's fingers are very clever, and he constantly polished the surface of this crystal to completely remove the edges and corners of its surface!

Soon after, this godhead was slightly reduced in size.

However, it becomes more transparent and beautiful, the surface is extremely smooth, round and bright, like a crystal craft.

And from it, the sacred power exuded is terrifying!

"I don't know if it can be done this time!"

Ding Hao brought the godhead into the spirit sea again, his eyes condensed, and he shouted again, "Hey!"

This perfect round crystal flew over and landed on the forehead of the divine statue.

When the two touched, the godhead seemed to be attracted by a force and slammed into the forehead of the statue, unable to separate.

And at this moment, this black statue suddenly seemed to be given life, golden light transmitted from the position of the forehead to all directions, wherever it went, the black turned into gold, and the eyes opened, shining brightly. God!

In a twinkling of an eye, the pitch-black statue just now has become a golden man with golden light!

Shine the whole spirit sea brightly!

And on the forehead of this golden statue, the godhead exudes the brilliance of seven colors of needles. For a time, the light is extremely bright, like the rising sun illuminating the dark world, the scene is very spectacular!


Ding Hao was ecstatic, he almost jumped up, this is definitely something to celebrate.

You know, even though he has polished it, the size of this godhead is still very terrifying, ordinary gods, don't even think about such a big godhead! Ding Hao can match successfully, it shows that he has this strength, his strength is far surpassing the cultivation **** of the same level!

"The Godhead alone is many times older than you, how can you compare with me?" Thinking of this, Ding Hao's face showed a confident smile.

He now possesses divine fire, divine power, divine nature and divine personality, five in one, already has four, and there is the last one, the priesthood!

"I have all the four in front of me, and all of them are beyond ordinary gods! What I lack now is to be given the priesthood. If I get the priesthood, I will immediately become an immortal god!"

Obtaining the priesthood is a relatively special thing, according to the theory of the sacred world, priesthood talent!

In other words, only God can give you a priesthood. No matter how hard you work yourself, God will see it, and when the right time comes, you will naturally give you a priesthood!

This sentence is not so sure.

Because you don’t know, God will give you a priesthood when you are free!

Just like the sturdy **** Ding Hao encountered when he was competing in the outer hall of the dark temple. That guy already had the first four, but God didn’t give him a priesthood, and he had no choice but to continue to do his own thing. , While waiting!

"It seems that my current situation is the same as that of the god, waiting for God to grant me a priesthood!"

Ding Hao didn't read some classics in this area. It is said that there is not much trick, but to do his own thing with peace of mind. When he is given the priesthood and breaks through and enters immortality, he will come naturally, and there is no need to specifically pursue anything!

"It seems that this is what I can do! Now I can only let go of all my expectations, do my own thing, and wait at the same time!"

Knowing this, Ding Hao stopped worrying, and took out his divine banner to watch.

When he looked at it, he suddenly found a lot of news he had received, all from his neighbors.

When purchasing a large number of Immortal Shenquan, Ding Hao traded with these neighbors, and these neighbors got cheap; these neighbors were also very grateful to Ding Hao, so when they found that the **** of Bo Yi was asking about Ding Hao at the door, these people had an extra heart. , Remind Ding Hao.

"Shenjun Bo Yi bought a garden across from me, and he was still inquiring about me nearby, and he hasn't gone out in the past three years!"

Based on the analysis of the neighbors, Ding Hao quickly guessed the plan of Bo Yi Shenjun.

"This guy is not thirsty. He must have found out that there is no ancient God King behind me, so he hid across from me and waited for me to go out! As soon as I show up, I am afraid he will do his best to catch me alive or even kill!"

Ding Hao frowned, "Bo Yi Shenjun is a **** after all. If I enter immortality, I can still fight him! But now I am not his opponent at all, so what should I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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