Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2549: God of Two Lines

Chapter 2549 The Gods of Two Systems

Chapter 2547 God of Two Elements

Seeing that Ding Hao's qualifications and strength have been improved in general.

God Lord Tieda and God Lord Heyyong both paled with fright, how dare you ask anything more?

Ding Hao's eyes were sharp, he glanced at the two people, then looked at everyone else around him and said, "Actually, there is nothing to hide! I created a technique that contains two powers of the light type and the dark type. These kinds of power coexist and grow together. According to my practice method, not only will there be no conflict, but it will also greatly increase the strength!"

"What?" Tieda and Hei Yong were dumbfounded.

This was originally what they suspected Ding Hao, but they didn't expect Ding Hao not only to admit it, but also to speak out in public and tell everyone present.

Not to mention that these two people were stunned, all the immortal gods and the strong gods who came to congratulate them were all stunned.

Not only was shocked at the existence of a kind of exercise method, but also shocked at Ding Hao's admission in public!

To know.

In the dark world, cultivating the light technique is like betrayal! Even if Ding Hao is cultivating the dark element while cultivating the light element, the same is true, it is not allowed!

Ding Hao was asking for trouble when he said it in public!

And there is another point. According to Ding Hao, this kind of exercise coexists and grows together, and you can practice at the same time, greatly improving your own strength!

Well, this kind of exercise will be very precious. Ding Hao said it in public, I am afraid that there will be many strong people who will come to force him to hand over the exercise!

Looking at the abundance of dark gods in front of him, Ding Hao continued, "This exercise is very precious. After I created it, there have been several groups of strong people who want to **** it, and Bo Yi Shenjun is one of them. !"

"That's it." Everyone knew the purpose of Bo Yi Shenjun blocking Ding Hao's door.

The Black Brave God Lord said in a puzzled manner, "Divine Dingding, you tell us in public that you are indeed upright and upright! But, you have caused yourself a lot of trouble, don't you know?"

"In trouble?"

Ding Hao laughed, glanced over everyone in front of him, and said, "I think everyone can understand that this exercise I created is independent of the light and dark elements, and it will surely create an era in the future! In front of this exercise, I absolutely cannot enjoy it alone! This is a huge wealth, and it should not be hidden by me alone, so I decided to name this exercise as a sacred exercise. Everyone You can come to worship me as a teacher and learn from me the sacred technique!"


The dark gods present were all dumbfounded again, completely unable to believe that for the gods, after obtaining such a powerful technique, of course they used various methods to keep secrets.

But who knows, Ding Hao actually did the opposite.

Everyone can worship him as a teacher and learn exercises from him!

To know that in the sacred world, it is not a humiliating thing to be a teacher. It is not a big deal to leave the school or re-apprentice after learning.

"You mean, do you want to teach us this exercise?" Divine Lord Tieda felt a little unbelievable. This is simply a huge pie falling from the sky!

Ding Hao nodded and said, "Yes, as long as you are willing to worship me as a teacher, I can teach you the sacred system! If you are willing to create an era under my command and establish a huge sacred system cultivation system, I am also very welcome!"

"This..." God Lord Tieda wanted this exercise very much, but Ding Hao wanted to teach him for free, but he was puzzled.

Another immortal **** on the scene asked, "Will there be any side effects from this practice?"

Ding Hao shook his head and said, "There will be no side effects, it will only become stronger! And there is no limit! Practice the two lines of exercises at the same time, and integrate them. If you think about it, how can it have side effects on you? Become stronger, other than that, there is nothing bad!"

The more Ding Hao exaggerated his practice, the more puzzled the dark gods present.

At this moment, a tall figure wearing a black burqa came over step by step, and the people next to him gave way.

"The King of Gods! A contemporary King of Gods is here!"

This tall figure wearing a black burqa is a powerful **** king. He was a little shocked when he saw Ding Hao’s vision of heaven and earth, but he did not show up; but when he heard Ding Hao said that there was such a technique, he Can't help but walk out.

His voice was very strong, like thunder, and he asked, "Venerable Tintin, I really don’t understand. If this technique is so good, why should you make it public? Don’t tell me the truth, I just want it. I know, if everyone worships you for practicing this kind of exercise as a teacher, what are your benefits?"

"Finally met someone who understands!" The dark gods present nodded secretly.

They have been unable to believe it. For this reason, they don't understand what Ding Hao's purpose is to make this kind of exercise public.

Ding Hao seemed to have expected someone to ask, he smiled and swept everyone in front of him very confidently.

"Because just now when I was promoted to the immortal gods, I found that I got a kind of power to control!" Ding Hao has always been a sacred cultivating god, but after he became a true **** and obtained the priesthood, he also has Has lost his control.

Controlling power is actually the element controlled by each deity. If their followers believe in this deity, it will become easier to control an element. For example, the **** of flames is in control of flames. If a believer believes in the **** of flames, it will be easier for him to use flames!

Ding Hao continued, "The power I control is the two elements!"

"What? So he became the **** of two lines!"

The gods present are not fools, and you can understand what Ding Hao said.

Ding Hao has mastered the two elements. As long as anyone learns his two elements, he will naturally become his believer. The more believers, the stronger Ding Hao, so of course Ding Hao must make this practice public. The more people, the better!

And no one wants to kill Ding Hao, because after killing Ding Hao, they will only fail in their two-line exercises!

Even those strong people who don't want to practice the two-system exercises but want to kill Ding Hao will have to be blocked by the strong people who want to cultivate qigong!

"That's it, that's it! If I want to practice your sacred system, then I will become your believer!" The tall figure of the **** king stood quietly.

Just when everyone thought it was impossible, the **** king slowly lowered his head and said, "Then I am willing to be your believer and disciple. Please teach me the sacred technique. I want to use my knowledge It can also help you refine many of the details and help you open up a new era!"

(End of this chapter)

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