Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2552: Temporary Practitioner Ding

Chapter 2552 Temporary Practitioner Ding

Chapter 2550 Temporary Cultivator Ding

"Great gods, there are more than 30 temporary cultivators who have entered the core of the dark temple with you. Basically, they have just entered the cultivation base of the immortal gods! They enter the core of the dark temple, mainly to learn how to become A true god, blessed by the power of faith!"

The **** who walked in with Ding Hao was one of Ding Hao's followers.

As he walked, he reported the situation to Ding Hao.

"Yeah." Ding Hao nodded and didn't say much.

Compared with these other temporary cultivators who entered the core of the dark temple together, Ding Hao has too much experience in blessing the power of faith! The blessing of this power now far exceeds the strength of his deity!

Ding Hao asked again, "What's the situation inside the core of the dark palace?"

The **** replied, "The core of the dark temple is a world that was cut off and rebuilt with dark power! In this world, the speed of cultivation is faster, and there is a dark world that has collected so many years as the ocean. The classics of exercises!"

"That's it."

Ding Hao nodded.

Back then, in the dusk of the gods, the holy mountain was broken, and all the books in the holy mountain turned into a golden ocean, wrapping the world in the world!

This is the endless sea!

And the endless sea is just a collection of the gods of the light family!

The classics collected by the dark gods are not inferior. If they were also transformed into a sea of ​​runes, they would be even bigger than the endless sea!

"In that case, if I enter it, I can practice!"

Ding Hao has also obtained a lot of precious classics these days, and those believers of the contemporary **** king level have sent him a lot of dark high-level exercises, but these are limited after all, and there are many, which are not what Ding Hao urgently needs!

But if there is such a huge book collection system in the core of the dark hall, then he doesn't mind studying it!

"Great god, it is of course easy for you to practice these techniques!" The **** said again, "In short, after you enter the core of the dark temple, if you encounter danger, you can immediately send a signal to us. There are at least 20 gods. The king is protecting in secret! If I get a signal, I will immediately notify them to go in!"

The controller of the core of the dark hall is just a few contemporary **** kings, think about it if 20 **** kings rush in, they can directly occupy the core of the dark hall!

Ding Hao smiled and said, "Try not to cause a big conflict, I just go in to find someone!"

Soon after, Ding Hao walked into the waiting crowd, all of the more than 30 people here were new dark gods who had just entered the immortal **** level.

"This beautiful woman is immortal, I don't know if I can exchange communication runes, everyone can help each other after entering the core of the dark hall."

"Haha! I had two shrines a few days ago, and more than a dozen believers!"

"Awesome! I have been an immortal **** for a long time. A **** statue has not yet been established. The believers only have my two **** slaves!"

Hearing all kinds of discussions around him, Ding Hao smiled faintly, and stood beside him with his arms folded, not participating in these people's discussions.

"This immortal, why are you wearing a mask? How about we exchange communication runes?" There were also some female immortal gods who saw Ding Hao standing aside and expressed interest in him and wanted to add a communication rune. Get in touch.

Ding Hao held his arms and pretended not to hear him. No matter whether the person who came to strike up a conversation was male immortality or female immortality, he didn't take any action.

"What's so great? Looking at this person, isn't his cultivation level higher than ours?"

"Yes! I took the initiative to talk to him just now, he just ignored him, just leave him alone!"

This group of immortal gods felt that Ding Hao was not easy to get along with, and they all excluded Ding Hao, and everyone ignored Ding Hao.

Ding Hao didn’t care either. He ignored whether these people didn’t want to reveal their identity. He would lose if he said too much. The **** Ding Ding, the **** of the two lines, now has some reputation in the dark world. He didn’t want to make everyone known, so he simply ignored people.

Others don't know what his name is, they call him the immortal mask!

"You immortal gods, you are all just entering the realm of immortal gods. This time the strong man in the dark hall will give you the opportunity to enter the core of the dark hall to cultivate! I hope you will not forget your original intention and use the training time you have gained to stay at the core of the dark hall Practice hard!"

A **** with an arrogant expression came out to tell everyone.

After saying the words of encouragement, he reminded, "Immortal gods! Don’t forget that you are just temporary cultivators! If you meet the resident cultivators at the core of the dark temple, or some contemporary gods Wang’s disciple, I hope you all be careful and don’t offend these young geniuses! Otherwise, you will be kicked out of the core of the dark temple, and you may die inside! Don’t blame me for not reminding you then! "

"This way!" These more than 30 immortal gods, all of them were full of joy just now, but now their faces are a little ugly.

At the core of the dark palace, they are actually just some second-class or even third-class citizens!

This **** is very satisfied with the faces of these people in front of him, and he does not want to hit these people, but really wants to remind them!

Because I have encountered it before, some temporary cultivators are very arrogant, offending the resident genius at the core of the dark palace, and ending up very miserably!

After warning everyone, the arrogant **** said again, “Of course, you don’t provoke others, and others won’t provoke you! You just need to practice hard, if you are attracted by a contemporary **** king in the core, Accept you as disciples in an exceptional way! You can become resident cultivators, and you will be regarded as flying on the branches!"

"It would be great if I could become a resident cultivator!" The faces of those newly promoted immortal gods showed expectation again.

Ding Hao stood at the end of the crowd with his arms in his arms, his face in the black mask motionless, he had seen too much of these situations, and he hadn't even seen it.

After speaking, the arrogant God Sovereign waved his hand and immediately released more than 30 runes.

These black runes flew in everyone's direction, and everyone had a different rune in front of them. Use the black flag to print these runes into it, which means that they have the qualification to enter the core of the dark temple!

And in these runes, it also records the time that each temporary cultivator can stay in the core of the dark hall.

Ding Hao took a look at his own time, it was the longest time that a temporary cultivator could stay, five years.

"How often do you?"

"I only have half a year."

"Hey, I'm two years!"

Ding Hao watched these people discussing in front of him, and stood at the end with his arms folded without speaking.

After a while, the arrogant **** said, "Okay, I will enter the core of the dark temple with you now, and set off!"

(End of this chapter)

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