Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2582: Black Moon Palace fifth floor

Chapter 2582, the fifth floor of the Black Moon Palace

Chapter 2580 Fifth Floor Of Black Moon Palace

The Black Moon Palace was established by the first dark saints, and it has many unusual settings.

For example, to enter the treasure hunter must be at the same level of cultivation. If the level of cultivation is too different, entering the depths of the Black Moon Palace will automatically separate!

So Ding Hao chose to enter the treasure hunt with Hanhai Immortal instead of his subordinates.

Although Bianhai Immortal's strength is much worse than Ding Hao, he has entered the depths of the Black Moon Palace many times and has a better understanding of the terrain and routes. Ding Hao and his cooperation also liked him.

"Ding Ding is immortal, and the center of the Black Moon Palace is also in great danger!" Han Hai Immortal walked and introduced Ding Hao.

"The most common source of danger is the Black Moon statues in every corner of the Black Moon Palace!"

Ding Hao nodded, "I have killed a few of these statues before, and there will be a reward of Black Moon Stone after smashing them, which is a kind of welfare!"

Hanhai Immortal smiled, "Welfare is welfare, but you don’t know the Lord God. When you enter the depths of the Black Moon Palace, the strength of this statue will increase by thousands of times, and the number will be like a legion! You will find that these black moon statues are not so easy to deal with!"

"That's it." Ding Hao suddenly realized.

Hanhai Immortal added, "The Black Moon Statue is just the most common danger, and even more dangerous than the Black Moon Statue are those monsters! The Black Moon Palace has been built for hundreds of millions of years, many of which have already given birth to their lives. Thoughts, and even practice, become very powerful!"

Ding Hao nodded, "This is also in my imagination! I have seen a lot of gods and monsters in the gods, and I have killed a lot! Often these monsters are guarded in front of some precious treasures of heaven and earth, and can hit them. Killing, the gain is more than usual!"

"Of course." Hanhai Immortal continued, "but what I want to say to the Lord God is that the most dangerous opponent in the depths of the Black Moon Palace is the Black Moon Remnant!"

"Black Moon Remnant Slave? What is that?" Ding Hao heard this name for the first time.

Hanhai Immortal said, "The first generation of Dark Saints is so happy and very cruel to do things! Her enemies and opponents are very many, not only the light type but also the dark type. These people were captured by her and placed in the Black Moon Palace. Imprisoned, tortured for a long time! When the first generation of Dark Saints left, these astonishing numbers of imprisoned lives were also out of control! After so many years of imprisonment and torture, these lives have long lost their humanity and only have other lives. Cruel hatred! So if you encounter a black moon slave, the best way is to escape!"

"So that's the case." Ding Hao nodded, "Thanks to you for telling me this, or else I won't understand anything the first time I came in."

After Ding Hao finished speaking, he asked, "What you just said was the danger in the depths of the Black Moon Palace, so what are the main treasures and inheritances in the depths of the Black Moon Palace?"

Immortal Dao said, "There are still many treasures in the depths of the Black Moon Palace! The first generation of Dark Saints is very selfish, and loves to collect all kinds of precious weapons and classics. As long as she is attracted to, the weapons in your hand must be Hand it over, otherwise you will lose your life! Also, if some precious or beautiful exotic flowers and natural treasures are born in a certain city or tribe, she will immediately go to the door and kill It will be transplanted to the Black Moon Palace! If you fail to do so, just slaughter the city!"

"Your uncle, this first-generation dark saint is so domineering, it is really a dark age!" Ding Hao said with emotion.

"However, it is precisely because of her excessive collection that she has left behind a huge number of precious treasures for future generations of treasure hunters." Hanhai Immortal said, "Look at those **** kings and ancient **** kings outside now. They use them in their hands. All of the ancient artifacts came from the depths of the Black Moon Palace! In the entire dark world, 90% of all the ancient artifacts came from the Black Moon Palace! The Black Moon Stone used by everyone in the entire dark world, 100% They all come from the Black Moon Palace! All the powerful cultivating gods and the **** king-level techniques they cultivated all come from the Black Moon Palace!"

"Oh my God!"

Ding Hao felt a little shocked after hearing the introduction of Hanhai Immortal.

The entire dark world can develop to this point, all of which are from the hidden treasures in the depths of the Black Moon Palace!

Just imagine, if there were no such ancient artifacts, black moon stones, cultivation classics, heavenly materials and treasures produced in the Black Moon Palace, the cultivation level of the entire dark world would be several levels lower!

"Remarkable!" Ding Hao nodded and said, "Although the first generation of Dark Saints was selfish and cruel, I have to say that the Black Moon Palace she left behind and the amazing number of treasures in it have indeed made the current dark world a lot stronger!"

Hanhai Immortal said again, "The Black Moon Palace is divided into five layers! Our cave mansion is only the outermost layer, where some of the lowest natural materials and earth treasures are planted, and it is now our practice site;"

"The second floor of the Black Moon Palace is the outer layer of the Black Moon Palace. Some high-end heaven, material and earth treasures will be produced inside, but there are more heaven, material and earth treasures;"

"The third floor of the Black Moon Palace is the middle level of the Black Moon Palace, where there are an astonishing number of Black Moon sculptures! If you can get there, you will get a large number of Black Moon Stones and various mid-range ancient artifacts! For example, the ones you have used before The tooth spurs and the blood red armor suit you are wearing are all produced there!"

"So that's it." Ding Hao nodded, he finally knew where these items came from.

Ding Hao asked again, "Then the fourth and fifth floors, what good things are there?"

Hanhai Immortal smiled bitterly, "With my cultivation base, I only know about the third layer. The fourth and fifth layers should be the inner and core layers! I don't know what is in it. I heard that those powerful ancient The **** king can reach the core of the fifth layer all the way! According to the rules left by the first generation of dark saints, all those who can get into the core of the fifth layer will be given a practice technique that suits their personal characteristics. You can randomly get a top-level artifact of the ancient **** king level! Everyone has only one chance!"

"This is not bad!" Ding Hao's eyes lit up suddenly.

Han Hai Immortal shook his head and said, "Lord God, although you are very strong, you only have the cultivation of immortal gods! The people who can enter the fifth core in history are all ancient gods! Like the ancient gods, he Being able to rise is also an inheritance and weapon that he obtained at the core of the Black Moon Palace! He is also very lucky, and the inheritance and weapons he obtained are very strong!"

"The kind of ancient emperor..." Ding Hao laughed, but in his heart he was already determined to make it into the fifth layer of the core this time!

If you can get something, 100 years later, you will not be so passive when you meet the ancient emperor at the ancient Hong site!

(End of this chapter)

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