Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2584: Jingxian Leng Xiaoyu

Chapter 2584 Jingxian Leng Xiaoyu

Chapter 2582

The shadow of the sword is like frost, and the incomparable sacred power of the Light is beheaded from behind!

"Sneak attack?" Ding Hao's face showed a trace of contempt!

He dared to come down alone, he was prepared for a sneak attack a long time ago, even if his opponent is a god-sovereign powerhouse, he can't succeed!

When the opponent cut out with the divine sword, the black robe on the surface of Ding Hao's body shattered suddenly, revealing the full set of blood-red armor inside!

Then Ding Hao turned his head abruptly, his black hair fluttering, and his big hand slammed backward!

For this level of attack, Ding Hao even disdains the use of weapons, and directly releases the beam of sacred power formed by the convergence of the two systems with one hand, and can easily kill his opponent!

However, the moment Ding Hao suddenly turned his head, Ding Hao's eyes suddenly became demented!

"Little fish!"

Ding Hao was dumbfounded, never expected to see Leng Xiaoyu in this place!

That white robe, attractive face and arrogant expression, this is definitely Ding Hao's wife Leng Xiaoyu!

Ding Hao was completely dumbfounded at that moment, he didn't know that he encountered Leng Xiaoyu in such a place where Leng Xiaoyu was impossible!

"Not good!" Ding Hao's face changed again!

Just now when he was in danger, the blow he released was very powerful. If he releases it, even if he doesn't kill Leng Xiaoyu on the spot, he will be seriously injured!


Ding Hao didn't even think about it, and immediately released the beam of sacred power he released, quickly retracting it into his body!

At the same time, the divine sword in Leng Xiaoyu's hand also fell on Ding Hao's body!


There was a loud bang, and Ding Hao's blood-red ancient-level armor outside his body was beaten to pieces.

Ding Hao blocked the blow with the armor outside of his body, but Leng Xiaoyu did not relax his attack, and the divine sword in his hand attacked again!

"Xiaoyu! You don't recognize me?" Ding Hao quickly stepped back, avoiding the attack, and shouted, "Xiaoyu, I am Ding Hao! You really don't recognize me?"

Leng Xiaoyu doesn't seem to know Ding Hao, there is no emotion in his eyes, brushing, and attacking a few swords one after another!

Ding Hao hid from left to right, finally avoiding these swords.

And Leng Xiaoyu finally found an opportunity to pluck the ripe god-king fruit, then turned into a white sword light, soaring into the sky!

In the midair, Han Hai Immortal saw this white sword light, and hurriedly stepped forward to attack, but he was not Leng Xiaoyu's opponent at all, and was directly beaten out!

"The god-level saint of the light system!" Han Hai Immortal's face changed drastically, and he quickly called down, "Lord God, are you okay?"

Ding Hao also quickly chased up from below, watching Leng Xiaoyu fly out of the light curtain far away, he wanted to continue chasing, but he staggered, spitting out a mouthful of blood!

"Lord God, what's wrong with you?" Hanhai Immortal asked in a panic.

"She can't hurt me yet, it's my backlash!"

Leng Xiaoyu's sword only broke Ding Hao's armor, and did not hurt Ding Hao's deity; but Ding Hao suddenly retracted the two beams of light he released into his body, but he was backlashed by a significant force!

"I really didn't expect that the people in the Saintess Palace would hide so deeply, hiding here!" Han Hai Immortal cursed.

Ding Hao swallowed a healing fruit, immediately turned into a black mist, and quickly chased it out.

When he arrived in the corridor of the Black Moon Palace, there was already silence in front of him, with no figures.

"Xiaoyu, what's the situation?" Ding Hao's expression changed uncertainly.

At this moment, even he couldn't figure out why Leng Xiaoyu appeared here?

Moreover, Leng Xiaoyu has become a powerhouse at the level of gods, using the sacred technique of the light system, and looking at her dressing up is more like a holy mountain saint!

"Lord God, how about we continue to move forward." Hanhai Immortal also followed.

Ding Hao shook his head, "No, I want to find her here!"

Hanhai Immortal was stunned and said, "There are so many independent spaces on this level, and in each space, the area is extremely vast! Even if you launch your army of gods, it will be a drop in the bucket to find it!"

Ding Hao was still unwilling, and rushed into another light curtain in front of him.

The world in this light curtain is even wider, Ding Hao gritted his teeth and rushed in...

"What's the situation?" Hanhai immortal had no choice but to sit outside the light curtain.

After waiting for more than three months, he saw Ding Hao walking out with a dusty face.

Hanhai Immortal stood up and persuaded, "You can't find it at all! There are so many small gardens here. You have to go in and look for each of them for more than three months, let alone 100 years, you can't find them for 1,000 years or 10,000 years Finish! What's more, she is also constantly changing positions. It is very possible that the world you have traveled through, she is back again! Can't find it, really can't find it!"

Ding Hao's face was dark and he didn't say much, and walked into the next light curtain.

"What's this called?" Hanhai Immortal was completely dumbfounded, "Isn't it a good time to go hunting for treasures? Why did you find someone?"

Ding Hao spent three years here in vain, not to mention finding Leng Xiaoyu, it is impossible to see her at a glance!

Completely missing, disappeared, no audio at all!

Three years later, Ding Hao finally walked out of a light curtain. The Immortal Sea, who was sitting on the ground, would stand up and persuade him before. Now seeing Ding Hao come out, Immortal Ding still sits there still, expecting Ding Hao to leave again. Into the small garden next door.

But this time it was different. Ding Hao walked over and waved his hand and said, "Go, we won't find it! Continue to the next level!"

"Lord God, you finally figured it out!" Han Hai Immortal looked overjoyed and quickly stood up.

"Yeah." Ding Hao nodded.

The two of them walked along the corridor in this way and continued to advance toward the deeper part of the Black Moon Palace.

After walking in the corridor for three full months, they finally came to the gate of a tall and luxurious palace.

The gate of this palace is also a black light curtain.

Hanhai Immortal said, "Lord God, after entering here, you will be the third floor of Black Moon Palace! It is also the middle floor of Black Moon Palace. There will be a large number of black moon stones and ancient mid-range treasures produced inside! I have been there several times, the danger is It's dangerous, but there are also many treasures!"

Ding Hao nodded without saying a word, then turned his head and glanced at the second floor of the Black Moon Palace.

He secretly said in his heart, little fish, looking for the world one by one, it is impossible for me to find you! So I have only one way, and that is to go to the core of the Black Moon Palace and find a way there! The first generation of dark saints built such a huge palace. I believe there must be a means to manage the palace. If I can become the master of this huge palace and find you, I will know what happened to you!

(End of this chapter)

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