Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2586: Blood red wings

Chapter 2586 Blood Red Wings

Chapter 2584 Blood Red Wings

The statues of Black Moon that Ding Hao and the others encountered before were all silver-white, and they looked like metallic statues.

And the black moon statue they encountered this time was full of blood red, looking at it, like a **** tide!

These black moon statues are very defensive and very agile.

It's like a group of huge blood-red spiders in a surprising number, all jumping forward, and each arm of these blood-colored spiders is as sharp as a blade, wherever they go, everything is cut!


The sword light and sword shadow cut back and forth in front of the immortal sea, and the space was disintegrated. This blood-colored knife light was fast and ruthless, and its power was infinite!

"Get out of here!"

Ding Hao pushed out his hands again in a series, releasing huge pillars of gold and black. Wherever the pillars went, all the statues of the blood-colored black moon were shattered!

After some blood-colored black moon statues were broken by Ding Hao, they fell from their broken bodies, some parts of blood-red armor!

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ding Hao finally understood, "It turns out that the ancient blood red armor I wear seems to be derived from these **** statues!"

Facing these blood-colored statues, the immortal strength of the sea can only fight and retreat. He said, "Lord God, these blood-red black moon statues are called Scarlet Moon! They are one of the black moon statues, belonging to Agile Type! Very difficult to deal with, if I only rely on my own strength, I will run away desperately when I meet Scarlet Moon!"

Ding Hao smiled and said, "But you are coming out with me this time! I will help you get a set of blood red armor!"

Ding Hao was calm and calm, and immediately released all his sacred powers out of his body by using the two-line technique!

Immediately you can see that from around Ding Hao's body, there are countless huge golden and black beams of light. When this beam of light goes, not all the scarlet moons are broken, they are broken into pieces, scattered on the ground!

The statues on the third floor of the Black Moon Palace are not so stupid. After discovering that the opponent is very powerful, these Scarlet Moons will immediately run away!

Soon after, when all the scarlet moons fled, the larger black moonstones and parts of blood-red armor fell on the ground!

"Hey! I really made a fortune this time!" With Hanhai's immortal strength, it is impossible to hit so many parts of the blood red armor. Now at a glance, the number is amazing. He feels really happy!

Ding Hao said, "You collect it, gather a set of blood-red armor for yourself to wear, and keep the remaining armor parts and Black Moonstone with you!"


Hanhai Immortal immediately took out the black flag and went to collect the trophies. During the collection, he suddenly screamed, "Lord God, come!"

"What?" Ding Hao moved his eyes and walked over.

Hanhai Immortal was holding a pair of blood-red metal wings, and smiled in surprise, "Lord God, your blood-red armor, no wings!"

Ding Hao saw a light of joy in his eyes.

The blood-red armor he wore was the spoils obtained by killing the **** of Bo Yi. After he got it, it was a complete armor. He didn't know that this armor was not complete, and it lacked a blood-red feather!

To say that the blood red wings are really very rare.

Ding Hao killed so many Scarlet Moons just now, and the armor fragments that fell as many as thousands, but this blood-red feather is only one!

"Okay, let me use it!"

Ding Hao took off his blood-red armor, and then installed the pair of metal wings. When Ding Hao put it on again, like a **** eagle, he could fly in the Black Moon Palace, much faster than he could walk!

"Haha! This is cool!"

As soon as Ding Hao's wings fluttered, he flew for an unknown distance, and was even able to catch up with the scarlet moons that had just escaped!

"It's really fast."

Ding Hao flew back again. At this time, Hanhai Immortal had collected all the trophies, and he also collected a set by himself. Except for the lack of blood red wings, everything else was exactly the same as Ding Hao. His defensive ability also increased a lot!

"Haha! Lord God, originally I was still thinking, I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you with my strength! Now with this set of ancient blood red armor, I can accompany you to move on!"

"Then go, I will hold you!"

Ding Hao stretched out his hand, pulling the immortal sea, flying in the sky, like a **** lightning, speeding up to the depths of the third floor of the Black Moon Palace.

"Lord God, look over there!"

Ding Hao looked in the direction of the immortal fingers of the vast sea, and saw that in the wide passageway far away, there was a dense black tide, the amount was very alarming, and it looked creepy!

Hanhai Immortal said, "That is the Dark Iron Moon stronger than the Scarlet Moon. Someone is trapped inside the Dark Iron Moon!"

Ding Hao said, "Then let's go and take a look."

The two of them flew in the sky, and soon passed over the astonishing number of the Moon of Dark Iron, and came to the center of the encirclement circle. Seven or eight god-level powerhouses could be seen fighting hard with their backs to their backs!

These god-level powerhouses are very strong, but the strength of the Black Iron Moon is also very strong, and the number is even more amazing!

Boom boom boom!

The loud noises below, the swords and the shadows, and the constant casting of spells, the fighting power released by the god-level powerhouse is already very terrifying!

During their battle, the Moon of Dark Iron was broken into pieces continuously.

Not only large pieces of Black Moonstone fell, but also some precious iron black weapons occasionally dropped!

Ding Hao noticed that these iron-black weapons are more upscale and more powerful than the "tooth spurs" he used before!

"These dark iron moons, what fell, are indeed good things!"

Ding Hao thought to himself in his heart, then looked at it again.

Although the Dark Iron Moon is constantly being broken into pieces, these seven gods are still in danger. Obviously, they have been trapped here for a long time, and their strength is exhausted. If they continue, they may not be able to hold on!

Seeing such a scene, Ding Hao's wings gathered behind him, carrying the immortality of the vast sea, and fell among the seven gods.

"A few friends, I will help you!"

The seven gods looked at Ding Hao's cultivation level, and one of them shouted, "Little friend, your strength is still too weak! If you really help, please take us out of the circle one by one!"

These seven gods have obtained a lot of treasures during this expedition, and they don't want to continue to entangle with the black iron moon in front of them.

It's just a pity that you can't fly in the Black Moon Palace. If there are wings behind Ding Hao that can take them away, it is already the best!

"That's good." Ding Hao immediately stretched out his hand to hold the Immortal Sea, and the other hand took a **** and flew out of the encirclement!

Such a few round trips brought all these seven gods to a safe place.

(End of this chapter)

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