Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2597: The mighty sea

Chapter 2597 is as powerful as the sea

Chapter 2595 the power of the sea

"I have a sense here!" Ding Hao's face changed drastically.

Over the years, among his 15 metal plates, the one that was closest to success was only one character short of it.

But this character is very difficult to find, and it has never been found!

And today, this metal plate finally has a reaction!

Ding Hao searched for it based on his feelings. He saw that there were many ancient runes carved on the wall of a certain cell.

It was one of the runes that caused his metal plate reaction. Ding Hao hurriedly took out the metal plate and moved it close...

Sure enough, I saw that strange ancient rune, brightened up, shining light from the wall and falling on the metal plate!

The next second, there was a boom!

There was a bright light in front of Ding Hao's eyes. The ancient runes on this metal plate were all collected, and this metal plate was completely lit!

The bright light shone on Ding Hao's face, and we could see that strange lights were shining from Ding Hao's eyes.

However, now there is a new problem that appeared in front of Ding Hao.

Although this exercise is very good, it is all ancient runes. With Ding Hao's understanding of ancient runes, it is almost like a heavenly book. You can't understand a single rune!

"This time it's over."

Ding Hao had hoped that by gathering the words on the metal plate, he could learn powerful techniques and help him pass the test.

But now it seems that it is still very slim. The text on the metal plate is already gathered, but I don't know a word!

However, Ding Hao thought for a while and immediately sat cross-legged on the ground.

"It is a hundred years away, and there are still nearly 80 years. I am idle and I am idle, why can't I study and study? I practiced this way, and runes have always been my strengths. These ancient runes are just some words! There is a connection with the characters of the light type and the characters of the modern dark type. If I study deliberately, how can I not learn it?"

At the moment, he didn't have any other thoughts, and sat cross-legged on the spot, and began to ponder these ancient words.

There are still a lot of runes he knows. There are light runes, dark runes, and many ancient runes. Although the ancient runes are complicated, they also evolved from this. If you think about modern words carefully, you can always guess the meaning!

Time passed day by day, no one knew, Ding Hao spent day after day in a certain cell on the fourth floor of the Black Moon Palace.

Sometimes the cultivation can be tricky, using some treasures of heaven and earth or precious pill to greatly improve oneself; but sometimes, the cultivation is not anxious at one step, you must step by step, and some knowledge must also be studied by yourself.

This pondering time seems very long!

However, Ding Hao has another convenience, that is, as the main god, he can ask his followers to pay tribute upwards and give him some methods and classics for learning ancient characters. This way, it will be of great help to him!

A lot of experience in learning ancient characters and understanding of ancient characters appeared in front of Ding Hao.

In Ding Hao's mind, thousands of classics are read and searched by Ding Hao every day!

The most peculiar thing about ancient text is that there is no fixed typeface!

The same text, written by different people, will be very different, so it is very difficult to understand; and some seemingly similar texts are actually very different in content, so even if Ding Hao learns a lot of classics from others. , He can only learn from the content, and then study the text on the metal plate in front of him.

Finally one day, he translated this text title on the metal plate.

"The mighty sea!"

Ding Hao's eyes lit up, "This turned out to be a rare, supernatural cultivation technique!"

To become a deity, to gain worship and belief from all the people, what you need is the five in one! Divine body, divine power, divine fire, divine personality, priesthood!

But in addition to these five persons, as a deity, there are many other sacred powers and abilities. Many of these powers and abilities have disappeared over hundreds of millions of years, so in some respects now The gods are not comparable to the powerful gods of ancient times!

Divine power is beyond these five in one, a certain powerful power and ability!

The gods in this world now have a certain degree of power, but no one specializes in cultivating them, because the cultivation methods in this area have long been lost!

After Ding Hao translated the title, he himself was inspired to a certain extent, and he began to study further down.

"The so-called divine power is the majesty and majesty of the gods! The reason why a deity is admired is that he has powerful divine power. The believers kneel in front of the gods. In addition to a kind of faith, it is also a kind of fear! Here , There is the concept of divine power! The power of divine power can shock and sense the enemy. The more powerful the enemy, in battle, using divine power to frighten the opponent will have the best effect..."

After Ding Hao translated the title, he knew the general content of this exercise, and it became much easier for him to continue to translate downward.

And the more he translates downward, the more he feels that this far classical book is extraordinary!

When he was translating, researching, and practicing...

One day, the expressionless man who had been sitting next to him suddenly looked horrified and trembling, knelt down in front of Ding Hao, and kept kowtow.

"This is to feel the power of my divine power!"

Ding Hao's eyes flickered, "This black moon is not afraid of death. He only knows that by instinct, he has no other emotions except hatred for other beings! But after I practiced God's might, it could indeed feel this. The power of this kind of divine power is finally added to the second emotion, that is, fear! The power of divine power is really amazing, even this kind of black moon remnant slave without IQ can be shocked and continue to practice!"

Speaking of it, when a person wholeheartedly starts research and cultivation, he will feel that the time spent is not that long and the difficulty is not that big!

It only took Ding Hao 20 years to cultivate this supernatural power.

When he withdrew his thoughts from this cultivation, his face moved again.

"Seal God King, I have finished studying the runes on that green long knife, and sent the content over by paying tribute to my idol!" Ding Hao's heart moved, and the contents of the Seal God King had already been transmitted. , Unfolded before his eyes.

"It turns out that this turquoise long knife is a special weapon for a sacred sword king in ancient times. The rune on it is the content technique to conquer this long knife and evolve it!"

Ding Hao shot a smile of joy in his eyes, "My divine mighty exercises are completed, and now this emerald green long knife is for me to use again, this time, I can go out and try to kill a black moon slave!"

(End of this chapter)

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