Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2603: First clone

Chapter 2603 The first clone

Chapter 2601 the first clone

"this is……"

When Ding Hao walked into this small palace, he saw that the small palace was empty.

The only one that caught Ding Hao's attention was a young girl standing in the center of this palace!

This young girl is not a real person, but a statue of a young girl. The most peculiar thing is that the image of this young girl is blood-red! It looks dazzling, Ding Hao has never seen such a blood-red statue!

"What's the situation?" Ding Hao walked and searched in this small palace, but found nothing.

In the end, he had to come to the girl's idol again, and this time he finally noticed that there was a small nameplate under the girl's feet with an ancient rune engraved on it!

In these years, Ding Hao spent a lot of time learning ancient runes in order to practice ancient exercises.

Ding Hao is very familiar with the ancient rune that appeared in front of him. This rune is not complicated, and the meaning it represents is the first dark saint!

"So this is the first generation of Dark Saints!"

Ding Hao's eyes condensed immediately, and he looked at the Dark Saint again, and found that this girl was a little different from the Dark Saint in Ding Hao's mind.

In the feeling that Ding Hao always thought, this dark saint was very cruel and did everything she could. She should look very ugly, or be wrapped in black clothes! Her gaze should be very ruthless and cruel, making people retreat!

But when Ding Hao really came to the dark saint, he realized that was not the case.

This dark saint looks like an eighteen or nine-year-old girl, very young and lovely; of course, for a **** of this level, she can change her appearance into any appearance. Don't look at it. If you judge the good and evil of a **** based on looks, it is simply wrong!

What made Ding Hao feel even more important was the look of the dark saint!

The appearance of the dark saint can be changed at will, but her eyes are clear and transparent, extremely firm!

This is a bit peculiar. In the legend, the dark saint kills people like hemp, doing very extreme things, condensing wealth without mercy, and slaughtering other people's city at every turn... But the eyes of the dark saint in front of him are indeed far from the legend. Ding Hao felt that if this was the Dark Saint, it would be absolutely impossible to do that kind of thing!

However, just as Ding Hao’s mind was immersed in this doubt, the blood-red dark saint in front of him was surrounded by an astonishing amount of sacred power, pulling towards the center, and the body of the dark saint statue followed suit. bright!


Ding Hao's face changed suddenly, and he took two steps back quickly.

The dark saint appeared, the sacred power was crazily extracted, and gathered into the body of the statue. The face of the statue also began to become rosy and soft.

"This..." Ding Hao's expression was even more startled.

In general apparitions, some are asking for items from the believers, some are presenting gifts to the believers, and some are teaching the believers' exercises, but today's apparitions are obviously the statues of the dark saint beginning to condense, infinitely close to the deity back then!

Soon after, this statue became lifelike, and the blood-red color of the whole body also changed to other colors, just as the dark saint descended, wearing a blood-red gown, with soft eyes, looking at Ding Hao!

Ding Hao didn't dare to show any disrespect to this ancient predecessor who was hundreds of millions of years ago, and he hurriedly clasped his fists and saluted, "I have seen the first generation of dark saints!"

"What's your name?" The Dark Saint asked.

"In Xia Ding Hao, the main **** of the two lines of practice, the immortal god's spiritual cultivation base, has seen seniors!"

"Is the immortal gods actually able to come here?" The Dark Saint couldn't help but look surprised, waved her hand and said, "It is very commendable that you can come here! In that case, I will give you a technique, please return Right!"

When the dark saint waved, in front of Ding Hao, there was already an extra silver-white metal plate.

"Let me go back?" Ding Hao raised his brows. Although he got a piece of ancient exercises for nothing, Ding Hao had to ask questions before he could accept the gift.

He asked, "Senior Dark Saint, I finally got here, why let me go back?"

The dark saint said with a smile, "As a cultivating god, what you need is cultivation resources, exercises, weapons, etc.! You finally came here, I won’t let you go for nothing, I will give you a share. Cultivation method! Of course let you go back and practice hard!"

"Haha." Ding Hao smiled, waved his palm, and released dozens of silver metal plates. "Senior Dark Saint, if I just want to get this exercise, I have a lot of them. The ancient techniques you left behind! Why should I stand in front of you?"

"What?" The dark saint was a little dumbfounded, never expected that Ding Hao would have so many techniques left by herself!

So she raised her hand and took back the metal plate that Ding Hao had just given. Then she said again, "Then you mean to challenge me?"

Ding Hao asked, "Do you want to challenge you if you don't look back?"

"Yes." Said the Dark Saint, "Since you don't want to leave with a gift, you naturally want to challenge me! I am the first clone of the Dark Saint. After you defeat me, you can get the second reward! Then you can challenge the second clone, the third clone, and the fourth clone! Every time you play a level, your reward will be doubled! Immortal God, are you ready?"

"That's it!" Ding Hao finally understood now that the fifth floor of the Black Moon Palace is to challenge the Dark Saint.

The more Dark Saint avatars you defeat, the higher your rewards will be!

Ding Hao suddenly asked, "Then senior, are the four avatars in the four small palaces, and the big palace in the center is the deity of the Dark Saint? If I defeat the Dark Saint, what reward will I get? ?"

The dark saint in front of her shook her head and said, "I'm just the first clone, you tell me that those are useless, I don't know too many things, I want to pass the test and only defeat me!"

When the dark saint was speaking, the scene around Ding Hao's body changed. The small palace was gone. Ding Hao seemed to be in a void world. Under the sky of this void world, there was a sea of ​​fire everywhere, with flames and magma flowing everywhere. , The scene is very vast!

And this dark saint wearing a blood-red gown also swiftly retreated backwards. When she retreated to a far away place, her little hand suddenly waved into the void ahead, and she shouted, "Bring me the sword!"

With this sound, the lava world in front of it cracked open, a strange and exaggerated shape, as if a long sword that had been forged and burnt red, slowly flew out and fell into the hands of the dark saint!

The dark saint said, "You are an immortal god, I don't need to use my full strength against you, you can block my three swords, and you will pass!"

(End of this chapter)

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