Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2608: Cunning clone

Chapter 2608 The Cunning Doppelganger

Chapter 2606-Cunning Doppelganger

The ancient Hong site will take a hundred years to open.

In a blink of an eye, eighty years have passed, and Ding Hao's powerful men have long been outside the ruins, setting a very realistic situation.

They use the captured and blackened giant elites and use certain methods to eliminate the blackened features.

Then, use these giant elites to attract large-scale giants!

Now, if an outsider comes to the ancient Hong site, he will find that it is now back to the state of the year, and the giants are raising the red-eyed black horns here!

However, the real insiders know that in the very center of the ancient Hong site, powerful gods have created a spatial passage here!

This space channel is very advanced. It is specially designed by the dark gods who control the space. The entrance is hundreds of miles away from the ancient Hong ruins. As long as the interior of the ancient Hong ruins is opened, everyone can be in the fastest time. , Came to the ancient Hong ruins from the passage and rushed into it!

Somewhere in the Holy Land of Black Moon.

"In just 20 years, are you all ready?" A gloomy voice came from the darkness.

When he spoke, a lot of voices rang in the darkness, "Ancient Emperor God King, we are all ready! As soon as the ancient Hong Ruins open the door, we will rush in as soon as possible! Ding Hao and their centuries-old layout , Will work for me!"

The gloomy voice is the ancient emperor **** king!

In the past eighty years, the ancient emperor and **** king had lived quite forbearing, but every time he thought about being threatened by Ding Hao, or even being driven out from the dark church, his heart burned with anger.

Throughout his long life, he was bullying. How ever was he bullied?

Especially when he became the king of the ancient gods, he wanted the wind to get the wind and the water to get the water. No one in the entire dark world dare to disobey him!

But when Ding Hao appeared, a little immortal spirit provoked him so much, it was almost death. What's more hateful was that his son was broken by Ding Hao, and his grandson was turned into a dog by Ding Hao!

This is simply a shame, he will never forget it!

"Report to the ancient emperor **** king." Another young voice rang, and he said, "According to the news we heard, Ding Hao entered the depths of the Black Moon Palace more than 70 years ago and has never appeared! I don't know what happened. how is it?"

"This arrogant and ignorant child!" The ancient emperor and **** king coldly snorted, "I know his mind very well. I just want to make his strength reach the peak before entering the ancient Hong site, so he went to explore the black Moon Palace! Want to get some inheritance from the Dark Saints!"

Speaking of this, an ancient **** king said, "Senior ancient emperor, you also entered the fifth floor of the Black Moon Palace. How many levels did you go through?"

The ancient emperor said, "I broke the fourth level!"

After he said this, there was a sigh of exclaim all around him.

There are some ancient **** kings present, many of them have entered the fifth floor of the Black Moon Palace, but everyone has defeated the first or second clone of the dark saint! At most, it successfully defeated the third clone, and the only one who could defeat the fourth clone was the ancient emperor!

"Thinking that I just broke the first clone back then, the dark saint's strength scared me, and then I gave up fighting! Take a copy of the ancient technique and leave there!"

"I'm better than you. I hit the second clone and got an ancient artifact."

"Haha, I am the luckiest! I hit the third level, and in the end I really couldn't beat that guy! That guy is an immortal legend, no matter how hard you work, you can't kill him! Finally, I already wanted Give up, but the third clone must kill me! I squeezed my strength to escape my life!"

Having said that, the ancient emperor **** king condensed his gaze and said, "The third level is a turning point, very powerful! I guess even if Ding Hao enters the fifth floor of the Black Moon Palace, he will eventually fail at the third clone!"

"Just relying on him as an immortal god?" Another ancient **** king said mockingly, "I don't think he can pass the second level!"

The ancient emperor **** said, "He still has his own strength, I have studied, his strength should be able to hit the third clone! It's just hard to say whether he can pass!"

"If you say that..." an ancient **** king said worriedly, "If this kid can really win the third level and get the rewards of the third level, will we have a little trouble then?"

"Don't worry!" A cruel smile appeared on the ancient Emperor God King's face, "As long as Ding Hao does not defeat the fourth level, there is no problem! With my strength, I can safely kill him!"

"That's fine, Ding Hao is dead! He opened the ancient Hong site for us, and then we killed him, cool!"

Speaking of this, the ancient emperor **** king said with a gloomy smile, "The characteristics of the third clone are very remarkable. Ding Hao has never broken into the third clone strongman. I think there will be a surprise for him! I guess. , He wants to win the third level, it's very difficult!"


Amidst the laughter of the super powers, Ding Hao, who was somewhere on the fifth floor of the Black Moon Palace, had opened his eyes and stood up.

"In these years, I have practiced the dark fire evolution method, and also practiced as many as a dozen ancient combat techniques and techniques. These techniques have greatly improved my strength. I think I have the third challenge. Eligibility for a clone!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao looked firm, and walked towards the third small palace step by step.

Not long after, he has entered this palace from the gate of the small palace.

In the center of this palace, there is still a dark saint standing there. She has the appearance of a little girl and looks harmless to humans and animals, but the face of the third clone is filled with a sly smile! In addition to being cunning in her gaze, there were a lot of sinister colors!

"It seems that this third clone is not easy to deal with!" Ding Hao condensed to himself.

The first clone is more sincere, which is the more acceptable side of the dark saint female character, but the back is not so good. The second clone is very violent and cruel, and the third clone is so cunning, indeed Not easy to deal with.

"Young man, you turned out to be an immortal god!" The statue of the dark saint began to appear, and the will of the third clone appeared.

Ding Hao nodded and said, "Senior Dark Saint, I am indeed an immortal god, but my strength is not limited to the immortal god. Don't underestimate the enemy!"

"Haha, you are an honest child." The third clone smiled slyly and said again, "This way, young man! I like to play games with people! If you can guess which is my true body, I will let Half of your strength!"

As he said, the third clone of the Dark Saint shook his whole body, and the body split into three instantly, each of which was so real.

"Young man, you can only choose once!" The sly dark saint smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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