Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2617: Exchange reward

Chapter 2617 Reward Exchange

Chapter 2615-Reward Exchange

There was a loud bang.

Where Ding Hao's big hand went, everything was shattered by him, and everything was turned into ashes!

"This..." Ding Hao's eyes shot a shocking color.

With his own strength, he couldn't complete the full blow just now; it caused such a huge power because of the trace of ancient blood hidden in his body!

"What the **** is that trace of ancient blood? Why is it so terrible?" Ding Hao was dumbfounded.

Not only did he feel shocked, when he returned to the fourth small palace, the dark saint appeared again, and she also shot a look of wonder from her firm eyes, "The power you possess is definitely not a sacred power. , It can be done! You are the ancient power, the real ancient power!"

"What is the ancient power?" Ding Hao asked loudly.

But for this kind of question, the Dark Saint could not answer, just said, "This is what I have pursued in my life!"

Since the Dark Sage didn’t know where this power came from, Ding Hao didn’t continue to ask, but made a calculation. He actually spent two days fighting against the fourth clone of the Dark Sage, and today is ancient Hong has been opening the last day before!

"It seems that I want to challenge the dark saint in the big palace, this time it will not work!"

Ding Hao's purpose for entering the fifth floor of the Black Moon Palace this time is because he wants to control the Black Moon Palace, and then he can find Leng Xiaoyu's whereabouts!

However, in terms of his time and strength, he does not have enough energy to challenge the dark saint in the big palace!

The fourth avatar of the Dark Saint said, "If you want to challenge the remaining will I left behind, you must release the most powerful blow you have just now, otherwise I advise you not to go. If you go, you will definitely die!"

Ding Hao knew very well in his heart that at the most critical moment just now, the ancient blood in his body suddenly stimulated power; and now this blood has fallen into a deep sleep, and he wants to activate it again, which he can't do!

"So, I always get rewards for breaking your level, right?" Ding Hao asked again.

The fourth clone of the Dark Saint nodded and said, "Yes, according to the will of my deity, after defeating me, you can choose two treasures by yourself!"

While talking, the dark saint waved her hands, an astonishing amount of various silver-white metal plates and various weird-shaped ancient god-level weapons, all appeared in front of Ding Hao. As long as he stretched out his hand, this skill Laws or weapons will fly in front of him and become his possession!

However, Ding Hao frowned when he saw the scene in front of him, and asked, "I want to ask the ancient emperor what exactly was the technique he got when he broke your level back then?"

The fourth clone of the Dark Saint nodded and said, "One blow defeated me. I am qualified to ask me questions, so I tell you that the exercise method chosen by the ancient emperor back then is an ancient rune-level exercise! This rune-level exercise is well understood. In the future, it can be used to attack, blockade, suppress and defend. It is a very powerful ancient combat rune technique..."

"So that's the case." Ding Hao nodded and said, "Then I want a copy of the ancient runes to restrain his ancient runes!"

"Then I will help you choose this set of ancient runes to crack Dafa!"

While speaking, a shiny silver metal plate flew in front of Ding Hao. The exercises recorded on this metal plate were exactly the rune exercises that could restrain the ancient emperor!

"Then young man, you can choose your weapon!"

"No, no, I think the eternal fire is enough!" Ding Hao said, "My second choice is to make an exchange with you! You help me block the Black Moon Palace for 1,000 years, and wait for me to return from the ancient Hong site. , Open it for me again!"

If Ding Hao directly asks the fourth clone to help him find Leng Xiaoyu, this fourth clone has no authority; but the fourth clone can block the entire Black Moon Palace and prohibit everyone from entering and exiting. In this way, although Leng Xiaoyu cannot leave temporarily, at least Still safe!

"Young man, your conditions are very strange, but I still decided to promise you!" The Dark Saint is so powerful, she is not stupid. When she felt that Ding Hao had an unprecedented power in her body, she decided Good Ding Hao.

She said again, "I can agree to your terms, but it will be a loss for you if you don't choose a weapon! I have some pills here, and you can choose one of the ancient pills!"

Suddenly, Ding Hao's vision changed, and an astonishing amount of various elixirs floated in front of him.

All are from the most precious pill of ancient times. In that year, a large number of rare natural materials and earth treasures were planted, and the alchemy was also quite developed. There were as many gods as a cow, among which many famous alchemy gods were produced. !

The ancient medicines collected by the Dark Saints are all extremely precious. They are all refined by the gods, and after so many millions of years, they are still effective.

However, Ding Hao said again, "Although I want these precious ancient medicine pills, what I want more is the ancient detoxification pills! I need to be able to detoxify the red-eyed black pill!"

The Dark Saint was astonished, "Young man, you have to know that you have missed another opportunity! There are so many precious ancient medicines here, each of them is of great help to your cultivation, and can even activate that in your body. An ancient blood! But you actually chose the most worthless ancient detoxification pill. Are you crazy? This kind of pill can be seen everywhere in the ancient times!"

Ding Hao's eyes were solemn, and he said word by word, "Of course I want the ancient pill that you said, but compared to the ancient blood in my body, my relative is more important! She is my wife, and she has been silent. After enduring countless years, I can't let her hide in a corner in a humble way! Only the ancient detoxification pills can help her. In my opinion, the ancient blood is incomparable to her!"

"Well, you are really a passionate seed!" The dark saint said mockingly. In their opinion, the relationship between wife and husband is not that important at all. If you change a plane, you will change A group of people cannot be as firm as Ding Hao and his wife!

While talking, a light yellow brocade box flew out, from the statue of the dark saint, the sacred power was madly emanating!

"Young man, you leave quickly, I am ready to lock the entire Black Moon Palace!"

Ding Hao stretched out his hand, put away the pill brocade box in front of him, turned to leave the small palace, and rushed out.

"Attention everyone, the Black Moon Palace will be closed soon. It will be closed for 1,000 years. If you don't want to be locked in it, please leave immediately!

In the entire Black Moon Palace, the alarm of the Dark Saint suddenly sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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