Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2619: Ancient Hong Ruins opened

Chapter 2619 Ancient Hong Ruins Open

Chapter 2617 Ancient Hong Ruins Open

Boom boom boom!

One after another, the figure moved quickly through the passage, and this invisible passage was very fast.

Almost in an instant, Gu Di and Ding Hao had already arrived at the other end of the passage!

At the other end of the passage, they were hidden and did not dare to step out of the passage.

Because now the ancient Hong site may be opened from the inside at any time, if the situation outside is not right, the giant elites inside will permanently lock the gate of the site!

"Damn it!" Ding Hao and Gu Di could only look at each other with their eyes here, and they didn't dare to shoot at each other. Otherwise, the passage would be destroyed and the century-old plan would be destroyed.

At the same time, the figures came quickly to the neighborhood again, all following Ding Hao, everyone dared not move.

As time passed bit by bit, everyone was very nervous. After waiting for 100 years, will the ancient Hong Ruins really open? Is there another chance to allow these protoss to enter?

Just when everyone was looking forward to it, the outside scene changed unconsciously.

The stones of various shapes on the ground of the site are lit up one by one, and on these stones that have existed for hundreds of millions of years, there are ancient Hong writings that no one understands!

The text on these stones floated in the air, forming a circle of white concentric circles. The scene was very spectacular.

In this scene, all the giants who were quietly doing their own things gathered together, facing the miracle in front of them, these giants surrounded nearby, banging their heads!

Among these giants, there are a few taller giants, the elites of the giants!

These giants were actually blackened by Ding Hao and others, but through some top-secret spells and precious treasures, they made them look like ordinary giants!

The concentric circles in the air, concentrated inward in circles, slowly rotating, like layers of coded locks.

But just as the layers of code locks were opened one by one, the concentric circles suddenly began to rotate in reverse, and the layers of code locks were locked in reverse!

"What's the situation?" Ding Hao and others hiding in the passage were all very worried.

"Could it be that the giant elites inside found something?" Everyone was puzzled, but no one dared to make a sound and looked out attentively.

Seeing that the concentric circles were about to be locked, the combination lock was opened in the reverse direction again, and the lock was unlocked in circles!

When the last lock was unlocked, only a click sound was heard, and a straight circular beam of light suddenly shot down in the air!

"That's it!" The ancient emperor and the ancient gods and kings came from ancient times. At that time, so many powerful gods wanted to uncover the secrets of the ancient Hong ruins. Only now has the truth come to light. of!

When the beam of light fell, everyone was still restraining and dared not rush up immediately.

Immediately from the beam of light, came out a giant elite who was so huge that he had never seen it before. This giant elite saw that there were all his own people underneath, and he was in a good mood and laughed loudly, "It seems that those stupid Protoss, Did not discover the secret here!"

However, the giant elites were also strong enough. When he finished speaking, he had already discovered that there were problems with the giant elites who were kneeling on the ground.

"Not good!" The giant elite turned his head and wanted to fly into the end of the sky beam.

"Stupid giant!" The ancient emperor with white hair and white beard and a high crown rushed out for the first time. The two huge runes hidden in his hands suddenly smashed out with a loud bang. This giant The elite of the clan was shot down by him from mid-air.

The figure of the ancient emperor rushed into the white beam of light for the first time.

"Close the door, leave me alone!" The giant elite who fell to the ground shouted sharply.

The white beam of light in the sky disappeared instantly, and the white rune concentric circles also slowly descended from the sky and landed on the surface of the huge boulders on the ground.

"No, we didn't even go in!"

The faces of Shengyang Ancient God King and others all turned pale, these giants moved so fast that only the Ancient Emperor rushed in!

"No, the Lord God also rushed in!" someone shouted again.

Everyone looked around and found out that Ding Hao was also gone. He should have rushed into the ruins with the ancient emperor.

"That's good! When the main **** controls the switch hub, he will come out to pick us up. Everyone first wipe out this giant elite!" The ancient **** king Shengyang gave an order, and the **** king and king present at the scene shot with all their strength and began to besiege this figure. The giant giant elite.

This time, the giant elites have been cultivating in the ancient Hong site for quite a few years. They are very powerful, but fortunately there are so many people on the Protoss side. After everyone has launched a siege, this giant is a huge giant. The elites of the clan finally fell slowly!


Ding Hao's speed was not slower than that of the ancient emperor, and almost immediately, he also entered the white beam of light.

The two rune attacks released by the ancient emperor and gods, one was to attack the giant elites, and the other was to block Ding Hao who followed behind.

However, at that moment, the bone armor of Ding Hao instantly appeared, directly smashing the rune released by the ancient emperor, and entered the beam of light before the ancient Hong site closed!

After entering, Ding Hao saw at a glance that there was an altar with dense runes. On the side of the altar, two giant elites were controlling the opening and closing of the ruins gate!

After closing the door, the two giant elites immediately rushed towards Ding Hao and the others.

The ancient emperor, not only did not help Ding Hao, but with his big hand, he released a rune long knife composed of hundreds of millions of ancient runes, and he turned around to kill Ding Hao!

"Looking for death!" Ding Hao's expression was furious. With a big hand, he immediately took out his strongest weapon, the Eternal Fire, and his backhand was also a sword of light!


Knife, light, sword and shadows collided in this mysterious world, and a large number of unknown forces vibrated violently!

Ding Hao felt that there was a very strange world in the ancient Hong Ruins, and even the way of fighting was different from outside!

This blow by Ding Hao and Gu Di made Gu Di feel that Ding Hao is not so easy to deal with, so he snorted coldly, "Ding Hao, let's come to Japan for a long time, let's see in the future!"

After speaking, the ancient emperor put away his rune sword, turned into a white light and shadow, and ran into the distance.

Ding Hao had no time to chase him, waved the eternal fire in his hand, and beheaded the two giant elites!

These two giant elites were bad luck. Their strength was far worse than that of the ancient emperor. Under Ding Hao’s eternal fire attack, one was quickly beheaded on the spot, and the other giant elite saw Ding Hao was brave, too scared to continue fighting, kneeling on the ground begging for mercy.

Ding Hao raised his hand and released a group of black sacred power to blacken the giant elite, and then asked, "How do I turn on the site switch? Quickly turn it on with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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